messages to che:
(click here to add new message):

from histamine :
kirk let me in
from pip :
thinking of you today and so glad you are right here
from babyhead :
Lateral geniculate nucleus. How often you make me stumble.
from histamine :
i asked my wife to get me a knife for valentines. she's pissed.
from moodswing :
good evening
from moodswing :
40. excellent! though i relate too much
from histamine :
hope you're okay old friend
from histamine :
keep on truckin
from frankie123 :
i can't believe how far back into yr archive i just compulsively read even though that heart gif was making me nauseous. wow.
from histamine :
weird that i've been reading this obsessively for almost fifteen years.
from thisisjohn :
glad you are still here
from sunfuck :
thank you for still being here / you've always been here / & you are one of my diaryland constants. word
from histamine :
arcuate at gmail dot com or arcuate on facebook (god. facebook.)
from histamine :
are you still in calgary.
from jondavid2010 :
Merry Christmas, Che.
from jondavid2010 :
just wanted to say (again) that i'm still glad you're still here. i didn't know i already had until i just looked through your notes and found my name already there. it must have been years ago. i married thumbellin-a. idiosingcat and i are still in contact. We moved to CapCity. What was your CapCity, assuming you still live in what I call SouthCity. Be well.
from sunfuck :
i try not to write too much, because i try not to remember too much. i'm glad for your presence in this odd spot, thank you.
from thisisjohn :
from sunfuck :
from sunfuck :
??? i can't believe you are still here! ???
from frankie123 :
yeah, okay, you're not bukowski. irrelevant to my prior fact.
from frankie123 :
your shit is kind of fantastic
from histamine :
i am still reading this. i write sometimes at alpheius dot blogspot dot com.
from jondavid2010 :
Yes. So good to have you back.
from jondavid2010 :
I missed you. From jondavid friend of oct0ber and thumbelina and idiosingcat
from histamine :
i think about you all the time.
from heartshaped :
i am so glad you still live here.
from breaklight :
from unresolved :
you are so fucking wonderful. still.
from histamine :
i miss you.
from pip :
by the way, i love you
from skinthesun :
it is lovely even after 56 dayz!
from pip :
from rustybicycle :
did he escape from purgatory?
from histamine :
is this a lasting treasure, or just a moment's pleasure?
from chilindrina :
I'm sorry if this took forever. username, paper; password, bag
from explodingboy :
sweet @ summers
from girl101 :
what a pretty thing, che cosa bella (e parlare l'italiano)(is speaking italian). thankyou. i'm writing more these days, not thinking about it, just doing it. you know what i mean?
from bedroomwalls :
no one ever really knows.
from throwingjuly :
i have come to the conclusion that if there's nothing wrong with your bowels, you aren't living rightly. it's been over a year and a half since my shits have been consistantly normal, and i've never been happier. three cheers for the intestines.
from histamine :
i treat horses good and i'm friendly to strangers
from unamerican :
i wish i could write as well as you.
from girl101 :
i found a link to here at 5am on a monday night/tuesday morning on an old old aol screenname's favorites page that i'd forgotten about. around 2002. and now older, che seems to me even more beautiful. and it makes me think of my friends and how we'd get drunk and speak in italian, che cosa bella, they'd say. xoxoxoxoxo
from pitfoal :
*smiles* Merry Christmas, Kirk.
from bluecinema :
ardour...etc etc if that is real, and is you: HOLY SHIT and, like, le WOW. Go you. Rrrwwwooorrr.
from whenyouare :
I'm very glad to know you.
from rustybicycle :
so pretty, kirk. i like the way you string your words.
from vocalfern :
that's so fucked up! jeeeeesus
from bluecinema :
white people "find", black people "loot". my question is - how the fuck are these people going to eat without looting. an AP article quoted a banker yesterday as admitting to looting. my best friend from childhood, an only child, who lost both of her parents recently, bought a house in new orleans with her inheritance. i went to visit last fall during her extended nervous breakdown. she felt very strongly about having a home to call her own. seems like she can't catch a break. i have no way of reaching her, she only has a land line which is under how many feet of water.
