messages to breadcrust:
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from sarahsundae :
Congrats on your marriage. You look beautiful!
from thinartist :
hey, kudos for just showing up to the gym. i am jealous. i have a new puppy... which is great, but i need to figure out how to merge my schedule and his into one big cohesive ball of happiness. on the upside, although i am not in the gym, i am taking him for walks.
from atorridsoul :
sorry forgot to add I lost 15 lbs the first month off the shot... with NO changes to diet or anything..
from atorridsoul :
Just a suggestion but when I was on the Depo shot I couldn't lose weight to save my life but I was scared to get off BC so I got a PARAGAURD IUD instead.. No hormones no weight changes and it's actually more effective at preventing pregnancy than any hormonal thing anyway.. Everyone I know that had kids got pregnant on the pill.. the reason I never got it. Plus the IUD is inserted and 100% effective from day one and you can leave it for up to 10 years or have it taken out whenever you're ready to get pregnant and you can immediately get pregnant after having it taken out (if your ovulating of course) I'm just saying it's worth talking to your Gyno about. I had no problems and kept mine in for 4 years (Got it out after hubby had his vasectomy)
from thinartist :
i've been sick too. ugh. about losing weight, my boy also has trouble shedding the pounds. i've only seen him lose weight when he does drastic changes like only eating salads. we're both getting back into eating healthy and cutting back. sensible eating. hope it works. we're becoming roly and poly.
from thinartist :
jenny's vegie tuna salad: finely chop baby carrots in a food processor, then chop celery, add to your drained tuna, and mix everything together with spinach dip instead of mayo. voila, vegies and a terrific, dense tuna salad which is fabulous on whole grain bread (i always wing the amounts. play around with it. food is fun!)
from aliwishus :
one of the easiest ways i've found to eat veggies is get a frozen mix of broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots. if you add just a little butter (a teaspoon or so) and some salt it really perks them up. if you're trying to eat vegetables without tasting them, i'd recommend soup or lasagna. that's just off the top of my head. i'm sure there are lots of non-recipes somewhere on the web. :)
from imabrat2 :
Four lobsters? Lobster is my favorite, I am so jealous. Have a fun vacation. :-)
from krugerpak007 :
Why, that poncho is stunning. I would buy it! And you look great! Great I say! Your template makes me want to take some hot brown bread, lather it with butter and eat it. xoxox Kathy
from cubabuddha :
Ok. I need that poncho pattern. Everyone seems to be making ponchos but they're those stupid flimsy ugly ponchos. Yours is warm and sexy and I love it. And you look stunning in it. I'm so impressed with the cabling on the white sweater! I'll take pics of my blanket soon. Right now I have 3 large squares (1 hank each!) and I think the whole thing will be about 9. Seriously, you have to tell me how you did the poncho, brand of wool etc!
from sarahsundae :
damn! you look great! so tiny!
from thinartist :
I want a poncho too! I'm thoroughly impressed.
from thinartist :
You are so good at taking the practical approach! I have no fear that you'll be "fat" in your swimsuit. Thanks for remaining a beacon of sensibility. :-)
from diet-riot :
Sorry to hear about your cold. Seems something is making me sneeze. i hope I'm not getting sick too. Yes, we need to remember just to stop and smell the roses now and then.
from krugerpak007 :
That sounds good, I am doing the same, lounging at home and relaxing..Feel good. xoxo
from imabrat2 :
I hope you feel better soon.
from greenspoon :
Im already addicted to your diary... you seem very honest and down to earth..and I like those capris too.. :)
from thinartist :
me likey the capris!
from diet-riot :
Good job on the yoga! Arm muscles are sooo sexxy! I seem to have migrated to LiveJournal. I am theatre_nerd. Check me out! I'll still post diet stuff here though.
from thinartist :
Remember... moderation is good in all things, including moderation. :-)
from imabrat2 :
Thanks for the note about yoga, I think I'll give it a shot. Going out to lunch with work buddies is hard isnt' it? I try to avoid it because I usually eat too much...but we have to treat ourselves once in a while.
from imabrat2 :
I guess every class has to have at least one show off bitch. When she told you she has been going to the gym for 7 years maybe you should have said something like "gee, I guess it doesn't work as well as I thought"...Ok, maybe that would be a little mean. I'm thinking about signing up for a yoga class at my gym. Anything I should know first? Do you have any recommendations for a beginner? I imagine they probably have different levels.
from diet-riot :
Uck...i know what you mean about being drenched in sweat. But, at least you know that your workout is doing the trick! Yoga! Way to go on making it through the class!
from cubabuddha :
Haha. When you post a picture of your sweater (I hope I just didn't miss it) I'll attempt to take a picture of my pathetic quilt square. It's actually not square...and you can tell I'm a beginner. But it was fun - I'll post it as soon as I get access to a digi cam! Thanks for asking!
from diet-riot :
Hey there...looks like you've been doing good lately. I hope your sister is encouraging you and not depressing you. Good yogurt idea! Mmmm
from fatqueen :
Thanks for the inspiration. I'm just starting, but I enjoyed what I've read. I WILL be back!
