messages to u2october:
(click here to add new message):

from papotheclown :
I am proud that Tim is disappointed in us.
from papotheclown :
You are officially hired as my enforcer
from jenny429 :
just stumbled on your entries and just wanted to say that I hope you can find some happiness. your wife sounds like a monster.
from u2october :
No apologies necessary!
from ernst :
Apologies for that last note. Not typical language for's just hard to see a brother kick himself (as he's being kicked) while he's down. I hope your faith in your gal is rewarded, and if your spirit of forgiveness does prevail through all of this, you're a better man than I. Maybe you'll *carry each other* again, after all.
from ernst :
Ooof, my dude. I second Kelsi's motion, and say this with due respect, as she is the mother of your children, but kick that bitch to the curb and start thinking/writing about your own future. It's painful enough to read, can't imagine living through it.
from kelsi :
Hello - sorry to butt in here - I just read a bunch of your entries and wanted to leave a comment after reading this: "something that works for the kids, Jess, and myself". You're being far too generous to Jess, in the opinion of this complete stranger. You should be trying to figure out something that works best for your kids and for yourself. Obviously that involves her, but her comfort should not be your priority. Your priority should be your kids and yourself and that's it. My two cents. Please take care and good luck!
from bridgecity :
I had to deal with so much James Dobson growing up. I'm interested in hearing your church stories.
from browndamask :
Church stories sounds interesting. I have a fair amount of youth-group-kid trauma, but mostly just regrettable stories that make my skin crawl now.
from ernst :
Ooof. So now it's gettin' all Maury Povich an' shit? I'd be "sideways" all the time, my dude. Kudos for holding it together for the kids' sake...
from papotheclown :
A communist tapeworm would think you are worth hanging out with, so it is a possibility.
from bliss-sad :
Ouch, pancreatitis is no joke. What a miserable experience, on top of being alone. I found myself taking a journey through your diary and I just wanted to say that I see you.
from ernst :
I know it would be cold consolation (and you don't strike me as vindictive), but I've been w/women like that, and I suspect this Dan character will get his “turn in the barrel” eventually.
from papotheclown :
I'm so glad you're still here. Both on this zany website as well as the hellish earth. Love you, my friend.
from talkingmoon :
Um……you sound like too good a person to have the deal with any of that… and just the person for a gaslighting twat narcissist to take advantage of. I had to reset my password just to type this, so it’s pretty important: it’s as if she’s trying to drive you crazy… gaslighting you like that… No regard for your feelings at all, or maybe even your kids’ feelings…. I know you love her, but she seems like bad person thats emotionally abusing you…. It will get better.
from bliss-sad :
Laying in bed with someone and feeling alone is a special kind of hell. <3
from asfastasican :
I spent a lot of time lost in your diary. I enjoy the way you write. Going through a similar season in my own life. All the best to you.
from raven72d :
Great title, fine and thoughtful writing.
from raven72d :
Great title, fine and thoughtful writing.
from whystinger :
Do the work in therapy. It sucks and is hard, but generally will help. As for funerals, my choice for music will be heavy metal.
from portlypete :
I sometimes think I’d like to be a hermit, but I guess that’s not as great in real life as it sounds. ‘Money is the root of all evil’, and certainly, if we went back to bartering, you’d have to swap a heck of a lot of sheep to start a meaningful war. Bitcoins are totally beyond my comprehension. I too have a long list of songs for my funeral: Two by The Traveling Wilburys - ‘End of the Line’ and ‘Heading for the Light’, but I doubt all the mourners would see the joke. ‘Maybe, Dream a Little Dream of Me’ - ‘The Beautiful South’’ version.(Find it on YouTube).
from hangover :
I dig the title
from jimbostaxi :
New reader, just dropped in to say hi and I will leave notes occasionally if that's ok.
from bridgecity :
I truly enjoy your writing. Cheers from a fellow Texan.
from papotheclown :
I bet you don't check your notes on here. But I always enjoy seeing you write on here.
from papotheclown :
Good to read from you again.
from papotheclown :
Happy birthday, you amazing son of a bitch. You are seriously and sincerely my brother and I am very grateful for you.
from jaysthoughts :
You should find a paper you like and a mirror to keep it on. Write "Do it, Coward." It will always motivate. Something. It will always motivate something..
from papotheclown :
I would be thrilled to go undercover with you at a megachurch. But the experience of going alone might be worth it for you as well. It's more vulnerable that way which makes it scarier, but also a bit more therapeutic somehow.
from papotheclown :
Welcome back! You'll find the community here is small but very supportive.
from raven72d :
Back after a decade? That's amazing--- and good. This place is a lovely oasis.
from papotheclown :
I simply insist we both go a decade. there is nothing in the world like a clean round number.
from sharlena7 :
Hey, I want to take a trip with you hiking or whatever lol I'm artsy, you think I'd like it up there? I miss mi hermana! email me sometime [email protected] Love ya
from papotheclown :
yes, yes, if nothing else a little drunken revelry shared between the two of us would most certainly hit the spot. i am quite excited to be there. my digits be: 719-287-1889. i will see you soon.