from histamine :
thanks for the good luck. i might save it and use it for something else though.
from cicatrixed :
placebo, extended
from bluecinema :
i didn't mean to crush your vacation dreams. let me do my research into cheap places to stay. i'm all about campiness and tom cruise is the king of camp snoopy now as far as i'm concerned. he's showing us how to couch surf. it's not about lying down and going to sleep but shouting the glory of love.
from bluecinema :
we totally should hang should you come to visit. unfortunately, cheap places to stay in new york are, um, like, nonexistent. i'll try to do some research and talk to some people, then i will let you know.
from histamine :
this is still my favourite thing to read.
from fever-bit-me :
not at all :)
from fever-bit-me :
"his fingers are soft and let the notes go like he has fallen out of love with each one" - you Sweet Jesus that is good!
from goldn-eggsit :
i like what you wrote today. - 3/17/05
from contumely :
*contumely blushes and runs off to write something stupid and offensive*
from killingjar :
it's funny you'd post that. i was just thinking a few days ago how the beatitudes are probably the best things jesus ever said.
from vocalfern :
will you add me? <3bee
from goldn-eggsit :
you write accoustically in the entry 'dad, i had a dream'. that means this girl liked it.
from vocalfern :
i dont know if the honey and glass part was for me, but thank you for your attention. <3 bee
from vocalfern :
you are a beautiful writer. please be mine.
from off-color- :
[]- I love it.
from goldn-eggsit :
"fever you're too young to smash it or trash it, just get your boys, just bring the noise and swing it..." - someone from satellite
from robotheart :
maybe i let on that i knew a bit about html or code...i wonder where i would put that in? can i email you my html and have you change it, pretty please?
from orchidprint :
hey, thanks. and thanks.
from sunfuck :
maybe if the draft on my side comes around again i'll hop the line and we can be brothers in country. wouldn't that be fun? or would i be too cliche? maybe i don't even need an excuse.
from goldn-eggsit :
They are manufacturing the weather from space.
from boxedfury :
Thaaanks... Now I'm all blushy. xox
from sunfuck :
from boxedfury :
I posted on brokenhands, and I heart writing there, such a perfect way to purge things. ps, you rock ♥layne
from boxedfury :
You are so great. Words as the aesthetic - who knew?
from november-- :
from m6twenty3 :
oh, you're beautiful.
from keeps :
Sometimes i will think; this man is someone who's Smart; it's lucky he shares.
from fever-bit-me :
Well chosen user name. Just thought I'd finally say that. I miss the Dead Kennedys
from greentealeaf :
haha. kirks are cute animals. (nods)
from heartshaped :
from greentealeaf :
sonnet 2 -- beautiful.
from greentealeaf :
.. excuse me, would you please stop being so damn having-a-crush-on-able? (i hope that makes sense to you, because i get tongue-tied around certain people.)
from sunfuck :
that girl's big face in the first picture makes me want to move to alberta right away
from greentealeaf :
thank you for filling out the surveys. i'm honoured. i wonder what time you actually went to bed today/last night?
from rustybicycle :
hey kirk, i was thinking that once we find a good colour printer we should start making magnets together, as i still haven't done it yet. what do you say?
from skinthesun :
i hadnt read che in ages but i read it tonight. that's all.
from weatethesea :
so bumblebees no longer defy the physical laws of science! i don't know what the parameters of our game are, but this probably earns you a trip down the water slide. (THE WATER SLIDE!!)
from m6twenty3 :
hello, this is halo-x-choke... I have a new diary. just so you know, I have added you onto my new diary's buddy list. good day.
from bendme :
that was pretty.
from greentealeaf :
i dig you. a lot.
from central-red :
that makes me wicked happy.
from whenyouare :
You will just have to wait and see, won't you, dear?
from weatethesea :
dear friar tuck: mrs. starns, my neighbor, is outside gardening in her white nightgown right now. she's glowing because it's that time of night when things glow.
from weatethesea :
Either that, or the kind of straw like IwonderwhatsortofusernameIcancomeupwithifItypethefirstthingthatcomesintomyhead. (You figured me out, anyway.)
