.i miss this place so much

My favorite diaries:

not-a-finger profile - diary
comments: she's my hero. or my friend. does it matter? and i miss her dearly!
fridayfilms profile - diary
comments: "Sometimes you want to write about love, but all you can write about is the weather."
dragnflytype profile - diary
comments: because black used to be an integral part of my wardrobe.
ann-frank profile - diary
comments: because strippers and bouncy houses do not mix....just like orange juice and toothpaste.
glitterkick profile - diary
comments: she loves buffy. she pokes a bunny. her doge neon sucks.
stellarose profile - diary
comments: STELLA!
the19thstory profile - diary
comments: a raskin fan, a chicago girl, what more could you ask for?
fussbudget profile - diary
shutupmom profile - diary
deb-e-ne-ne profile - diary
comment-anon profile - diary
comments: "You wanted to stand alone in your grief. So be it. You're alone."
smartypants profile - diary
comments: the only diary i know that cheers me up on a regular basis.
spunkygypsy profile - diary
comments: **Jolly Jesus**
juiceandjune profile - diary
comments: girl who reads pullman, listens to KTB, and likes other girls. shpantacular.
chuna profile - diary
old-story profile - diary
comments: pool. played well.
politiko profile - diary
comments: i was originally afraid of the name. grows on me with every read.
sassers profile - diary
comments: booked
teacher-dyke profile - diary
comments: yells at children!
annanotbob profile - diary
comments: new to me
shy-monster profile - diary
hangover profile - diary
comments: visited chicago and loved the jewel/osco
bicow profile - diary
comments: i wish i was where she is- in want, in lust, in love. in something.
toastcrumbs profile - diary
oncitybuses profile - diary
thisgirljes profile - diary
nexttoyou profile - diary
comments: intaglio
punklola profile - diary
geek-betty profile - diary
it-is profile - diary
comments: favorite book: westing game. 'nuff said.
erases profile - diary
comments: "i am real. and my heart is enormous. fuck you all."

My favorite music:

My favorite movies:

but im a cheerleader
comments: and this is where i fell in love with clea duvall
comments: dancing drugs delirium...and humor to boot.
imagine me and you
comments: piper plays another lezzy

My favorite authors:

dr. seuss
comments: because i'm going to grow up and be like him someday. and really, who knew that he wrote in anapestic tetrameter?

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last updated: 2024-07-26 10:33:24
this user's total entries: 1098
user since: 2001-11-07

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