from cubabuddha :
Hey! Thanks for the note. I haven't knitted in probably 10 years as well. I got a ton of different colours yesterday, some needles, and a stitch book. I think I'm starting off on a pretty basic quilt/afgan. I'll be sure to post some pics of I don't get too frustrated! It's exciting to know someone else who's doing it as well. Especially since I might need some advice! Oh and by the way, your dress is so beautiful! And you look SO THIN! Hehe.
from diet-riot :
Hot weather running SUCKS! Yeah, I love that muscley feeling. The feeling you get after you've been working out really hard. It keeps you encouraged. Keep up that running!
from sarahsundae :
be strong! we had 4 dozen in my office last week and i said no to those babies. no donuts is good.
from krugerpak007 :
Your pictures are GREAT!! You bought your wedding dres-wow!!! Waiting for a picture...:-) Kathy
from diet-riot :
Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! I squealed when I saw your pictures. Those pictures took my breath away! You look soooo cute! Nice collar bone and back you have there. One of the benefits of losing weight is to finally see some nice bones in those areas. Lovely tan too. What a find! That was lucky for you to have found so many dresses that fit. Me? I didn't do the wedding dress thing. Our wedding was dressy casual. Hang on to these pics! Thanks for putting them up!
from runninginsf :
from diet-riot :
Love the excessive notes! :-) I am jealous that you know how to sew. I would like to learn someday, but I am not sure I have the patience.
from thinartist :
Tight tummy! Yeah. Who cares about weight as long as your body is tight!!! Muscles weigh more than fat and take up less room. As for the cropped pants, wrong cut for your body. From what I can see in the pic, they are too long! and you are a tall drink of water, my friend. A more flattering look would be a more fitted capris which would hit under your knee. Long legs look terrific in the right length!!!
from diet-riot :
I'm glad I can be an encouragement. It helps me to write all that stuff down. Have you heard of Irfranview? You can download it if you have a PC with windows and use it to do all kinds of cool things to photos. And it's so easy! If I can use it, you can too. Just do a google search for it. You'll be cropping and re-sizing photos in no time at all!
from diet-riot :
Hey! Great job running! I don't do that. I have been doing rest/run workouts on the treadmill. On other days, I do a long continuous run. I try to increase my speed gradually as I go along. So far, my longest ditance is 2.5 miles. Or I just do 30 minutes of the run/rest thing. Damn...that pic is tiny! Can't tell who it is! Or maybe that was the idea.
from shalysa :
It's interesting. Everyone seems to have a "Red Light" time. 4pm is really common. Lots of people get hit a couples hours after dinner. And for some people its the middle of the night. I am a 4 o'clocker too. I do stay more full longer when I add healthy fats to my meals. Avocado is my favorite, toss a bit into my salad, yum! But I STILL get hit by cravings at 4. I can ignore them when I am not starving though. Most of the time time. It's something to do with our body clocks, and I'm afraid that we just have to get used to it and ride it out.
from diet-riot :
I hear you! i have those 3:00 hunger pangs too! I may try to wait it out. I usually have a granola bar after work but before the gym. When I get home, I try to have a little something. Yogurt. Crystal light. FF pudding. I try to make sure I'm not hungry before dinner since we always eat late. Water water water!
from runninginsf :
Hi, I'm a new reader to your site and have been really enjoying your updates....I have the exact same peak points in my day and can't "water" my way through the afternoon slump. There are a few things that I've done to get through the afternoon and still have energy for a post-work work-out: I take my afternoon 15 minute break at around 3:30-4 and do a brisk walk around the block and window shop, then I go back and have a healthy-fat snack: celery dipped in peanut butter, yogurt with granola and/or almonds. Hope it helps, although post some tips if you get more!
from thinartist :
You are looking great and healthy!!! Whooo-hoo! I just checked out your helpful links. I am re-vamping my Fitday efforts. My mom started using it again and has dropped 10 pounds. Isn't it amazing what a difference simple awareness is? Congrats on graduating and for being a healthy, fit role model.
from winkyroo :
You look gorgeous in your grad pics - good luck with the diet.
from diet-riot :'re HOT! Don't let anyone tell you differently. Even you! We have to build each other up here in DL. Nice picture! And congrats!
from thinartist :
You're welcome. ;-)
from thinartist :
Your welcome. :-)
from diet-riot :
There are ways to eat healthy at restaurats. Most places will be more than happy to serve you steamed veggies. You can tell them not to serve bread. You can order water. Look for grilled items on the menu. Better yet, snack healthy before you leave the house so you're not hungry at the restaurant. Restaurants do not have to mean breaking your diet. (After reading what you're doing at the gym, I'm thinking of taking swimming lessons.)
from thinartist :
Here's the 411 on the bran buds. I buy Kellogg's ALL BRAN bran buds. They're really mild in flavour. Good luck with the next seven days!
from thinartist :
If you want to add a little bit of fibre "oomph" to your delicious cereal, the answer is simple: bran buds. 1/3 of a cup has 13 grams of fibre! It's an easy way to start the day off with a fibre punch.