from weatethesea :
it's okay to lose sometimes. but just in case, the game will never end; so it won't matter.
from weatethesea :
i am yor buddy. it will be a fun game.
from pitfoal :
Your fairie must be out of pepperoni.
from thefallofart :
username: sunkship, password: lungs (same for hanged)
from sunfuck :
i'm blushing over the internet like a fool! i hula hoop like a mother fucker BETTER THAN MOST GIRLS! maybe i shouldn't be saying that.
from sunfuck :
you're amazing. i don't care if people say it or don't all the time.
from gloryxxfades :
that last entry was wow♥
from gloryxxfades :
from unresolved : thankyou.xo
from thefallofart :
oh okay. but there's also 'heart cooks brain': we tore one down, and erected another there. and in 'cat faces' by ugly casanova, they go: 'my heart's stopped pumpin' but my blood is still alive.' which are both lyrics from the song 'dead' by the pixies: "we're apin' rapin' tapin' catharsis/ you get torn down and get erected/ my blood is working but my, my heart is dead." that is a pretty weird coincidence. i still like a lot of modest mouse's stuff, i was just mad when i found that out.
from rustybicycle :
hey, sorry to bug you about this shit but your brother seems useless. can you please ask him where he is staying in amsterdam and if he is booking a hostel they should do it now. there is very little availability around that time. thanks a bunch.
from rustybicycle :
hey kirk, thanks for the tape. it rules. i fell asleep listening to it last night.
from loserface :
damn you, kirk. damn you. you've got to admit, though--we probably got a lot farther (further?) than you thought we would. you should see it here, everyone in san jose is reluctantly taking down the "it's CRUNCH time!" posters that were given out with the newspapers. it's sad. i saw mike rathje in the grocery store two days after the game and everyone ignored him. poor san jose. poor, poor san jose.
from throwingjuly :
it probably won't make you feel any better, but i got my wisdom teeth pulled this morning and am now sitting drugged and restless clenching gauze over my now emtpy sockets. so, i guess i can sympathize, if i was reading accuratly. take care.
from november-- :
what is a harlot?
from sunfuck :
oh now, "reins" was just so pretty i'd like to thank you thank you
from thefallofart :
kirk, i read this everyday. it feels good to read what you write. this one especially: cvlkoidf.html <3 (lips)
from sunfuck :
thanks so much for such a glorious shout-out. still reading.
from glitzi :
that hurts.
from lakemarie :
i think that: everyone needs to be crazy to feel normal. peace.
from heartshaped :
i just want to say <3
from liss :
iam : paranoid .. there is your secret key, shh!
from i-fine :
did you end up going to the dudes show??
from eachmolecule :
the rain's useless but you're not.
from i-fine :
since we seem to have excessively bad luck in meeting up... would you mail the tape to me? i will end up in calgary at some point or another and we can attempt this again, but until then...
from rustybicycle :
MY monika. clearly a mistake.
from rustybicycle :
hey kirk, i am meeting up with my monika and my friend steph around 6:30 tonight. if you'd like, you should call monika on her cell phone and we can all meet up beforehand. her number is 605-7893. i was unsuccessful convincing craig however, did you do any better?
from rustybicycle :
that is a really funny story. i wish i had seen the show.
from heartshaped :
hi. you are amazing. the end.
from unamerican :
crow-chee. that's how you pronounce croce.
from neuroticaa :
i bet you make a lot of people happy. i hope the people around you allow themselves to be made happy by you, because you have so much warmth to give.
from halo-x-choke :
laguerre/demacoeur. it's unlocked now, so that's for future reference.
from neuroticaa :
aw, babe, i had no idea you were in calgary or else you bet we would've met you somewhere! do you go to school there?
from anhelo :
And I said hello because I wanted you to hear the deepest part of me. And it was nice to read your words again, dear long lost friend, have you read mine? Ndslotesse.
from i-fine :
unfortunately sat didn't work out. it started at 12, and i didn't get there till 1. i'm heading out of town on sunday. if you want to meet before i leave, call me at 229-1867, ask for colleen
from liss :
happy valentines day! loveyou. *gives you a fake internet flower thing* .. i typo'd thong and i should have left it that way.
