messages to cyndib:
(click here to add new message):

from kmontes66 :
Hi! I just wanted to know if you r still having panic attacks as I am having them myself. They are very hard for me to deal with and I just wanted to see how you've come along w/them. Thanks!
from kmontes66 :
Hi! I just wanted to know if you r still having panic attacks as I am having them myself. They are very hard for me to deal with and I just wanted to see how you've come along w/them. Thanks!
from crazzzychick :
Hey! I want to say thankq for leaving me a note! And thanks for understanding about the whole media thing!
from urbandestiny :
Thanks so much for visiting my da prints thing I really appriciate you taking the time out to comment - neat diary you got here too - love n hugz from me XxX
from celtickatt :
Write Here
from monkey-bean :
I totally agree about the spelling and grammer crap. So what if you spell a couple of things wrong here and there?
from cyndib :
Testing this thing again, I've had complaints
from ravynemyst :
Oh, forgot to tell you, until I can get a new template up, I have to add all new buddies to my Ravynespeaks diary. The one under this name is full. That is the personal side of me where I rant about everyday life ::laughs:: Thanks again :)
from ravynemyst :
I can totally understand your panic attacks. I have them often myself and get so exhausted afterwards too. I also suffer from a mild case of agoraphobia and usually have panic attacks when I have to leave the house. I am glad you added me to your buddy list; people with panic attacks need to stick together :)
from elnara :
Wow. That's heavy shit.
from internalised :
Write Here
from one-eight-7 :
ah. awesome. spank you :)
from whovillian :
Aww thx....I try to be as honest as possible on here and I'm the same person on here as I am in real life so it helps in keeping the diary entries real for me. Yeah it is a odd feeling of other people reading what is in my mind on a daily basis but reading others helps me to realize how "normal" I really am....or how screwed up we all
from whovillian :
Thx for the help..I did it!...I'm by no means a computer techie...and will never claim that hat. Also thanks for liking my is usually implusive thoughts that I contradict myself consistantly on...*smirks*....I really enjoyed reading yours too
from brandone :
Don't worry, be happy!
from xfsmiles :
thanx alot, ive worked really hard on it and am really happy in how it turned out ... good luck with html
from cyndib :
Axisofevil~~just in case you come back, I can't find you anywhere. I would love to take a look at your page, if you wouldn't mind but you aren't listed in the members directory. Thanks for your note.
from cyndib :
ok. killthecrows~~I am not sure how to find you. I've searched the members directory and came up empty. So, the picture of the woman standing over the pixies is by E.R. Hughes and is called Midsummer Eve. You can buy a poster of it for about $9 at I think it's great & I love pixie/fairy posters. They are so sweet and endearing just like innocent pics of babies and little kids playing.
from killthecrows :
I love the painting on you front page of the girl bending over looking at the faeries, illuminated by their light. who was it by?
from one-eight-7 :
..watup. i live in tucson too. hmm. ok cool diary, yo
from celtickatt :
Thanks for the comment! The purpose is just as much for other's benefits as mine. I plan on adding all the time, so keep checking back! :)
from axisofevil :
Thoroughly enjoyed this entry. Quite insightful and intriguing.
from axisofevil :
Write Here
from cyndib :
Write Here
from cyndib :
Write Here
from cyndib :
i am still testing my own crap
from kidneygurl :
Take care and just take it a step at a time.
from celtickatt :
Hi! I noticed you went to my page so I searched you a bit. I read that you have panic attacks. I do too... well... I DID and sometimes still come close. I went to therapy for a bit to learn how to deal with them, and it was very effective. I opted NOT for the medication route because I knew if I ever stopped taking it, the attacks would come back. Which I knew that would be worse because if you get used to not having them and they come back, they are quite scarier than normal. Anyway, I'd love to chat sometime or at least tell you some of what I learned. I also have a book that can help. Best of luck sweetie... -Shannon
from leslieirene :
Well, thank you so much for that sweet note! I, too, suffer from panic attacks, and have since I was about 10 years old. I have taken Xanax for them for about 12 years. It really helps. I am glad you like my diary! I have put a lot of work into it, and have had to learn tons about html. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, and feel free to write anytime! Blessings Always, Leslie Irene :)

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