from papotheclown :
seriously though, fuckin' turco! i even had money on that series (living close to denver it wasnt hard to find those confidant in the avs). fuckin' turco.
from papotheclown :
bravo sir. i have compromised my stance to: "unless you know the facts...or a really good bumper sticker slogan, keep your mouth shut." i hate people sometimes.
from papotheclown :
interesting. i am really enjoying this (virtual) discussion. the more i am reading about abe, the more i am seeing your point. (he fought in the indian wars!) its sad. i really wanted to have an american hero. or at least, a republican that i admired. sigh. i guess there is always jefferson.
from papotheclown :
oh, yes, i have wavered more than once when counting old abe as a favorite. someone even said at his funeral that he was clearly a "white man's president". however, i like his sincere passion for democracy, unity and peace. and similar to how martin luther was off on alot of his theology, mr. lincoln still was a pioneer without which civil rights may never have happened. he was also pretty pimp with the beard and top hat.
from papotheclown :
bravo. i lower my head solemnly to the beauty of dreams that sometimes come true for some people.
from dell3355 :
Any realistic maybe's? Your beloved dream crusher
from papotheclown :
oh, its coming sir. and for you i am using tongue!
from sharlena7 :
Haha Joey, you're greaaaat! You're right, it's not fashion, it's ugly!
from papotheclown :
oh no, sir, i liked rent. the music and the moral were great. i just always hate it when a movie leaves things hanging. i need closure. closure. something else. something witty. some kind of question about your life. etc.-ryan
from papotheclown :
either way dude, i'll be your huckleberry. (roommate)
from papotheclown :
dc, you and me, its a perfect pairing. i think i can manage another year in mile high colorado.
from papotheclown :
first, isnt it neat how you got a (psuedo) fan letter for doing the papo guest spot? it excites me. second, i ironically(?) thought (considered) D.C. has a habitation the day before you left that note. crazy. i'd move there. hell yes.
from greenstar7 :
hi. i read ryans diary and so when i loged on this time i read you (in ryans diary). so this is random but you quoted tolkien...and my calender quote for the month was that same one. my friends and i make one-izs for some of our friends who have kids and there is one that has a duck on it and that very quote. i really like how much that quote is coming up in my life~ i get excited about things and want to share. so thats all. cammy
from papotheclown :
dear sir, good entry. my life these days is nothing but roaming from place to place. i am even restless in my restlesness. someday soon there will be a train with our name on it.
from papotheclown :
a few things. 1. didnt actually get to see the our dark lord vice president. it turns out i was going to the air force academy HIGHSCHOOL graduation. cheney spoke at the actual academy thing. bummer. i was so planning to convert to the dark side. 2. i have always, always, wanted to do a film of "on the road". or at least a kerouac bio-pic. let me know if i can help in anyway. (i'll buy you doughnuts or something.) 3. i would love for you to guest star. whenever you want. the password is masterskid. (i know, i know, its a lame password. but i got this thing while in master's commission.) anyways, all i ask is that you tell people who you are (diaryland name) just to avoid confusion. plus, you need to get credit for whatever wonderful verbage you will bring to the blog. thanks joey! your a pal. -ryan
from sharlena7 :
Joey, how was your trip?? You should write me a note or email me sometime since you get online more often than use a phone. I still love you don't worry lol.
from papotheclown :
my idea was to rollerskate through the mall. and maybe knock the heads off of the mannequins by use of baseball bat. concerning dallas, i have been missing it alot. i want to go visit, and i might soon, i just dont know when.
from sharlena7 :
Hola Joey, how is everything? I've also seen the HellHouse movie thing, it was on HBO one night so I recorded it in hopes of seeing ppl I knew. But it was mostly just ppl you knew. Anyway, give me a call sometime. eyb
from sharlena7 :
"Sexy.... Powerful....Attitude!" "Spa... TrimSpa baby!" *Giggle* Wow I wanna go buy some Trimspa now! Thanks Anna Nichole *thumbs up*
from omnipre5ence :
Where The Streets Have No Name is my favourite.
from axis69 :
Great title, just looking around, noticed it. Awesome u2 performance on SNL last week, eh? Al Franken-YESSS!! also see -'Rush Limbaugh is a big fat idiot! later, a
from obijuan :
Not sure who you spoke to, but it's not nearly as negative as your entry seems to make it, and it's not fair that the pastor gets indirectly accused of nepotism since he didn't fire someone for the purpose of appointing a family member in his place. The youth staff was not fired during or on their vacation, I think that was a slight embellishment/misunderstanding since it was during the summer when everyone is out and about doing a mission's trip or doing youth camp. No one liked it when it happened, myself included, and some still don't...mostly younger kids and some juniors/seniors...but the change has proven necessary, and the "fired" guys are moving in better directions than if they had stayed here because they now have the freedom to pursue their vision for their ministry, not Trinity's. If you are concerned with the hiring of family members, than bear in mind that the former youth staff/sponsors consisted of in-laws and childhood friends. Anyways, the program was stuck in a rut not moving forward, and change was needed. No one liked it when it happened, but it was necessary and I personally am confident in the decisions that have been made thus far. By the way, I've been meaning to leave you a note for awhile just to congratulate you on getting married, moving downtown and just living the vida loca, and that I still miss you like ants miss the amdro.
