dreams, nightmares & made up stuff

Recluse inclined.

Hopeless romantic though (still).

Was painting model robots and resin, now building fake Lego kits.

Back to the grind and how wonderful it is.

Would really like to make it to the end.

My favorite diaries:

msjessica profile - diary
comments: one of two people...
englishsucks profile - diary
comments: it does sometimes
lostasyou profile - diary
comments: ex omf...
tsulnagrom profile - diary
comments: more than just a clever name
cordeliameg profile - diary
comments: I hope you're alright
secret-motel profile - diary
comments: shh... so poetic
lust- profile - diary
comments: def would hang out
gr8legs profile - diary
comments: snobby haha

My favorite music:

Daft Punk
comments: "Alive" super loud all the way!
comments: "Guide to better living" also super loud!!
comments: why control? why control? you..
comments: sleep tight for me.. I'm gone
comments: super romantic

My favorite movies:

The Usual Suspects
comments: The greatest trick the devil ever pulled...
comments: ...with three stacks of high society
Fight club
comments: oh, here comes another avalanche of bulls^&t
comments: commentary 'on' + acid - you've been warned!!!
Tron Legacy
comments: Love the aesthetic

My favorite authors:

John C Haughey
comments: The conspiracy of God
Michael Ende
comments: The neverending story
Neil Postman
comments: Technopoly, Amusing ourselves to death
comments: Discourses

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last updated: 2021-09-12 16:38:31
this user's total entries: 319
user since: 2007-10-05

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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