conceal this woven outline

(permeation, really)

My favorite diaries:

cowboyneal profile - diary
recieveher profile - diary
dixiewhiskey profile - diary
greentealeaf profile - diary
mercuryruled profile - diary
sadgreeneye profile - diary
longitude profile - diary
comments: inside myself
bilgedasto profile - diary
andthisair profile - diary
dinosaurs profile - diary
emotionalist profile - diary
exitfish profile - diary
tonightsleep profile - diary
hanged profile - diary
che profile - diary
novembre profile - diary
gallinula profile - diary
weatethesea profile - diary
orchidprint profile - diary
sunkship profile - diary
bedazzledman profile - diary
decemberguy profile - diary
therethere- profile - diary
outoftime profile - diary
softblossoms profile - diary
wrecking profile - diary
manzanas profile - diary
oh-sweet-pea profile - diary
delighted profile - diary
kirlianstate profile - diary
bombasine profile - diary
permeation profile - diary
littlemoons profile - diary
bang- profile - diary
rebecca profile - diary
shoot-down profile - diary
autumnradio profile - diary
bicycles profile - diary
orangepeeler profile - diary
pinebranches profile - diary
bedroomwalls profile - diary
endless-sea profile - diary
lumpy13 profile - diary
twiceworn profile - diary
re-dream-me profile - diary
penandpencil profile - diary
inimitable profile - diary
andwebreathe profile - diary
dent profile - diary
sevenflowers profile - diary
unctuous profile - diary

My favorite music:

jeff tweedy
comments: wilco.
silver jews
lift to experience
the microphones
neutral milk hotel

My favorite movies:

pillow book
sex and lucia
mulholland dr.
comments: david lynch.
eternal sunshine of the spotless mind

My favorite authors:


leave a note for sleepystorm
diaryrings which sleepystorm belongs to
diaries which list sleepystorm as a favorite diary
last updated: 2021-08-06 08:20:35
this user's total entries: 1729
user since: 2003-06-21

AOL IM name: gunammunition
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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