from wonderwall :
oooh i can't wait for the new u2 album. you're right, it does sound like 1981 with better instruments. definitely the right time to move in that direction. yay :)
from absinthesigh :
I did a search "Christians Against Bush" and got quite a few pages. Pat Robertson (for what it's worth) has spoken out against him and I know there is a large group called Catholics for Kerry and Catholics Against Bush. Many Christians *know* that Bush is not practicing their religion. It's the Evangelical Right that is his most powerful base I think. They've convinced him he's been choosen to bring on the Rapture. Good grief. with love, ophelia
from sharlena7 :
Please call me, mom's coming down for thanksgiving and she is freaking out cuz she can't get ahold of you. I hate being the middle person. Also, Treena is sad cuz she thinks she has done something to piss you off so give her a call too... Even if it's only 2 minutes out of your day call or something, ok? I'm tired of doing this lol I know you're buisy, so are we. Anyway, Love ya, Meri
from theyknew :
I heard the song today. It was refreshing indeed. nEo
from sharlena7 :
That sux that you have to work, what time do you get off? There's not really a certain time frame. Treena is coming earlier in the day to visit. eyb
from papotheclown :
yeah man, the only reason why i started smoking was for those late night writing sessions. if you think of a surrogate for nicotine, you let me know. and congratulations on that smokeless year of yours.
from hamiltonian :
Getting away always helps.. i need to again or do I?
from sharlena7 :
that would be kick ass to get together w/ you guys, Steven might now be able to make it though he's in Dallas for 2 wks. And I don't think I would vote democrat (spelling?), like how I put that in there lol I'm 20 woohoo!
from sharlena7 :
Sorry about your poison ivy.. put that pink stuff on it lol
from sharlena7 :
Hey Bi-otch CAll your family! love ya, Meri
from parlance :
I dig U2...and the boxes.
from sharlena7 :
Hey Joey it's been a while since i talked to you or saw you. I wanted to tell you, Steven made a new song and it sounds really good and I think you should hear it. So, get ahold of me if you can remember and I'll try to do the same... eyb, Meri
from wonderwall :
hey i dig the new layout and good luck on your entrance exam. i'm rooting for ya!
from wonderwall :
hey joey. happy belated birthday. :)
from papotheclown :
not just a couch, but a dining room table, a microwave and a cofee table. if you want any of it let me know as soon as you get this note. my number is 214-395-7436. i will sell any or all of it for whatever you are willing to pay. let me know.
from devil-bitch :
Your dog's name is so cute. Guys hate that word, "cute." But that's what it is.
from donjuan99 :
no there's no secrety club. it's my chance to get to see friends that i don't get to see as often as i like because of work. you're more than welcome to come. later. -DJ99
from donjuan99 :
Why didn't you tell me I would have called into work dead to go see that movie on the big screen!!!!! Oh well I hope you had good time, I guess I'll just have to settle for renting the VHS and sitting really close to the TV. But hey at least you can consider this payback for the urine joke... -DJ99
from cndy75069 :
Hey Joey!@!!!!! What is up? Just wanted to say hi that I havent talked to you likein forever. I hope everything is going ok for you. Idont really get to talk to nate much either but anyways just wantes to say whats up
from sharlena7 :
Hey, how do you get those little emotion things on your diary page?
from devil-bitch :
I so want my smokes back too. They used to stink when I smoked, so I would smoke to cover up the smell and now that I don't smoke I love the smell of cigs. What's up with that? I wish you could smoke and not die because it's like yogo with the rythmic breathin' and everything. Good luck on your cig sobriety. !2 steps, remember? It's actually more like 1,200 steps. Nic is more addictive than smack. Sorry to write so much, I'm drunk.
from michigan :
That sucks! I am so, that sucks!
from sharlena7 :
Joey, i'm very sorry about your Gertrude being stolen from've had her forever. Steven knows how you feel, he says he would be frantic if someone took his Gillian and Lorili. I hope they find it. Meri to lighten the mood, Xander just took a nasty nasty poo in his britches! :) love you.
from goaliegirlee :
hey joey its marah.....sorry about your guitar maybe they will catch the guy who stole it from you and you will get it back. I'd say go get another one if you can but i dont think it will be the same right...... I will probably hear about this when i get home from my sister. Feel better and a guitar shouldnt be the reason that you breath...make it something that you can never loose no matter what happens like a friend(my sister) or something to that nature. Feel better lata's
from sharlena7 :
"wanna party like it's 1999"??
from papotheclown :
oh, the thought of relocation is very much in the forefront of my mind at present.
from violetgirl9 :
I love U2, your layout, your views, your words <3
from sharlena7 :
I need your address if your ok with giving it to me, email me because i can't remember yours.
from papotheclown :
i was writing about outkast, i kept thinking to myself that you would probably hate the song as well.
from papotheclown :
tomorrow (saturday) i work from seven to two a.m. come by if you get the chance.
