>>away [ from here ] ------------>>>

bleach away my color & leave me faceless 'cause

i'm NOT as beautiful as you; no i'm not and i'll never be, yeah i'll always be me and you'll always be you

so let's just be ourselves &see where that gets us


My favorite diaries:

scratchvinyl profile - diary
comments: "if only they'd have kept the beat, pushed on through the early morning hours, kissed the girl, dumped the boy that cheated in highschool, challenged the teacher that said the world was flat"
be-my-heroin profile - diary
comments: "you &your / hard candy suicide / strawberry-kiwi / laced with cyanide"
antijamsect profile - diary
comments: "i am party people."
usb-port profile - diary
comments: "i seemed to have a period where i was fixated on girls that only exist in dreams."
sunkship profile - diary
comments: "we were still digging into each other, trying to get to know what was beneath all those layers we build so carefully.."
hanged profile - diary
comments: photography love .
plastictape profile - diary
comments: "he gave me the still-flavored gum straight from his mouth and followed me around the whole of the six hour class."
ohmyjetsabel profile - diary
comments: "the night, she sends her creatures out - / hallucinations & their white teeth waiting to bite."
agitated profile - diary
comments: "i've never felt my heart beat like this. so fast and so close to the surface"
blind-eyes profile - diary
comments: "I don't dream about death anymore. I don't think I dream at all."
loserface profile - diary
inimitable profile - diary
comments: "you tell me you feel uncertain about things. and i tell you, from far away, where you won't be able to hear me, "don't feel uncertain. feel like you want to marry me. because i would say yes."
girl101 profile - diary
comments: "am changing, changing, changed."
ceilings profile - diary
comments: "a boy less than half your size is more than twice your fun"
breathe-salt profile - diary
comments: "People are sane there."

My favorite music:

The Cardigans
Fiona Apple
Sol Seppy
Lykke Li
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club

My favorite movies:

White Oleander
Fight Club
Pulp Fiction
Rules of Attraction

My favorite authors:

J D Salinger
Agatha Christie
Jack Kerouac
Tom Wolfe
Janet Fitch
comments: White Oleander.

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last updated: 2022-06-29 22:42:45
this user's total entries: 549
user since: 2003-01-15

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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