
My name is Kathy, I am 33 years old, going on 9. Divorced. I am quite crazy I guess and just trying to learn to love myself and to get through life with as few bumps as possible...Drop me a note with your e-mail address if you would like to read.

My favorite diaries:

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elgan profile - diary
hissandtell profile - diary
Ava-Reborn profile - diary
makinganewme profile - diary
bitterwineuk profile - diary
spring-da1sy profile - diary
yeahimadork profile - diary
MozAngeles profile - diary
ishouldcry profile - diary
heelandlass profile - diary
theflyingrat profile - diary
formerlymr profile - diary
whystinger profile - diary
razor-vixen profile - diary
woeknowsbest profile - diary
Smedindy profile - diary
barank profile - diary
littlelove4 profile - diary
startafresh profile - diary
noaddedme profile - diary
icyjewel profile - diary
avalonte profile - diary
sarahsundae profile - diary
mixedup profile - diary
x-centricity profile - diary
janedoe0 profile - diary
violetsmile profile - diary
thelongreign profile - diary
dream-catcha profile - diary
stepfordtart profile - diary
theumbrella profile - diary

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last updated: 2012-05-14 13:25:17
this user's total entries: 1188
user since: 2003-05-04

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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