from i-fine :
i'm in calgary and am hopefully going to the tattoo fest on sat. want to come?
from i-fine :
are you going to the tattoo festival? Feb 14, 15?
from skinthesun :
whats your band called?
from verum :
'thank god i'm not friends with any of those people'. that exactly, and all the rest.
from verum :
from neuroticaa :
your mind is amazing. <3
from i-fine :
wow, that is one of those situations that there are no words for, yet you managed to make me feel... whatever it was you went through
from throwingjuly :
thank you. that means a lot coming from a person who writes so well themselves (and has good taste). hope you're doing well.
from i-fine :
i am so sorry. i was relying on other people's cars for transportation. i suck. and am now back in lethbridge. until the tattoo festival in feb. or possibly the misery signals show this sat. again, i'm sorry for making you wait.
from i-fine :
Steeps is a tea/coffee place on 17th ave. In the little mall behind the park.
from i-fine :
kay, i'll give you a call. Probably Steeps Sat evening. Or something along those lines. Remember I heart mixtapes so it will be pretty hard to dissappoint me, unless it is entirely Britany Spears. Then i might have to kill you.
from rustybicycle :
hey kirk. i just wanted to let you know that i really enjoyed "lemon pepper". i just finally got around it listening to it, and it's damn good. also, there is still a huge demand for pin-up girl magnets, so perhaps i should go to a colour-copying place to get started. anyway, TAKE'R EASY.
from i-fine :
I will be at the ship and anchor friday night for a birthday celebration. So Saturday might be the best bet. I'm pretty much free to wander. What area of the city will you be in??
from i-fine :
well... I will bein calgary and will find you at one of the aforementioned locations. I'll leave you a note and we can figure it out. I'm heading there tomorrow. see you.
from i-fine :
well, i think a delivery might be in order. in fact i will be in calgary this weekend getting ink done. so... perhaps we could meet? ps. i do get jealous very easily, especially in regards to mixtapes.
from i-fine :
this alleged mixtape... made by you? for me?
from glitzi :
i can't define my fascination with you.
from fissle :
next step: let me know what album or artists you are currently into either through notes or e-mail. when i get enough responses i will post them and figure out how this whole thing is gonna work. thank you.
from glitzi :
from bluecinema :
thanks for the celine note. i'll stick with it. i haven't said so in awhile but it bears repeating because i think it everyday - always really fucking loving your thoughts. is there a book/compilation coming out soon?
from fauxpas- :
much adoration.
from skinthesun :
yes, to you. however i come from the epitome of lame..the U.S. of A. que triste.
from wiseacre :
you are ever so clever to keep it that way (with the love and the in love i mean)
from skinthesun :
i'm still unsure about what i meant. i really enjoyed the song that's on your page presently. however, on topic of the questionable guest book message, i think, it might have been purposely unclear grammatcally. are you foreign? just a question.good evening.
from throwingjuly :
if i lied and said it sucked, you'd probably believe me more than if i said how good i thought it was.
from thefallofart :
thank you. you're really good.
from heartshaped :
oh my god. that's beautiful.
from verum :
relatives found out about verum & i had to password it for a while (hopefully not too long). user=verum / password=truth
from anhelo :
me = ndslotesse
from rainforme :
you say something and it's way more than nothing. your poetry is beautiful.
from dry-pavement :
"peaces"....just for you.
from histamine :
dear kirk you are the best i smile when i read what you write i don't usually smile i like how it feels so thank you love richard
from thefallofart :
oh my god that's now my favouritest story ever. i saw it at brokenhands and was like, awwww. <3
from anti-gens :
meet me for coffee at the roasterie in kensington or badass jacks in seventeenth. pick a date, a time, and decide on a location. email me with the details. let.s talk, a lot.
from anti-gens :
what church do you go to?
from sea-tea :
so sad and pretty
from anti-gens :
i think your identity is a secret that i hate. be a poet that i know.
