messages to abendbrot:
(click here to add new message):

from heavenlyging :
Thanks for the beads!!! I just got them and they're beautiful! Very appreciated. Take care.
from purplebanana :
Happy Friday!
from heavenlyging :
Surprises would be great!!! Yayness!! Thanks again!
from ariadne518 :
Love the friday five. Get the doctorate!
from snarkhunter :
heh. It's me. Your beloved ex-roommate. You KNOW which one. <G> Yes, I have a diaryland diary. I'm probably going to switch over to livejournal, though, for a variety of reasons. :) I just found yours--didn't even know you had one...sad. Anyway. Wanted to say hi. It's been snowing for 12 hours straight. Fun, huh? Oh, thanks for the card! Brightened my day. :)
from goddesshere :
I just left a message in your guestbook, but um. I think it went to "erinpractice" instead. *confused*
from starxlover20 :
Thank you SO MUCh for the Sea Monkeys. You totally have made my day/week/month. I was really surprised to get something, but nevertheless thrilled! I don't know why I'm so entertained by them...who needs to study when you have Sea Monkeys? Again ThANK YOU!!
from elateddream :
I really really like your diary. Annddd chocolate pudding covered strawberries are to die for :D
from urbandecay :
haha! abendbrot is such a damn good name for a diary. so ein beklopptes wort aber auch! vlg urbanxxx
from dogged :
Well, so far I know that we're gonna visit Germany & Amsterdam. We're also going to Bosnia & Croatia because we have family living there. I'm not sure where else we'll end up, you never know. Heh. And uhhh, we'll be staying for a month. ;)
from ana-anna :
I'm from Germany.... Hmm, not that this is interesting or something, just wanted to say.

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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