Colors Start To Fade

There's a lonesome feeling on the edge of town

Her hopes are hums in the distance now

And the clouds in her mind are shutting out the light

And a rain of thoughts is showering her mind

As she sings

How long until the hurt goes away?

How long until the feeling fades?

Do I just hold on for better days?

How long until the hurt goes away?

Sometimes her dreams are like fallen trees

You can make a forest out of these

And it's hard to tell through the broken limbs

Where one of them ends and another begins


How long until the hurt goes away?

How long until the feeling fades?

Do I just hold on for better days?

How long until the hurt goes

Away, away, away, away, away, away, away

Away, away, away, away, away, away, away, away?

Away, away (I know it feels like it's only you) away, away, away, away, away

Away, away (but everybody's singing too) away, away, away, away, away

Everybody's singing

How long until the hurt goes away?

How long until the feeling fades?

Do I just hold on for better days?

How long until the hurt goes away?

Everybody's singing

How long until the hurt goes away? (I know it feels like it's only you)

How long until the hurt goes away? (But everybody's singing too)

Everybody's singing

How long until the hurt goes away? (I know it feels like it's only you)

How long until the hurt goes? (But everybody's singing too)

My favorite diaries:

papotheclown profile - diary
comments: Fellow traveler on the lost highway

My favorite music:

comments: "i can't be sure of anything, black is white, and cold is heat...what i worshipped stole my love away, the ground beneath her feet"
dashboard confessional
comments: something corporate, further seems forever, saves the day, and you will know us by the trail of dead...
ben folds
comments: in time i, will fade away...
paranoid starr, the livingstones,dreaming of the fifth
comments: ex-bands of mine
my spacecoaster
comments: shame that lamonica's gigantic ego fucked up a really good band

My favorite movies:

comments: "this camp's gonna be full of skinny winners"
michael moore films
comments: Farenheit 911, Bowling for Columbine, Roger and Me, and the best tv show ever, "The Awful Truth"
million dollar hotel
comments: by far the best movie i have ever seen
rattle and hum
comments: great u2 documentary
shawshank redemption
comments: dead poet's society, UHF, slapshot 1 & 2, road trip, adventures in babysitting, any of the muppet movies

My favorite authors:

david brock
comments: i relate to his republican to democrat transition
william golding
comments: lord of the flies
comments: i write [poorly] quite frequently
al franken
comments: "Lies, and the lying liars that tell them" may be the best book title ever
jack kerouc
comments: "on the road" is still one of my favorites

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last updated: 2024-09-11 23:11:55
this user's total entries: 720
user since: 2001-07-31

AOL IM name: RIP
ICQ number: Does ICQ still exist?
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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