Logical thoughts

Generally, I'm not lazy, but it seems like filling this little box with 250 characters is one of the least appealing things in my life right now. Sorry.

My favorite diaries:

purplebanana profile - diary
comments: the bestest friend a girl could ask for
suzysoo profile - diary
comments: purplebanana's partner/wife/life-mate: she gets my seal of approval, and that's very important.
all-of-me profile - diary
comments: my favorite conversationalist/spiritual advisor. fortunately, we've got chaise lounges in each other's heads, so it's easy to communicate.
lkvw23 profile - diary
comments: Yes, here he is, the owner of the "msu whore" diaryring, and a very tolerant and informative source for questions about genitalia that pop into my head from time to time.
flotsam profile - diary
comments: all-of-me's girlfriend. get lost in her writing- it's like magic.
unclebob profile - diary
comments: funny guy.
cubiclegirl profile - diary
comments: i was shocked to think that she *does* exist in real life, and that we have mutual friends.

My favorite music:

dar williams
comments: i found her way back in the beginning and have listened to her ever since.
ani difranco
comments: thanks so much to my friend purplebanana for turning my once defiant attitude towards ani to love love love.
tori amos
sarah mclachlan
natalie merchant
comments: "well, is it dark enough? can you hear me? do you want me? can you reach me? or i'm leaving. you better shut your mouth and hold your breath and kiss me now or catch your death. oh i mean this..."

My favorite movies:

My favorite authors:

leave a note for eighthwonder
diaryrings which eighthwonder belongs to
diaries which list eighthwonder as a favorite diary
last updated: 2007-01-10 18:45:21
this user's total entries: 198
user since: 2001-04-08

AOL IM name: EagleCAA
ICQ number:
Yahoo Messenger name:
MSN Messenger name: [email protected]

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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