it never ends

when does it stop hurting? when do i become normal? probably never but that doesn't stop me from trying. i'm just a girl on a very twisted road to recovery(?) recovering from abuse both forced and self-inflicted. i just want to be happy.

if u want the password, don't be shy, leave me a note.

My favorite diaries:

zambrosia profile - diary
miss-k2 profile - diary
outdated profile - diary
fightn4life profile - diary
comments: i'm fighting too
waterlu profile - diary
comments: i love your life!
shes-dying profile - diary
comments: few can understand the pain like she can
second-love profile - diary
comments: honest, hard writing . . . i like
ava-reborn profile - diary
comments: BFF
ruachadonai profile - diary
sazzle182 profile - diary
thekirks profile - diary
razor-vixen profile - diary
noemptydream profile - diary
krugerpak007 profile - diary
comments: another cool chick from around the world
iamstillme profile - diary
comments: it's so nice to read pure bliss from a wonderful person
dreamer5190 profile - diary
gotharder profile - diary
x-centricity profile - diary
X-plicity profile - diary
shoelover192 profile - diary
iamlearning profile - diary
violetsmile profile - diary
curious-me profile - diary
thesoulsings profile - diary
horvy profile - diary

My favorite music:

joss stone
comments: she touches and stirrs my soul
nora jones
comments: everyone needs to feel wonderful now and again
indigo girls
comments: it's not just because they're lesbians, they move me
lauren hill
comments: my past, my heart
comments: i am an angel

My favorite movies:

a beautiful mind
comments: it's real and it gives me hope
comments: it'd be an awful waste of space . . .
comments: i'm just a little girl that wants to be special too

My favorite authors:

de foe
comments: read moll flanders, that's all i have to say

leave a note for barank
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last updated: 2008-11-14 16:18:36
this user's total entries: 472
user since: 2004-06-26

AOL IM name: Barank Here
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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