messages to dpd:
(click here to add new message):

from bonnylisbon :
i came across your ring accidently, and of course i had to join because i've been called a sad bastard on more than one occassion, i own too many records, and don't have many "friends." so here i am, a toast to the gal that started it all, lift your glasses to the sad bastards!
from semisomnus :
O Jane, how I do miss thee. -Kira
from pirate-ships :
yo jane, i'm wearing my new earrings. i hope you're not IN NEED any longer (although what happened to your five-year-plan or somesuch? a bust?).
from burningember :
yes jeff buckley was totally the man. and now you know me.
from d-rex17 :
you know how happy I am for you. Love,
from d-rex17 :
thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you
from burningember :
a friend of caits and dans. i might have met you at her house one night, im not sure though.
from burningember :
from d-rex17 :
we are synchronizing and attending the coronation. Deers are eating petals, mothers are dying.
from d-rex17 :
use 'distillation' and I'll give you my soul. UPDATE MAWRFUCKER!
from pirate-ships :
the sheer fact that you used the word "hiatus" = wonderful.
from pirate-ships :
ew, product of a diseased mind! beautiful poetry!
from sanjai :
jane baby, well done today. i could just hear the angry, loud, violent protestor inside you screaming, even if you politely refused to yell out loud. keep up da bon travail. (howz that for mixed accents?)
from d-rex17 :
yo se, yo se. quando vas a <<updatar>>?
from pirate-ships :
it made him vomit beautifully! oh well, it was worth it.
from talula1217 :
are you saying you DON'T want a random stainless steel ball in the middle of your cleavage? come on, all the cool kids are do'n it.
from pirate-ships :
she had a piercing in the middle of her chest. somebody asked her what it was and she said it was her sternum piercing. ugh.
from pirate-ships :
asexuality is NEAT! divide! divide! divide!
from pirate-ships :
i wish to register a complaint. stop making my teeth fall out!
from d-rex17 :
Umm... when my head becomes a metallic bears, I'll vacation inside a nameless elipsis. Rita just discovered the word comatose. Fun and merriment ensues. I'm sorry about Mr. Strummer. My dad's been in mourning tambien.
from d-rex17 :
update... how come half of your notes are people telling you to update. Just do it. Swoosh. "Is it worth it, let me work it, put my thing down flip it and reverse it..." in exchange for Raul Julia's malleable head and C. Walken's googly eyes. Aight? I miss you.
from facepunch :
i dunno who that guy in the quiz result is, but i highly doubt he recieves naked benefits of any kind.
from pirate-ships :
update! it does a body good!
from pirate-ships :
hey i got aim!! le finally!! je suis le 'pirateshoez'! updayte moire, you're soreli myss'd.
from sanjai :
you know, catholicism is scary as all get-out.
from yourstar-14 :
heh...i just think the sad bastards webring was a really good idea
from d-rex17 :
what is that? Where did you get those? Yeah, so, I guess that you've been uninvited to the uber personal bbq, and now you have to stand outside the lawn trying to get tickets from a scalper or Judy or something. I miss you, and thanks for updating.
from pirate-ships :
the bulk of my weekend was spent psychoanalysing you too.
from pirate-ships :
I say the world is getting rid of its demons you say, "baby what've you been smoking?"
from pirate-ships :
I hope it's a tremendous change for the better, not that you have any room for improvement. You could visit Serge's Wings or Jiffy Smog while you're in L.V.
from pirate-ships :
thomas! why don't you looooooove me?!
from pirate-ships :
you'll find your place in the sun soon enough.
from d-rex17 :
is danny still on the penis bong thing? jesus, let 'em hermaphrodite, let 'em live, as they say.
from d-rex17 :
si, yo comprendo, pero necessitas saber que no estas una mala persona. And you're not slimy, he is so much slimier, but there's no need to talk about it if we don't do anything....
from d-rex17 :
Janey- You can't feel bad for your emotions or for things you did when you didn't know, and I'm sorry if I was bitchy about it for a little while, but I think you realize now.... sorry. You're okay Janey, which is better than the previous said, but I think, if no one is going to do anything about it, there is no point in discussing it, he'll die lonely and wretchedly ugly anyways.
from d-rex17 :
I note offense... and you're only as scene as you want to be- how scene you are changes like the seasons or shitty facial hair. Step off sanjai! Quelle the fuck? I heart you sanjai! Hollis is looking at ugly clothes... Janey, why rock when you can roll?
from sanjai :
hello jane. your site is hilarious. still, i don't know why we all have to put up with d-rex's poor grasp of la lexicographie francais... jk, dan.
from d-rex17 :
update please! and what the fuck sanjai? but thank you for the cloves, and I'm sorry if Hollis and I pissed you off. pardon my french, eh?
from sanjai :
also, d-rex's french suckz and u can tell him i said so. and does DPD stand for dp dough?
from sanjai :
well, i dont know who you are, but you like radiohead and the clash, so you seem worth talking to. what is your name?
from d-rex17 :
and, as I'm not working Sat. afternoon, would you like to do something? We'll all go. My step-monster is leaving the 21st, so that would be the start of an illicit eclipse. Post a note pour respondre.
from d-rex17 :
not so much a laugh riot as a total waste of space. je voudrais cinque ans pour le "perspective" de ingenue, et tu es en mon favoir.
from pirate-ships :
do you want to go to holyoke on friday? cause i can swing that. send me an e please?
from lintpickle :
If your name was Alan Cumming, wouldn't you? Hell Yes!
from truetoform :
i've got an army of darkness lunchbox. it's rad
from pirate-ships :
check your eeeeeemail!
from lintpickle :
how does one get these Army of Darkness action figures? I want them. I NEEEED them. Thanks. Actually I know someone who wants them. Who NEEEEDS them. They're not for me. Really. It's a friend. It is.
from pirate-ships :
come to noho on thursday and I'll meet up with you. email me please?
from facepunch :
i have a jesus action figure. it's sweet. i also have some other awesome toys, like this yellow and orange striped stuffed animal cat that has a massive stomach cavity that holds little plush objects that go in the stomach via the cat's mouth, like yarn and fishbones and hairballs. in fact, i thinks its name is harry hairball. oh harry.
from pirate-ships :
check your aol email and your other one, I sent two messages. and are they ever doozies! plus: everybody reading your diary had better jump on the chuck wagon and read mine too. me me me.
from lionlikenick :
NO! No! You're not the only one! Eddie Izzard is HOT. The God of my idolatry! I applaud you from my spanky new desk chair.
from starsurfer :
Mmm. Banner-clicking glee. I like your diary.
from pirate-ships :
check. your. email.
from pirate-ships :
psst: i hate it here. pass it on.
from bistromath :
very interesting. me like.
from pirate-ships :
try looking on the "diarydesigners" ring.
from pirate-ships :
hi-dee-ho! i bet your nun and janet reno could work out a healthy adult relationship.
from pirate-ships :
to add link: <a href="your url here">the name of the url </a> You can stick that wheresoever you please, even in diary entries (although not in diary notes I guess).
from pirate-ships :
Brat of "beat on the brat" RIP. But: no no Aimee Man. Did I tell you I've seen her in concert? With Sean Penn's less-talented brother?
from srch-n-dstry :
Do as the prompt tells you to do and remember: Search And Destroy.
from pirate-ships :
jigga what? jigga who?
from pirate-ships :
i don't know if you're the sort of person who would wear "fashion pants" but they're there! right there! aw forget it.
from pirate-ships :
yo sistamama!! guy who wrote VURT is jeff noon. mchwa!

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