from michigan :
Thanks a lot....I appreciate it.
from sharlena7 :
I have a WHOLE ham waiting in my frig to be cooked! MMM
from sharlena7 :
I remember kidsville, i miss that place. It was nice to see you... for a little while. Maybe i can see you more on Thanksgivng? Did you like my hair? lol talk to you later.
from papotheclown :
my haircut was completly without foresight. i loved my hair, i didnt want to cut my hair, but for some reason i did. the next time that i want to cut my hair, i will surely give adelle a call.
from papotheclown :
i like pepperoni with hand tossed crust. sorry i missed you last night. oh, and i lied about being at trinity next sunday, i'll be in new mexico for thanksgiving.
from sharlena7 :
thanx, i was hoping you would show up. steven is off on thur,fri,and sat. of thanksgiving week, so maybe we could do something?
from papotheclown :
next weekend you say? i will most definetly be there!
from michigan :
Did I ever tell you that I worked at Pizza Hut in Lancaster for over a year? Yeah...interesting times those were. I totally understand your FridayFrightFest.
from pmattie :
Hello again my little Shoe Monkeys! For those of you who are oldies but goldies and for those of you who are fresh off the press, I am doing my "Ode To Independent Films" again. I noticed that it was only a short year ago that I did it, and back by popular demand, here ya go: Tell me your top 3 favorite indie flicks at the present time." In a week, I'll post the results...Happy hunting!--Pmattie
from papotheclown :
ha, probably so. i knew i should have went to trinity this last sunday. we would have had such a fun time. you and i, sitting on the back pew making fun of things. perhaps some other time.
from papotheclown :
hey you should go to the dma again soon. they have all sorts of new exhibits that are quite nice.
from papotheclown :
hey you should go to the dma again soon. they have all sorts of new exhibits that are quite nice.
from papotheclown :
my days off are thursday and sunday. my number is 214-395-7436. feel free to be annoying and call whenever you want.
from michigan :
You're awesome, Joey...and your friend doesn't mind the food or the conversation...he sent an email to the church talking about his new domino's delivery friend that stops by and how much he enjoys it. I think I'm the only one the knew who he was talking about. I smiled.
from sharlena7 :
hey, i heard that movie was aboout a girl in the teenage life and did drugs,etc. let me know how it was. eyb eyb Meri
from michigan :
Hey....didn't get to talk to you this morning. I was surprised to realize you were the spiky haired guy in front of me! I didn't recognize you at first looking all grown up with the gotee...I see ya! Anyway, hope you have a great day, sorry if you're a Cowboy fan....they aren't doing too well.
from papotheclown :
if i were drinking milk when reading your last entry, it would have been spewed out all over the screen due to my laughing so hard. congratulations on your new door mats.
from michigan :
wow....long entry. I should've timed myself reading it.
from michigan :
I didn't forget about you!!! I ended up staying in Waxahachie last night and didn't get back in town until 10pm tonight!!!
from michigan :
Thanks....well, he is also a musician, so I bet your assessment is right on the money...see ya Saturday!
from ashadloo :
which number do I call?
from michigan :
Why? Because I'm trying to snag a guy and would love to just know if he's interested...he acts like it, but, he's one of those awkward computer guys, so there's not telling. I forget, which pizza place do you work for, again?
from papotheclown :
wow! thanks. thats quite the compliment. i am glad that there those who agree.
from flower121383 :
hey joey.. i am good.. its good to know that you care enough to check in.. i have just been really busy with school and work. plus i lost my cell phone a while ago and so i dont have your cell #... well i hope things are good with you.. peace
from hotcop :
You should do some of your music at open mic night @Insomnia. And then tell me when you're going to play so I can come watch.
from papotheclown :
hmmmm........i have no idea what to call a sitcom about you. perhaps, maybe "everyone loathes joey" or some other stupid parody like that.
from sharlena7 :
Hey Joey, i chopped all my hair off, now you can come see me! :) woohoo! Steven does'nt really know how to cut hair so it's a little choppy. lol talk to u later, eyb eyb Meri
from papotheclown :
you, i think deserve your own show. a sitcom perhaps.
from unknowngirl :
oh... i had forgotten about that entry, cause i wrote it last week. I agree with you selflessness must be the key. The only thing is there is no reward in selfless living except pleasing your mate--aside from Christ, which is why I said to begin with what a difficult task it must be. Because what if suddenly your mate stops responding or stops loving you? And the only reason you are being selfless is for her and now she's treating you like crap. At that point, we (in our human nature) become selfish... AKA Divorce. And that's why the conversation with my father inspired me to write in the first place. Marriage... it's just such a forever giving thing.
from unknowngirl :
the key to what may I ask? it seems as though I have missed something.
from obijuan :
Kazaa LITE...big difference when it comes down to it...I'm telling you it's great.
from sharlena7 :
aw, thank you very much, I like it. how do you get them??
from sharlena7 :
well congratualtions of winning that pizza contest. i'll have you know that Xander is not a coney anymore, but you can still call him that if you'd like. I told steven that he has to carry the next one lol, scared you did'nt i? (the next one) p.s. what are your plans for thanksgiving?