from anti-gens :
i miss the good ol' days. bright back the lime light.
from crapolalola :
i tried to send you a password, did you get yours? leave me a note with your real email if not.
from dry-pavement :
from obscuritron :
thanks...sorry about my layout, i changed it around, you're not the only one who had a hard time reading. xo danielle
from obscuritron :
i do the same every night before falling asleep, turning things over and over. your words are soothing and delightful...i love your diary. xo obscuritron
from honkytonk13 :
i'm so happy your out there,
from so-dead :
i just wanted to tell you that you have become my favorite diary to read here. there's no compliment i can give you that probably hasn't already been said. each of your entries is like a book. the kind that you keep to read over and over again. stay this way forever.
from rustybicycle :
i think you have really good taste in music. any time i ever mention a band to craig, he always tells me "kirk's got that cd."
from sea-tea :
all systems go!!!!!
from eachmolecule :
che / fishscales. grab a late pass, kirk. jeez.
from nickisaghost :
hey. i feel really stupid. i don't know how to write and have it be my own, you know? i just can't make anything look good right now. so when i get this squared away, i'll tell you first thing.
from so-dead :
oh, sorry. you left your email address for me in a note. :) it's too early for me to be functioning well. sorryagain. stay beautiful < 3
from so-dead :
hello lovely, i'm glad you asked for a password love although i'm not sure how to get in touch with you. email me at [email protected] or AIM me at xgirljesusx. once again, thank!you for asking. < 3
from dry-pavement :
montr�al, c'est ma ville. oui.
from dry-pavement :
i look for your entry first. are you from montreal?
from so-dead :
hello. letting you know that a lot of my entries will be private in the future. talk to me if you want a password. exoh
from cultureshock :
hi kirk. i'm an idiot. i forgot that you were tasha's pal. you should definitely give me an email address for you so i can give you a password. i would be honored. i'm definitely humbled by the gender mixup. my email is [email protected]
from kstarr :
so that is to say that clenching fists&throwing a punch is nothing but a desperate final attempt at hitting your own self in the heart, a sort of emotional wake-up call? i'd be inclined to agree, on such a steep incline already.
from glitzi :
che che che che my favourite che.
from whenyouare :
P.S. I know this is two weeks late, but I thought Modest Mouse was awesome. And Reverie Sound Review.
from whenyouare :
sealed with red lipstick.
from mais-oui :
may i confess that you asking flatters me? email me. [email protected]
from whenyouare :
It might make you not want to listen.
from whenyouare :
I often think I tell you far too much//
from dry-pavement :
okay, it's official, your words are an addiction.
from breaklight :
dear |craig's-brother-| kirk, you make pretty music. xo. francesca |-some-girl-that-knows-craig|
from dry-pavement :
hasta siempre commandante...are you only T-shirt wearing, or is beyond the cult prints that have suddenly captured a generation. red star.
from throwingjuly :
p.s. i'm pretty sure you're not retarded. i was kind of vague.
from throwingjuly :
something about one of your entries made me think of you being sutible for the peace corps. i have no idea of the truth of that, but it was just a thought. i'd just talked to someone who'd been in it, and it was the element of living in a completely different culture, removed from anything known to you and having to re-learn the day to day strategies of life that are now taken for granted and doing something which may or may not be futile and useless...that's what i was reminded of, and i was trying at the same time to excuse the evils that come along with the organization itself. maybe i was projecting--i've been thinking about joining for years. anyway, that's what i meant. sorry for the confusion. love, nicole
from crapolalola :
you are a good writer. i've been on vacation, but i'll send a letter soon. you are amazing.
from throwingjuly :
i dunno, but when i read that last one left 4/11, i thought "peace corps". sometimes our government exists for more than it thinks it does. love, nicole
from therat :
will be open very soon. the next 24 hours. doing a bit of spring cleaning.
from eachmolecule :
i like how you have every mutation of my diary as a favorite. aww and whatnot. you should go to the beach here today, it's the nicest day ever.
from mais-oui :
welcome to my links.
