Give Me A Break

Zesty Puerto Rican Leo Chick living in a crazy ass mobile mansion in an amazing place called Kalamazoo!

My favorite diaries:

Paeggan profile - diary
comments: My artsy, intelligent, British friend Sue & another local Michigan chicky.
Ursamajor profile - diary
comments: You MUST read her entry about reducing the mass of her is so damn funny!
ToeJam profile - diary
comments: Another hilarious neighbor - she is all that and much more.
Heidiann profile - diary
comments: Righteous babe from L.A. - she is speaking my language!!
Starlight42 profile - diary
comments: Another Righteous Michigan babe!
Almost-sane profile - diary
comments: Ah...I so enjoy this site.
Cherkitty profile - diary
comments: A groovy Texan.
Moonstone21 profile - diary
comments: I love it that she represents hispanic short women in Idaho. I feel as though we are long lost friends...great read.
Alldecadence profile - diary
comments: Deja-vu in a really GREAT way! Love ya, chickadee!!
busybean profile - diary
comments: Cool Neighbor with great husband who loves Indigo Gilrs!!!
science-girl profile - diary
comments: Yet another wonderfully witty, intelligent neighbor o' mine...go read and be amazed.
Jacqueline21 profile - diary
comments: Great Girl...Great Soul.
Chubbychic profile - diary
comments: Great sense of humor, great layout and hey if she is a chubby chic too, all the better I say!
Suenosverde profile - diary
comments: Art Lover & Ani DiFranco great is that???
Sherpahigh profile - diary
comments: Building a House and trying to keep her sanity...
Thirdeye7601 profile - diary
comments: Great woman, and an Air Force Wife!!
jfsuperstar profile - diary
comments: former kzoo grrl...very, very, very funny
kungfukitten profile - diary
comments: I am one smitten kitten...she is the BOMB!
loudwoman profile - diary
comments: As Kungfukitten said, she was snarky, before snarky was cool.

My favorite music:

There are just too many to list:
comments: The Indigo Girls, Sarah McLachlan, Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Bee Gees, Styx,
Mary Chapin Carpenter, Tori Amos, Sheryl Crow,
comments: Dido, Ani DiFranco, Girlyman, Drums & Tuba, Beck, Poe, RENT soundtrack,

My favorite movies:

High Fidelity
comments: John Cusack is the funniest man alive!! Now get your patchouli stink ass outta here!
A Christmas Story
comments: Ho! Ho! Ho! C'mon Kid...oooh FUDGE, but I didn't say fudge...I said the Queen Mother of all swear words...
The Truth About Cats & Dogs
comments: Ms. Garafalo is so funny in this movie!
Pulp Fiction
comments: Royale with Cheese baby!
comments: A True Cult Classic

My favorite authors:

Patricia Cornwell
comments: Forensic Pathology - absolutely fascinating reading.
Sue Grafton
comments: The Alphabet murder mysteries...good stuff.

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last updated: 2007-04-12 23:44:37
this user's total entries: 391
user since: 2001-11-20

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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