from obijuan : wonderful as it may seem is full of stuff you don't want on your computer otherwise known as SpyWare...I had it for awhile, and then cleaned out my system, and IMESH ended up disabling my internet and I had to repair Windows. I recommend highly KAZAA something close to to's Kazaa with all the advertising code and spyware removed from the program code, and it works just as well, if not better than IMESH.
from papotheclown :
yeah, every tuesday at 9:30 p.m. you should check it out its poet-tastic, or something.
from papotheclown :
i am intrigued by this secret underground mall. you simply must let me in on its secrets.
from papotheclown :
i'm with adelle on that one. you would look awesome with a gay style makeover.
from papotheclown :
actually, i have yet to recieve the trinity lecture. but i have recieved plenty of b.s. from my present church to tide me over.
from papotheclown :
yeah, i never cared much for popularity. hopefully it will pass as soon as i stop being the little project of all these online evangelist. i do like the attention though.
from sweetdisease :
Haha. You're silly, Joey. :-)
from sweetdisease :
Haha, that's sweet. I like other alcohol than Smirnoff Ice.. such as: Whiskey w/ coke, Vanilla Bacardi, Vanilla Rum, Strawberry Kiwi Vodka, Mudslides, and White Russian mixed w/ milk. So, I love you now.. you can get me the alcohol. P.S -- I was m0oncrystal, if you didn't know. :-)
from trinityloner :
from papotheclown :
yeah, i really have changed since leaving trinity. actually i just bought the documentary on hell house today. its gonna be weird to see what i once was in contrast of my post modern cynical exsitence.
from shorti09 :
email me at [email protected] this is MICKI
from papotheclown :
keep trying. i will be there eventually
from wonderwall :
did you hear about this business of bono doing a duet with j. lo? eep!
from papotheclown :
i work at insomnia a coffee shop in deep ellum. we consider ourselves the "anti-starbucks" due to our anti-corporate nature. we are located on elm street across the street from frazini's pizza and right next door to the condom shop. i would love a visit
from rich-bouquet :
That was a funny marquee quote you put in my guestbook. Also, a good place is the Gospel Lighthouse. That is where Jeremy's sister was married. Beautiful place.
from papotheclown :
thanks for the invite, but to do a wedding i believe that i have to be a minister. so, uh sorry
from pmattie :
Hey, thanks for joining the "indieflicks" diaryring. It is great to find other fans of Shiner. Those guys rock the casbah. Thanks again!--Pmattie
from sharlena7 :
hey i wa about to fall out, and for the people who dontkn ow what that means, it's sleep. anyway, i want a thingy where i can write if i feel *loved* or *sad* etc. ok, email me so yea... good night. love ya. eyb eyb MEri
from dell3355 :
men will never be able to drive as well as women....lolx
from lilanxel09 :
hey this is MICKI meri's old friend if you get this you have to tell meri to write me : [email protected]
from missprisy :
Hey, I've decided to give Bop-Reviews up. I sent out an e-mail but some e-mail addresses didn't work. Yours was one of them...I may have misspelled it. Anyway, if you want the site back it's all yours. If not, I'm giving it to anyone who'll take it. I'm just too busy to manage it anymore. Plus reviewing is getting boring. It's been fun though. HAHA!
from dell3355 :
hey 14 not 27
from nedim :
*hugs* Aw, I care you exist! Don't let life drag you down, I say, unless it's in the form of someone pretty dragging down your trousers. Happy birthday, you adorable whatsit. Cheers, and all. :) ~Nedim
from kitty1980 :
hi i was just surfing around in the eeyore diary ring and came upon yours :) read your bush entry and totally agree 100 percent moron ;) lol well i will make sure to come back and read your diary love the setup
from sharlena7 :
hey! i am going to give you the number where i'm at.. no im not nevermind.forgot everyone could see this. i'll call you and see how your doing. i'm working for tressey now. for a few weeks. it's not all that easy either, i figure i'll get paid for what i do. fairly. anyway, talk to you later. eyb eyb *joeys lil sis*
from bop-reviews :
Hey, I posted a review for you to do. If you can't do it, just let me know. Thanks!
from s0ldier :
Hey ,just surfing diaries and you are/were/what in the eeyore ring, I'm bored and waiting to do something later. Have fun!
from missprisy :
Your design looks so much better since you've created a place for the image. :)
from sharlena7 :
hey joey, i just wanted to see how you were doing. call me whenever you can.. love ya eyb eyb. Meri
from asaph :
I haven't seen you in forever. Let me make you some brownies sometime.
from sharlena7 :
you are not moving in with mother! i said so! i'd haul my ass down to italy for an appt. b4 you could do that... now, who loves you?! (meri does!) call me for some arrangments
from donjuan99 :
joey... joey... joey... I have no idea who you are but thanks not just a million but a trillion... i'm sure you're a great guy and i look forward to knowing you better well that's a long enough note i think... later-dj99
from sharlena7 :
hey, mine is animal b/c he reminds me of us when we were little, and stevens is gonz0. well, talk to you later love ya p.s. i'm talking to mom online... eyb meri
from msthangkp :
hey, thanx for doing that review for me, work id pretty hectic right now, I'm having to cover for other people and stuff so that was a big help. BTW, I'll be glad to return the favor later if you want me to.
