Who doesn't want to live with the brisk motor of his heart singing

My favorite diaries:

in-alaska profile - diary
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bethb profile - diary
axde profile - diary
homesafe profile - diary
rebecca profile - diary
thecity profile - diary
weatethesea profile - diary
mangotuesday profile - diary
outer-jessie profile - diary
rachaelina profile - diary
permeation profile - diary
yellow-ninja profile - diary
darthuae profile - diary
southeast profile - diary
avantbedroc profile - diary
frostopia profile - diary
stardumb profile - diary
longitude profile - diary
orangepeeler profile - diary
xnamehere profile - diary
trainyard profile - diary
rhetoric profile - diary
strayrecluse profile - diary
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annanotbob2 profile - diary
bridgecity profile - diary
petalfingers profile - diary
whitepigeon profile - diary
melle-belle profile - diary
kelsi profile - diary
straysparrow profile - diary
sky-rocket profile - diary
ericg profile - diary

My favorite music:

The Futureheads
The Oranges Band
Sufjan Stevens

My favorite movies:

The Station Agent
The Big Lebowski
There Will Be Blood

My favorite authors:

Steven Millhauser
Mary Oliver
Frank Conroy
Kazuo Ishiguro
Annie Dillard

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last updated: 2023-11-22 17:24:49
this user's total entries: 584
user since: 2002-09-29

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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