i don't want your consolation prize

My favorite diaries:

death-letter profile - diary
asthma profile - diary
strikeonbox profile - diary
comments: dust settling like spanish guitar notes on my insides
che profile - diary
comments: his hair was wild like dylan's in 66 and mine was parted down the center
brokenhands profile - diary
comments: hellow we used to ride a slow train / now we on all of us are on a plane / the food is bad t but the drinks are / free so we don't complain / and somehow we've slowly come to think that it's an awful thing to live in pain
wrecking profile - diary
l-o-l-o profile - diary
thesaurus profile - diary
comments: i keep forgetting to dream in color
heartshaped profile - diary
comments: i feel that this is what my life has become: making lists of things that i love or have loved instead of actually loving them.
unromantic profile - diary
abnormal profile - diary
comments: i slept through your death
terrified profile - diary
comments: when you can prove to me you dont want a nice plump maternal speechless virgin you can deflower / and then fuck / and then beat / and then just lay on top of
mentallyill profile - diary
histeria profile - diary
thefallofart profile - diary
comments: he looks like bones to me, he looks like soft petals
pancake- profile - diary
comments: god if you could see the shine in his eyes, i used to be afraid to open my eyes when we were kissing but then once i did and i saw is were open too and he is gorgeous to me.
bendme profile - diary
comments: loss is just as much of a gift as love is. so thank you.
true-stories profile - diary
girlfag09 profile - diary
comments: beauty should pain everyone
comesailtome profile - diary
comments: today a boy said to me, "i want to shave your head bald and kiss it with bright red lipstick on." it was the hottest thing anyone has said to me ever.
sunkship profile - diary
caudatum profile - diary
cematinla profile - diary

My favorite music:

elliott smith
the beatles
comments: jeff buckley, heatmiser, stevie wonder, lauryn hill, the velvet underground

My favorite movies:

eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
the royal tenenbaums
hedwig and the angry inch

My favorite authors:

kurt vonnegut
walter kirn
bret easton ellis

leave a note for loserface
diaryrings which loserface belongs to
diaries which list loserface as a favorite diary
last updated: 2006-04-01 17:32:59
this user's total entries: 119
user since: 2002-02-25

AOL IM name: rip x elliott
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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