from missprisy :
well you have the imgage... <img src="whatever.jpg width="250" height="250" border="0"> Thats it! You can the pics deminsions from the pics properties. Good luck.
from missprisy :
Thank you for doing a review. Let me know when you want to come back full time! I'd be glad to have you.
from missprisy :
Hey, I just wanted to give you a word of advice on the layout. When adding the main image, you should put the width and height in. That'll keep your entry where it belongs while the picture is loading. Take or it leave, just trying to help. Later.
from hotcop :
going great I guess. I didn't join after all, but best of luck to you! =)
from allden :
Animal, of course! -M.
from sharlena7 :
hey joey, i love you. and i just wanted to let you know i'm not enjoying the time of my life either, and if you need to talk, which i do. give me a call or something. eyb eyb MEri
from sharlena7 :
hey i'm sorry ur in alot of pain... wish i could help you money wise. um i need to know if you need a ride on wed. i saw that you will be closing, i will try and figure somwething out.. i'll call you soon. love ou Meri
from sharlena7 :
joey, tell me how to make a link for my guestbook... b/c i'm just slow! love ya eyb eyb MEri
from sharlena7 :
hey, get ahold of me. or i'll call you.. and if we dont do something this week i'll think you dont want to see me.... sad huh? love you Meri
from asaph :
sorry bout last night. i get really OVER protective of people. I think they're calling that a bitch these days ....
from sharlena7 :
hey! check your email! and you do know that you can talk to me, right? i wish you would. i like to be there for you...wether or not i'm your lil sis i am still your friend. <Meri>
from asaph :
tis at 7 =)
from sexonatable :
Thanks for signing my slambook if you haven't read my diary latley I just kinda figured out I'm Bi but I'm kinda like DUHH!!! Ya know like scared about it why I don't know I know I am but I don't know what people would think of me and this is very unusual because I usually don't give a fuck what people think about me never have never will about anything else. Do you have any suggestions or advice? Pllleeeaassssee lol
from sexonatable :
Thanks for signing my slambook if you haven't read my diary latley I just kinda figured out I'm Bi but I'm kinda like DUHH!!! Ya know like scared about it why I don't know I know I am but I don't know what people would think of me and this is very unusual because I usually don't give a fuck what people think about me never have never will about anything else. Do you have any suggestions or advice? Pllleeeaassssee lol
from sharlena7 :
oh hey, steven said he would like you come down so ya'll can play :) later Meri
from ironchef :
You should move back home and quit hanging out in Fargo.
from sharlena7 :
joey, i'm trying to talk to you.. on my opinions lol love ya eyb eyb Meri
from sademoon :
hey joey just instan message me on yahoo. co I can tell you my password
from sharlena7 :
ok, some of those words are missspelled i'm half asleep.. so forgive me, i'm sure your use to the weird language by now though.. eyb eyb
from sharlena7 :
hey joey, tell me whats how it's going? i had another test today, the AMTh one... (woohoo) yea i thunk i did better on this one. thas good.. talk to you later EMAIL ME!! ~MEri~
from sharlena7 :
hey read my diary.
from sharlena7 :
hey joey, i got confused... what is a template? Anyway, i took my writing test yesterday (the 21st), of the G.E.D. it kindof sucked b/c i'm not good at essay's and i love to write. do you see sometihng wrong with this picture? hope i passed tho, talk to you later love you meri
from sademoon :
Yeah I would love an original template that would be great
from sexonatable :
Hello again That's cool you guy's sound like your cool. So do you like it here yet? Yeah 5 Mile is considered out in the couuntry. You guy's are not the only texans to move here over the summer my ex boyfriend moved here from Texas. I know another guy that moved here from Mississippi too. So don't feel alone. I think southern accents are sexy *blush* Oh by the way I am 17 and I live over here by the library in town. Midland isisnt to exciting the biggest event is Friday the Midland Dow game. Our two high school's which Midland is going to kick dow's ass!!! But yeah that and the fair are pretty much the most exciting things in this town. So you guys love to drink ME TOO!! hehe...
from sexonatable :
You live here in Midland Midland MI! Really that is so kick ass what school if you do go to school do you go to? Well to tell you the truth no I'm not from the south but I really wish I was! What's your name and how old are you maybe sometime we could hang out or something I am a huggee rebel I mean I love the south! It's a awesome place!
from sademoon :
Yeah I know he should be ready. I mean I am a nympho and just sux not to be getting any :(
from sademoon :
actually JOEY you are hot so there
from asaph :
Thank you so much Joey. You're going to make a great husband/father some day. Stay sweet.