from crapolalola :
things have been rough i'm gonna write you a letter
from whenyouare :
But the beats were never really popular enough until the last 15 years for anything to catch on. It might as well have been Sonic Youth. Speaking of beats, did you get to see The Dream Machine when it was on a while ago? One of the best plays I've seen in a long time, along with Metamorphosis.
from whenyouare :
P.S. Did you know Sonic Youth started that whole "yr." abbreviation?
from whenyouare :
Alas, I was not, though a few of my good friends attended. I don't know nearly enough about the Weakerthans.
from whenyouare :
Did you go to see the Weakerthans last week?
from whenyouare :
I've been hearing good things about it. But, had I not been sick, I would have gone to the wrong Legion anyway. Apparently, it was a good venue? I miss the All-Ages scene.
from whenyouare :
I've been hearing good things about it. But, had I not been sick, I would have gone to the wrong Legion anyway. Apparently, it was a good venue? I miss the All-Ages scene.
from whenyouare :
Letters are better than anything. And who is your brother, because I was meaning to go to that show at the Legion but here it is Thursday and I'm sick. And something about the Legion is so scary, probably the alcoholism and people who have dreams like Walter Mitty.
from gallinula :
Did you ever get the feeling, long long long ago, that Bush's appearance on the ballots would ultimately mean some kind of war if he were elected? Not that he was elected, though, but you catch my meaning. . .
from whenyouare :
P.S. j'ai pris les images dans mon journal
from whenyouare :
Hah! Hah! And Hah! again!!! I am not an amazing photographer. But I hope I will be someday soon. Photography is becoming my Second Obsession. However, I often take some really nice pictures. And have learned to make good prints! So, you know who to go to for documentation of the next Prickly Pears show.
from n23 :
I certainly did. I took pictures of the reflections in puddles and mailed a letter and visited an old friend. It was colder, though, as I had also slept in, and was lent the most comfortable shirt in the world to keep me warm (from the old friend, you see.) I hope you looked at the sky once or twice on your way to work, it was pretty.
from whenyouare :
With notes instead of guestbooks, I will no longer forget to have my name attached. That anonymous entry in your guestbook about enjoying the day, that was me.
from anticrew :
so, i make fun of manitoba...whatcha you gonna do about it, kirk? i live in ontario--THEE most polluted province in the World--whose Really laughing now?
from crapolalola :
hey, what lyrics are those? from what band?
from crapolalola :
hi, ratfight is also me, crapolalola
from glitzi :
youre my favourite che.
from glitzi :
thank you darling. xox.
from glitzi :
i'd like to live inside your head. xox.
from superniguer :
from bluecinema :
if there's roses growing in the belly and you eat bees, they'll pollinate the flowers and a garden will grow
from robotheart :
ah dylan.
from superniguer :
welcome to supernigger
from tba :
no xmas cards, no wishes. & then the most amazing package was in the mailbox postmarked from canada. it made me cry because of all the thought that was put into it for just a stranger. [thank you 100x over] merry xmas, kirk. xo.
from nakedembrace :
dsgw.html     something i liked a lot.
from glitzi :
with earmuffs and those fuzzy things we stick our hands into so they aren't cold. we can... wait for it... harmonize!
from glitzi :
today, i was watching football (soccer) and they were singing christmas carols while manchester and westham were playing. people are kind of silly that way, but in a good way. xox, m.
from ndslotesse :
Your entries are amazing.
from bluecinema :
i don't know how to make sense of teh bee boy entry except it is a lovely and disturbing portait of the social cruelty of children. it adheres to the random in poetry and my heart understands it.
from throwingjuly :
right fucking on. viva la revolution...if only we could get off our asses and if only there was any hope for a revolution unlike anything we've had before.
from glitzi :
baby let's cruise (cruise?) away from here. xox, m.
from bluecinema :
it does make me smile that you listen to "pocohantas" that way...that song can sneak by you unless you grab at it. i printed out the bee boy entry and i read it still, to my friends over the phone and they're like "lay off the crack" and i babble until they pretend to understand. and my friend still repeats the story i'd told him from your site, how retarded the americans were with the pope chanting "usa!" like monkeys
from glitzi :
from glitzi :
in the chocoteria. xox, m.
