
the unbearable lightness of being

My favorite diaries:

lightfallsup profile - diary
comments: "To let loose the wet street sighs over the long drawn out gasps like days days passed like trails trekked like suns set like seas settled (there are skylines inside you and i saw them). Aren't you the the midday sometimes?"
aheartstring profile - diary
comments: "But lets be perfectly honest here, my heart is broken and i dont know how to live with it."
penandpencil profile - diary
comments: "I'm not integrated here, she says. And she's right. but. but I miss it there. Tonight when I called you and your sleepy voice couldn't hear me I missed the train like I would miss my heart if it were gone"
driftsofeden profile - diary
comments: "Everything is washed, newly baptised, the thin scorching of violin streaming into the air, I couldn't tell you about it if I wanted, I couldn't ever capture this."
myheavyheart profile - diary
comments: "change. (n.) ch��nj. something you get in return, when you've given too much."
ecappaccino profile - diary
comments: my old blog

My favorite music:

The Postal Service
comments: You seem so out of context in this gaudy apartment complex / A stranger with your door key explaining that I am just visiting / And I am finally seeing / Why I was the one worth leaving
Norah Jones
comments: Will you think of times you told me / That you knew the reason / Why we had to each be lonely / It was just the season
comments: Questions of science / Science and progress / Don't speak as loud as my heart. / Tell me you love me / Come back and haunt me / Oh what a rush to the start...
Bic Runga
comments: Of all the dreams we cannot shake / We're alway shaking in our slumber. / In the car, don't let me fall asleep. / I might leave my heart here on your vinyl seat
Damien Rice
comments: Why'd you sing Hallelujah / If it means nothing to you / Why'd you sing with me at all?

My favorite movies:

Before Sunset
comments: "Like...somehow this night took things away from me and I expressed them to you and you took them with you. It made me feel cold like if love wasn't for me."
The Hours
comments: "So, this is the beginning of happiness. This is where it starts. And, of course, there will always be never occurred to me it wasn't the beginning. It was happiness. It was the moment right then.
comments: "Sans toi les emotions d'aujourd'hui ne seraient que la peau morte des emotions d'autrefois."
Fight Club
comments: "If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, would you wake up as a different person?"
comments: "I don't love you anymore. Goodbye."

My favorite authors:

Richard Siken
comments: "He had green eyes so I wanted to sleep with him"
T.S. Eliot
comments: "For I have known them all already, known them all - / Have known the evenings, mornings, afternoons, / I have measured out my life with coffee spoons; / I know the voices dying with a dying fall / Beneath the music from a farther room."
Michael Cunningham
comments: "As she rubs Louis's back, Clarissa thinks, Take me with you. I am a doomed love. I want streets at night, wind and rain, no one wondering where I am."
Nancy Huston
comments: "...or rather, he stares at her, and she....just stands there. Raphael is nonplussed. He's never seen anything quite like it. A woman who can be standing right in front of you, yet somehow not be there at all."
Virginia Woolf
comments: " was his sayings one remembered; his eyes, his pocket-knife, his smile, his grumpiness and, when millions of things had utterly vanished - how strange it was! - a few sayings like this about cabbages."

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last updated: 2016-10-09 05:01:52
this user's total entries: 447
user since: 2006-02-20

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