messages to bunnyfarm:
(click here to add new message):

from purple-font :
Helllooo :) Haha. Yeah I probably seem stalkerish coz I'm just some random who listed you as a fav :P I'm from around Penrith kinda. It's about an hour west of Sydney, not too sure if you've ever heard of it? And sure, the details are below. I don't think it'd be too interesting though :) xx Username: passing Password: through
from goodluckgold :
Hello, yeah I remember sending that message and sure I'll love to have a key to your new diary!!! I'll add your new diary to my reader's list.
from goodluckgold :
Hello, I happened to stopped by your journal and I like it, is this like all the dreams you have or no? And I was wondering if I could add you to my reader's list and that you can read my diary, that's only if you want to. Well ta-ta! Sammy
from freelady :
HELLO I am Mrs Bridggie William,I saw your profile and i am much intrested in you and i will like you to write with your private email address as i have very important thing to talk with you for our both benefit and betterment. I am married to MR CAMPBELL WILLIAM who worked with NEW-ZEALAND EMBASSY in COTE D IVOIRE nine years before he died. We were married for eleven years without a child. he died after a brief illness that lasted for only four days. Before his death we were living together in good harmony. When my late husband was alive he deposited the sum of $4.5 Million (FOUR MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ) in the BANK here in COTE D IVOIRE. I can not handle the transaction due to i am very sick and the doctors advise that i need to have enough rest.I am sending you this message from the hospital bed where i was admitted. EMAIL: [email protected] As soon as I receive your reply I shall get back to you with the detail I am going to give you 20% of the total sum. This is my direct email which u can send me message. PLEAASE DO NOT REPLY THIS MAIL IN THIS SITE I WILL NOT SEND U ANY DETAILS HERE UNLESS DIRECT TO THIS EMAIL EMAIL: [email protected]

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