from rhoeng :
oh my...listen up, kirk. i've done EXACTLY the same thing to this guy whom i was SO hot for. i turned my face b/c i was too nervous to kiss him--i thought i would barf in his mouth or something awful like that. just try again later. trust me. if you're feeling it, she's feeling it.
from glitzi :
there's a new 'gain weight' diet around. i think it's called chocolate. xox, m.
from rhoeng :
che, my brother, how far did you have to dig back to find a quote of actual introspection and not off-the-cuff, inappropriately phrased observations? i applaud must be canadian.
from amanuensis :
catch the sun
from imanaccident :
your password should be working again, i think.. that was only temporary.. but gosh, i didn't think anyone would notice! peace, che, keep writing...
from redd :
that is exactly what i thought when i first saw your layout. xo
from strikeonbox :
it makes me happy that you have cleansheets listed. wet young beautiful soft slow-motion kisses.
from wall-flower :
heh. i have new one, now.
from wall-flower :
i fucking love your diary. really.
from glitzi :
you're a lot of good things to me. xox, m.
from wiseacre :
it shouldn't take me weeks of trying just to say "thanks for all your light and glowing words", but i guess it did.
from bluecinema :
it's truly great to meet another hardcore sonic youth fan. we're a rare people. yes, thurston WAS just the coolest ever and now I'm thinking I should have told him about my "future is a dare" tag but, shit. I can't wait to see the footage I got of him. I've always loved Lee and Kim but Lee was distracted by his 2 year old. But again, he really engaged once we started talking about mutual friends. I have mutual friends with Lee Renaldo! Kim disappointed me and Steve was neato. and Thurston was the coolest, he really was. Thanks for the luv and luv ya back Kirk. piece angela
from glitzi :
you = completely brilliant. <3 m.
from pitfoal :
psst. i'm like you. remember? *smiles and waits to see you smile too*
from cleansheets :
it's hard for me to forget things and i bring them up at the most awkward times
from wall-flower :
i forgot to log out before i left those notes. and i apologize for leaving three notes in a row!
from rustybicycle :
i played really really well? obviously, i meant hayden. heh.
from rustybicycle :
yes, i saw him at mac hall. i was sitting with craig/rob/shaina/monika. i played really really well. i hope i see you, sunday!
from wall-flower :
yeah, i didn't really like the bands too much, either. the rain was really neat. everyone kept pulling their tarps on and off. i'm really excited to see hayden. will you only be there on sunday? not tomorrow or saturday? okay. heh. bye.
from wall-flower :
hi kirk. i saw you at folk fest today, but i didn't say hi, because i don't think you know who i am.
from glitzi :
dont worry. as a girl, im well aware. <3 m.
from bluecinema :
tu dit beaucoup et tu vois bien. il y a beaucoup choses a dire et plein de temps. il ira, il ira doucement quand tu marches plus lentement. il me fait chier qu'il est dur de voir ton page parfois, les liens aux pages plus agees. j'ecris le francais tres mal ces jours la.
from bluecinema :
tu dit beaucoup et tu vois bien. il y a beaucoup choses a dire et plein de temps. il ira, il ira doucement quand tu marches plus lentement. il me fait chier qu'il est dur de voir ton page parfois, les liens aux pages plus agees. j'ecris le francais tres mal ces jours la.
from histamine :
she wants to taste the fruit of his eyes.
from glitzi :
youre incredible.
from glitzi :
from central-red :
i did it--all fourteen days. i miss you like unbelievable. please be back soon. love, jessica.
from bendme :
reading you makes me miss the old me. lets ship all our lonely hearts to somewhere exotic and call it a vacation shall we? i'd take you anywhere xo lauren
from thumbellin-a :
the man picking up the dog from the shelter--i saw him once too. he drove off in a pick up, his arm around the dog, sitting right close beside him. they were havin a pretty animated conversation all down the road.
from heartshaped :
oh bob dylan. take me with you? xox.
