Dr Simian's House of Exploding Rectums

My diary appeals primarily to intellectuals and art scholars.

My favorite diaries:

adam profile - diary
comments: sometimes i dance for his vomit
fadein profile - diary
comments: future employer
andrew profile - diary
comments: pays a mortgage on each of my nuts
boymonkey profile - diary
comments: small nuts
adwhore profile - diary
comments: bongo nuts
haberdasher profile - diary
comments: bane of the internet
sarong profile - diary
comments: capitalist monster
jwinokur profile - diary
comments: huge knockers
applerobot profile - diary
comments: dead and australian
blump profile - diary
comments: infinity and more
mister-ed profile - diary
comments: dead and british
retrocarp profile - diary
comments: undead poultry
mroptomism profile - diary
comments: good old suicidal buddy dave
pissnblood profile - diary
comments: best scar ever
pinkvomit profile - diary
comments: so goth that he's DEAD.
half profile - diary
comments: crunchy boner sandwich
dfunk14 profile - diary
comments: tim and i forced her to make out with a nordic god once.
fucktitles profile - diary
comments: i find him adorable
zombietv profile - diary
comments: two people, one vision
gislebertus profile - diary
comments: curses the day i was born.

My favorite music:

the thrones
comments: ooh, jesus....*splurt*
nick cave
comments: will get fucked in his lanky australian ass
mindless self indulgence
comments: i made out with james urine once. then i showed him my penis.
the dead milkmen
comments: hopefully i will be reincarnated as one of them
anything gothic
comments: you know me: it's all about wearing black and existential angst

My favorite movies:

comments: i can't even explain what genius this movie is.

My favorite authors:

leave a note for boymonkey
diaryrings which boymonkey belongs to
diaries which list boymonkey as a favorite diary
last updated: 2006-01-11 06:44:49
this user's total entries: 344
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AOL IM name: thesimiandemise
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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