my mind is like a switchboard with crossed and tangled lines, contented with confusion that is plugged into my head.

i don't know what's going on! "it's the operator's job, not mine," i said.

My favorite diaries:

katherinhand profile - diary
comments: jenn is president of the ashley fan club, creepy old lady chapter. my psycho #1 fan. <3
waterstain profile - diary
novembre profile - diary
mess profile - diary
laura-jane profile - diary
applerobot profile - diary
hermex profile - diary
baconboy42 profile - diary
comments: andy hobin is a tool, just in case you were wondering. not like a hammer or something useful, more like something worthless that you feel you need to keep around just in case.
kristintracy profile - diary
el-guapo profile - diary
comments: i met him in a porno theater. sort of.
boymonkey profile - diary
comments: dead?
tothemax profile - diary
comments: looking good, just like a snake in the grass.
dirtylinda profile - diary
koalapad profile - diary
nineholidays profile - diary
seven-point5 profile - diary
labrayne profile - diary
comments: LOL
mcsmooshie profile - diary

My favorite music:

comments: hey, you're one of those MORRISSEY PEOPLE, ARENT YOU?
harry nilsson
comments: if everything has a point, well then i must have one too.
xray spex
comments: one album and its amazing.
black sabbath
comments: "war pigs" is like the best song ever.

My favorite movies:

they are about people with shitty lives
comments: "just because he's a faggot doesn't mean he's an asshole." - welcome to the dollhouse
they have big hair and dancing
comments: "tracy turnblad, once again your ratted hair is preventing another student's geometry lesson." - hairspray
they are foreign and pretentious
comments: i am not elisabeth vogler. you are elisabeth vogler.
they star rap artists
comments: im a "cultural anarchist."

My favorite authors:

they write books that are mostly pictures
comments: "now im HONKIN on your MASSIVE CHOAD while i continue to work my PULSATING LOVE BUTTON!" - dan clowes
they write books about people with shitty lives
comments: "i'm sick of just liking people. i wish to god i could meet somebody i could respect." - jd salinger
they write books that are funny
comments: "i hope you all enjoy this painting, where the moon symbolises the light of mystery, the misty damp air recalls the fog of ignorance, and the sea below it represents my desire to put you on a plate and eat you with a power tool." - steve martin
they write books about religious parody featuring zombies
comments: "i look at the face of jesus. bubbles of electricity are jolting from his brain tissue. his mind is dominated by the slave zombie - not even saint christos can save himself from an insane electric corpse." -carlton mellick III
they write books about psychopaths
comments: "but now, still staring at the sightless bum from across the street, i buy a dove bar, a coconut one, in which i find part of a bone." - bret easton ellis

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last updated: 2006-09-29 16:43:01
this user's total entries: 411
user since: 2002-07-13

AOL IM name: ponydestroyer
ICQ number: you seek who?
Yahoo Messenger name: nietzsche_is_pietzsche
MSN Messenger name: profile = pinkcookiesinaplasticbag

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