from carrie-lynn :
The thong thing can be sexy if you are woman enough to pull it off the right way without being tacky or slutty about it. It's not something I would wear just anywhere though, maybe to a club or at night. Also a nice butt helps too. It looks odd to me when little teenybopper flat-butted 16 year olds do it. Anyway, I think that look is starting to fade, not that I keep up with trends all that much in the first place. So you tell girls their boobs don't look good if they are not exactly the same size? That's kind of harsh. A lot of girls will have one that is slightly bigger than the other, I think it's pretty normal. I think mine are pretty equal though, thank God. I didn't know guys were that picky. Most guys are just happy to see boobs, and don't spend a lot of time comparing their size. It's always cool to hear another guy's point of view though. Plus, if they are flashing you then they are asking to be criticized I guess.
from one-moment :
*jelous!* i wish i was making as much money as you! i guess it would help if i got off my ass and got a job though, right ;) j/k really good diary, btw :)
from rain-n-tears :
i really enjoy reading your diary. keep writing later ~michele
from missprisy :
Hey, I know you're a busy boy, but just a reminder, you got 2 reviews to do. :) If you can't do them just let me know. Thanks!
from lassofskye :
Dude I was searching for all the U2 freaks like myself and somehow I stumbled over you. Isn't that "Tryin To Throw Your Arms Around The World?" Thats a great song!! Well my aol sn is U2LUVRXTREME, we can talk about how sexy Bono is! LOL
from missprisy :
Hey, how do you get rid of reviewers that actually suck at reviewing? Is there a nice way of saying this isn't working out? I don't know if you've been to the site lately, I should no better than to let 13 year olds review after our last problem. The new girl is so harsh in her reviews, saying things are wrong that really aren't wrong. I need help, what should I do with her?
from lpchic :
joey all that dominos stuff sux i heard more from joe. youll like having gerry for a manager. joe is better but gerry is fun to. oh by the way tell gerry hi for me.
from lpchic :
i would like to formally apologize to joey and everyone who read that. i was miss informed obiviously. joey your great and thats for accepting my apology. sorry about the dominos thing. if you loose that job maybe i can get you one at mr jims. just maybe.
from robertahay :
I had to leave you a note. I love you. Because you love U2. We love U2. Hurray! A fan of October? Thought I was the only one! luv from Rob
from bop-reviews :
Nice layout. Are you going to be able to do your review? Or should I give it away? Thanks!
from opaque88 :
Joey, You do have a great diary. It's pretty stupid to try and compare; lives will always be utterly different. And what you write doesn't always's the way you write. And the way you write is unique. Something that browsers really look for. Be proud of what you express. I certainly am.
from allden :
Hey Joey! I don't think that you should burn in Hell, nor do I think you need to buy that book.:) I adore you J-Man.
from rockland :
wow, joey i'm amazed at people these days...nothing better to do than tear others down...ohhh well what are ya going to do?!
from missprisy :
Well, I'm going to Amarillo. I have like an hour layover in Dallas. My boyfriend has to stay here though. :(
from tiki-reviews :
Where is my link???
from missprisy :
Sure, I've been keeping up on going through the guestbook. There is one re review, I think I'm going to give that to Mandelone. Have you heard from her at all? Should I do those reviews before some of the newer ones?
from bop-reviews :
If Mandolen isn't able to do any reviews for a while, I'll be glad to help her out. I won't add anymore to hers until she is better. What kind of surgery did she have?
from wonderwall :
hey... i think you should add, for the ladies, ewan macgregor is amazing as all hell :) i'm going to see it tonight, cant wait! anyway, i think you should talk to this girl and tell her how you feel. if she decides that she's happy with her boyfriend then oh well, you can move on, but maybe what you say will have an impact on her, especially if you know she has feelings for you too! follow your heart! she's an idiot if she doesn't pick you :)
from missprisy :
I hope you don't mind...I'm going to grab some diaries off the g-book and review them. You're probably busier than me, so I'll add them to our menu's. Is mandolen still reviewing? I'm just trying to make my work day pass quicker, can ya tell?
from missprisy :
Hey. I left hairbear1986 a note, but she erased it so I'm guessing she doesn't want a review. I also erased the diaries in my list since I completed them, hope that was okay. Have a good weekend.
from wonderwall :
the prom is highly overrated- it's all about the hype.
from rich-bouquet :
hey. my email address is - [email protected] aight? see you 'round.
from allden :
Joey-Man!! How are ya?! Y'know, I'D love to have my diary reviewed by you. Though it would probably behoove me to actually up-date it much more often!:) And that's terrible about peacocks. I have about thirty-five at home on our family farm. They're not too bad. Unless of course they are chasing you because you have angel food cake. ....then it's okay to think about killing and eating them.... -Mandolen
from asaph :
okie doke Joey...Tim basically said that the diaries that tear people down are wrong. He read from the poeples ... some "younger" writers. Someone called him a moron and he found this offensive... obviousally. Neways, i'll tell u more face to face, later.
from ironchef :
that wasn't this patrick....must of been the eddy munster look alike patrick collins.
from wonderwall :
i havent read that far back yet :) i liked your list though. i'd say my top five would be (5) trip through your wires (4) one (3) who's gonna ride your wild horses (2) walk on (1) with or without you. well, that's just the momentary list anyway. i'd say at any time it could include those, plus stuck, still havent found, i will follow, bad, running to stand still, and of course streets. heh. with or without you is always my number 1 though. by the by, i put you on my IM list, so if you get a random IM if you're ever on, you'll know it's me :) unless its one of those "Hey, click me for a good time!" type IMs. that's not me. hehe.