from christinam :
I�ve been looking at diary�s from Calgary that are linked off friends pages today not because I have nothing better to do but in fact for know reason at all, okay many for the hope that there could be some interesting people in this city. Needless to say I won�t truly find that out threw a dairy and I dislike that people could get to know me throw one, regardless you have a good name �energy- very good it drew me in, I perhaps need to stop having dreams about candy as they obviously symbolize my lack of che.
from histamine :
i don't think you can read my lj without getting your own. poopy, non?
from strikeonbox :
i'm the stranger's lonely glance i'm the hero's only chance i'm the world you'll never see i'm the slave you'll never free i'm the truth you'll never know i'm the place you'll never go! life is lovely! so are you. let's talk. sooner rather than later. lovelovelove. xo.
from glitzi :
japan is lucky. canada will miss you. xox, m.
from wiseacre :
i really, truly, am (selling them that is). i love the seal tee idea. consider it stolen. i'll work out a couple designs and email 'em to you soon. if you like them, we can work out a way for me to get them to you. shirts are $15 each for small/medium and $17 for large/xxl.
from glitzi :
how's the spring coming along for you? xox, m.
from heartshaped :
oh baby, oh baby. xo.
from idiosingcat :
you are beautiful and your words are sweet. you remind me of daniel macivor (read "house").
from strikeonbox :
cake! cake! and more cake! i'm sending you plane tickets. xo.
from strikeonbox :
i'm going to see ween next weekend but no one will come with me. we have too many ween haters in charleston. did i just say ween haters?
from cadilliac :
what you say astoundes beautifies surprises and keeps me interested. you spark curiosity every time. i like it. i like it a lot. -check my latest.
from oct0ber :
my goodness ,you're lovely.
from heartshaped :
from heartshaped :
i am doing okay. we should talk soon, love. xo.
from heartshaped :
hey you.
from rypyr :
great words...
from che :
...and is this a public diary or what?
from heartshaped :
have i ever told you that you amaze me? well you fucking do. <3
from srch-n-dstry :
Do as the prompt tells you to do and remember: Search And Destroy.
from slowriot :
de france l'�cho applaudis
from heartshaped :
i love the newest entry.
from heartshaped :
you are perfect. x.
from dial-revenge :
if only you really were this world would be saved
from apples :
you write so beautifully. if conversations with you even come close to the eloquence and depth here, I can think of several reasons why one would want to talk to you.
from heartshaped :
i love notes from you. arrr. :)
from heartshaped :
yr fucking amazing.
from jerkface :
oh kirk i know it's been forever +]may? june?[ \\\&i'm still here but hardly awake\[yet hardly dreaming]\\ i still read and smile to myself and compose letters to you in my head.\\\ silliness really. <3 xo happy new year;\ dana
from heartshaped :
your newest entry is beautiful. xo.
from dial-revenge :
you make my heart hurt like good music does.
from heartshaped :
the newest entry is beautiful. xo.
from halcyondream :
Join the William S. Burroughs diaryring! It's wsburroughs. Do it or I'll send a mugwump after you.
from dial-revenge :
from slowed-air :
I walk on strings that trip wire the sky.
from central-red :
i miss you. write to me.
from chaos68 :
you are electric
from pitfoal :
i wanted to learn french?
from chaos68 :
are we different people when we have a pain in the head? no one gets it i guess. when i am cold and i am cold now i think of colder cold. but i have never thought of the coldest cold or maybe i did and i was too cold to realize.
from heartshaped :
just wanted to say hi. keep in touch. xo.
from heartshaped :
i.ll try to write something for you one of these days. cheers-
from shimmerluv :
so i was wondering if you liked my diary more now than before because your link is on it? =)
from pitfoal :
nightmares are to escape from the horrors of reality, the state of being awake is hell. read No Exit. you don't get to blink.
from heartshaped :
thank you. keep in touch.
from heartshaped :
beautiful words. keep on keepin on.
from un-bad :
I'm in love with your writings... ack.
from liss :
boooo. i miss you.
from chaos68 :

ours too are being painted
not sure who holds the brush
more importantly ....I wish I knew who mixed the paint

do you think they have adequate ventilation


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