Henry Bollifant Radmall is my Great Great Greatest Grandfather.

I would like everybody to know that i now have a profile on diaryland.com. You heard? It's a web site.

My favorite diaries:

seven-point5 profile - diary
division-day profile - diary
luminescent profile - diary
digitization profile - diary
rebecca profile - diary
koalapad profile - diary
dirtylinda profile - diary
paperbridges profile - diary
paperfriend profile - diary
doorholder profile - diary
simoncamden profile - diary
softblossoms profile - diary
sheepiekins profile - diary
myeels profile - diary
likeaforest profile - diary
mymess profile - diary
jinkymarvels profile - diary
themiranda profile - diary
slob-goblin profile - diary
katherinhand profile - diary
fawneyes profile - diary
jessejackson profile - diary
teamohyeah profile - diary
hthespy profile - diary
chotley profile - diary
pinebranches profile - diary
rancidbowtie profile - diary
pierrecoghil profile - diary

My favorite music:

Animal Collective
Nina Simone
The Smiths
Julie Doiron
Parenthetical Girls

My favorite movies:

Dancer in the Dark
Safe Men
Waiting for Guffman
Lost In Translation

My favorite authors:

Ray Bradbury
Roald Dahl
Herman Hesse
John Irving
Woody Allen

leave a note for rachaelina
diaryrings which rachaelina belongs to
diaries which list rachaelina as a favorite diary
last updated: 2016-04-28 05:52:32
this user's total entries: 1099
user since: 2003-11-07

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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