from mandypandy83 :
Hey, thanks! I'm glad you like my new layout. It's the first one I've really done by myself, so it's kinda my baby now, lol. That's cool that Mari let you do one of hers. Can't wait to read it!
from wonderwall :
top 5 U2 songs :) :) it's *really* hard! i've gotten it down to seven, and i've also categorized a whole bunch. p.s. couldn't help spying on your notes page. can't wait to see the new design! and if you want some links to pics, not that im sure u dont have awesome ones already, let me know, im always glad to help :)
from yearbookgirl :
hey, you left me a note saying you wanted a design. do you have a particular picture of u2 you want, or any specifics (colors, type of navigation, etc) that you may have thought of. email me at [email protected] thanks :)
from wonderwall :
i don't understand why i get depressed either. i'm a generally positive person but i'll just have these periods where i crash and it sucks. but hang in there, walk on... and by the way, the weather matched my mood exactly today. it was grey and cloudly, and the cold kind of hung in the air, with an ocassional raindrop falling. the promise of rain suspended. you would have liked it, i think.
from soulwindblow :
Hey. U2 is awesome. Anyone that has U2 in their diary name is cool. And October is such a great album. So overlooked, but great.
from sharlena7 :
thankx, :) that would be cool. i have taas this week so, things are kindof hectic. skool wise. well i have to get my sleep. eyb eyb Meri
from sharlena7 :
hey joey, sorry for running you down like that. I'm here for you, please use my ears to your benefit... Love you, alot. eyb eyb tu hermana
from sharlena7 :
hey brotha. I was just wondering (and this has nothign to do with anyone else i'm just wondering for myself), what are you doing down there? What do you do during the days? and why dont your car work yet?? please, come up and see me, at least call me when you can. love you, Meri p.s. i know your prolly going through some stuff but i am too and i know it does'nt mean much but, did it ever occure to you that mabyie i need you right now? you know i look up to you in every way, and i once thought i could be able to talk to u whenever the hell i needed someone... sorry, this is'nt a guilt trip, i just really miss my brother, my source of motivation, ya know... you have'nt spent one day with me, i miss that.
from sharlena7 :
joey! i miss you too! i wanna see you. ah i need a vacation, i really want to go to oklahoma and visit aunt M. sometime when we both have time or whatever, i miss you more than ever. We're both prolly going through alot of shit right now, or at least i am. well have to go work my ass off in the cold now, love you lots, eyb eyb ~Meri~
from sharlena7 :
heyllo mi hermano, i just wanted to say I Love You. And the latest news around here is.. Treena and Hector are getting married! like in a couple of weeks so if you read this you better call me. ok talk to u later, tell crystal i said hi. te amo mi hermano. eyb eyb
from badkitty04 :
hey buddy! how are you? where es u hermana? so why and what did you say to your ex-girlfriend that got rid of her or told her off or whatever you did!?! yo quiero pollo. yo tengo hambre. yea im gonna go get me so food. preferabley pollo but how are all the guys doing? well net time you see thm or talk to them tell them i said hi,much love ~love alwayz~ TaSha:) its [email protected]
from badkitty04 :
hey buddy! how are you? where es u hermana? so why and what did you say to your ex-girlfriend that got rid of her or told her off or whatever you did!?! yo quiero pollo. yo tengo hambre. yea im gonna go get me so food. preferabley pollo but how are all the guys doing? well net time you see thm or talk to them tell them i said hi,much love ~love alwayz~ TaSha:)
from sharlena7 :
joey, see i DO leave you messages! well i think that it's really awesome that you got those U2 tickets. I would like to go but you know i'll be in Oklahoma (woohoo). anyway, gotta go eat some grub. i love you mi hermano Meri
from badkitty04 :
hey baby! what up? how is life treating you? how is work going? when is the next time you get off? do you like that song by Linkin Park called PaPer CuT? wellz im gonna go now call me write me whatever the fuck you feel like doing wen your lazy-ass has time enough to want and do something! ~LoVe aLwaYz~ Tasha:)~
from sharlena7 :
hey hermano, i love you! and i like your stuff so thay means they are good, so deal w/ it. and know that you are loved greatly and dont forget it! bye tu pequito gordito
from badkitty04 :
i hope your happy now i did that stupid stuff that you told me to do! hola que pasa? love always Natasha
from badkitty04 :
hey baby! j/k whats up? how have you been? staying out of trouble i hope! when you get a chance look at my poems i only have one there at the moment but there will be more! eventually! wellz i g2g W/B/S love always Natasha
from sharlena7 :
MI HERMANO! whats up joey? my lips hurt... long story lol call me sometime you lovely weirdo. talk to u later, love you. -Meri-
from michigan :
Wow dude...i haven't heard from you in a long time. what's going on in your life? (besides missing mandie?) ;-) talk to you soon (october is a great song)

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