from diet-riot :
Regarding your maost recent entry about your co-workers, I have just one word to say. Bitches. That is all they are. They have no lives. Ignore them. No, you DO NOT have to explain yourself. Just smile and start eating your salad. Let them wonder about your big bag and then say nothing. You do not have to appease these busybodies. Okay...that was more than one word wasn't it?
from diet-riot :
Regarding your maost recent entry about your co-workers, I have just one word to say. Bitches. That is all they are. They have no lives. Ignore them. No, you DO NOT have to explain yourself. Just smile and start eating your salad. Let them wonder about your big bag and then say nothing. You do not have to appease these busybodies. Okay...that was more than one word wasn't it?
from thinartist :
Yeah! You tell the world... stay off my lawn! :-) It becomes so easy to judge others in a culture that is self-obsessed (ie overly self-critical.) Mc D salads ARE good... but my favourite part is Newman's Own low-fat balsamic vinaigrette! Incidentally, up til recently this scrumptious low-fat high flavour dressing was only available at the golden arches but is now available at grocery stores (or so it appears on the Newman's Own website.)
from diet-riot :
Ooh! Pretty flowers! Great job on the run! I am slowly starting to get back into running. i was on the treadmill yesterday, and i thought to myself: Y'know, i kinda missed this. This feels kinda...good!.
from diet-riot :
I am wearing cute pants today too! These are pants I couldn't wear when I was all bloated and periody recently. It made me feel good to slip them on again. yes, sometimes the right clothes do make all the difference.
from thinartist :
You are doing great! Real personal change happens gradually and can only be seen from a distance. My guess, as to why people blip in and out, is that you have people who are repeatedly checking in on you. Weight is highly relative. Why worry what the world thinks? Half of the world is crazy. :-)
from sarahsundae :
we're human-no on is perfect. it's so hard to "diet" (i hate that word). we want to be thin but our bodies don't want to give up what it's used to. you're doing great.
from diet-riot :
Oh hun...I know what it's like to have a cold. It really sucks. I have regular sinus infections. I hope you get better soon. Yes, you will lose weight after being sick, but it may not be permanent.
from diet-riot :
I totally agree with you about the Swan. It is wrong. Very very wrong. And yet, I felt compelled to watch. 1200 caloies is starvation. Maybe they are just looking for quick results. I don't see that being a lasting change for these girls after it is all over.
from thinartist :
Vegas, eh? How fun! My favourite hotel is the Venetian! It has fabulous restaurants and the Canal Shoppes. Plus, the rooms are gorgeous.
from theatre-geek :
(this is diet-riot) I do that theatre stuff for free. My day to day job is much more mundane than that. But, maybe someday, I'll get paid to act. I am the First Fairy in the pictures.
from diet-riot :
Wow...I leave and people go and get engaged! Congratulations!
from thinartist :
Congrats on the engagement!
from sarahsundae :
congrats on getting engaged!
from diet-riot :
Hey! I'm glad it worked! Geez...I need to get back into running. You put me to shame.
from diet-riot :
Those tips make sense. I'll be curious to know if they worked. I'm a runner too (or used to be) and I get that crampy stomach feeling too. Usually, it just means I have not gone to the bathroom. (eww...gross)
from thinartist :
Hi there! Thanks for checking out my silly little piece of the universe. I, too, was told about the magical properties of breadcrusts and I, too, have very curly hair. Did you read about my encounter with the hairdresser from hell? She, actually, tried getting style ideas from one of those books! :-) Take care, Jenny Lynn
from diet-riot :
3/1/04 Good point about the crusts. Who knew? I'll remember that. Although I have never removed them. I always ate them. Didn't know I was being so healthy.
from diet-riot :
2/26/04 I might find out some interesting things if I tried fitday. I know I am lacking in some areas. I will be chanting "moderation" for you so you don't give in. Sounds like quite a challenge. Just eat a little of everything and you won't feel deprived. Just remember the event is about talking and food is not the main focus. Keep mingling!
from diet-riot :
Hmmm...swimming. Maybe i should try that. But, my club has no pool. :-(
from until-we-die :
Hey! I recently started tracking my weightloss with fitday in January. I'm finding it very motivating to track the foods and literally see the calorie defecit. Plus I really enjoyed your diaryland page. Definatly adding you to my faves!
from diet-riot :
I used to run. I got pretty decent when I stopped. I was too busy with rehearsals every night. I used to get those unexplained cramps too. I tried to work through them. Sometimes it was just because I needed to go to the bathroom. I hate having to stop the treadmill for that!
from diet-riot :
I too am trying to get out of my size 10 jeans. I am viewed by most as a skinny chick. I know I am not. One look at my naked ass would tell you that. Motivation is hard for me too. It really hits home when other people can notice a change in my size. It happens in my face first. Chipmunk cheeks! Good luck with your ongoing pursuit of a fit body! I love your journal!
from pleasediana :
i've moved xredbracelet
from pleasediana :
i just wanted to throw a helpful tip your way that walmart has these huge lenders bagels with just 270 calories for the whole bagel. it's better then 400
from pleasediana :
with the cutting back on calories that you have been doing, about how much weight have you lost? how much in a week would you say?

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