
I've locked this diary and moved onto new pastures. If you would like to know where the new diary is, please contact me on alisonisyourhero at yahoo dot com. Be well, be strong.

My favorite diaries:

suzysoo profile - diary
suzysootoo profile - diary
eggwhite profile - diary
volleydahl profile - diary
askalison profile - diary
methybeth profile - diary
delighted profile - diary
truemaddeep profile - diary
cheech-a-la profile - diary
sgi-me profile - diary
johndavid profile - diary
asummergirl profile - diary
mujerboricua profile - diary
roomsu profile - diary
babydaddy profile - diary
purplebanana profile - diary
salazabr profile - diary
angel0fdeath profile - diary
alicesbaby profile - diary
andrew profile - diary
movieboy profile - diary
beauty-full profile - diary
eighthwonder profile - diary
iamafatgirl profile - diary
grrl-blog profile - diary
veralynn profile - diary
kickme-tryme profile - diary
neangel profile - diary
ratherbored profile - diary
uhavnoidea profile - diary
miedema2002 profile - diary
onlymayday profile - diary
ethereal-red profile - diary
femme-inine profile - diary
arthursmummy profile - diary
annanotbob profile - diary

My favorite music:

dar williams
comments: she's a storyteller in her songs, and out.
ani difranco
comments: politics and music, how lovely.
joni mitchell
comments: 'a case of you' touches me so deeply.
jack johnson
comments: his voice - so pretty! so uplifting! so honest!
john mayer
comments: just for that one high school song.

My favorite movies:

the camomile lawn
comments: i love world war two in a really voyeuristic kind of way.
comments: painfully realistic. makes me nostolgic for the agonies of adolescence.
the shining
comments: always somewhere in my top 50 list. or higher.
top gun
comments: an oldie but a very, very goodie.
the breakfast club
comments: this will never stop being cool.

My favorite authors:

sabrina ward harrison
comments: go buy 'spilling open' if you want to see what honesty looks like.
dr. suess
comments: oh, the places i went!
stephen king
comments: 'the shining' is the only book/movie combination which truly gets my heart pumping.
louis sachar
comments: 'there's a boy in the girl's bathroom' was my favourite book growing up.
rainer maria rilke
comments: makes me wish i spoke german. not all the time, though, just to read poetry.

leave a note for purplebanana
diaryrings which purplebanana belongs to
diaries which list purplebanana as a favorite diary
last updated: 2007-07-13 07:43:15
this user's total entries: 2098
user since: 2002-02-10

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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