It's me......

This diary is about me and things that are going on in my life. Yes, I may be a little boring sometimes, but deal with it. I'm really into movies, and books. So basically, I'm a nerd.

My favorite diaries:

beckyd16 profile - diary
comments: Becky! An old online friend.
unclebob profile - diary
thebeesknees profile - diary
comments: A pretty cool diary I randomly found
savecraig profile - diary
simeons-twin profile - diary
comments: Yet another kick ass Aerosmith fan! Wheeeee!
swimmmer72 profile - diary
comments: Always signs my guestbook with nice entries :) Thanks!
emu-head profile - diary
comments: My old friend Christina! Formerly whaddaya.
ann-frank profile - diary
sumi37 profile - diary
ravenheart profile - diary
eggwhite profile - diary
ariadne518 profile - diary
tooold2bcool profile - diary
jwinokur profile - diary
alicesbaby profile - diary
bindyree profile - diary
themaster profile - diary
princesscee profile - diary
vizionz profile - diary
haloaskew profile - diary
radfnpit profile - diary
fuck--that profile - diary
y-in-g profile - diary
galaxydetour profile - diary
deteriorates profile - diary
enurta profile - diary
i-am-jack profile - diary
dragprincess profile - diary

My favorite music:

comments: My favorite band! I got to see them in concert, it was an amazing show!.
Sons of Butcher
comments: I had the pleasure of seeing these guys this year. They are amazing on stage and in person.
Adam Sandler
comments: He's a funny actor and has got some pretty funny CD's out.
Lady Gaga

My favorite movies:

Kids in the Hall: Brain Candy
comments: GOTTA love the Kids in the Hall.
Ghost World
comments: "Josh we came by to fuck you, but you were not home, therefore you are gay."
Rocky Horror Picture Show
comments: One of my favorite movies!
The Craft
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

My favorite authors:

Stephen King
comments: My favorite author
Scott Thompson
comments: Buddy Babylon!
Dean Koontz
John Grisham
John Saul

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last updated: 2024-07-05 15:17:22
this user's total entries: 1271
user since: 2001-08-05

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MSN Messenger name: [email protected]

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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