
to hell with it all

My favorite diaries:

indie-anna profile - diary
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endline profile - diary
pixiia-8 profile - diary
cogwheel profile - diary
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sarong profile - diary
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swollenthumb profile - diary
iamen profile - diary
pip profile - diary
c1996 profile - diary
mitsou profile - diary
solarlab profile - diary
amy-blushing profile - diary
idiomatic profile - diary
panniered profile - diary
mroptomism profile - diary
pugilist profile - diary
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babyhead profile - diary
jcruelty profile - diary
soldierstakt profile - diary
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uberjnet profile - diary
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ahottamale profile - diary
veggiedog profile - diary
sophiemol profile - diary
breadisdead profile - diary
pan-opticon profile - diary
soursaurus profile - diary
murk profile - diary
breakfastaco profile - diary
metalheart profile - diary

My favorite music:

hot snakes
drive like jehu
comments: tons more

My favorite movies:

fight club
big lebowski
fear and loathing
comments: amelie.memento.vanilla sky.the cell.pee wee's big adventure.happiness.where the buffalo roam.fast times@ridgemont high.american psycho.clerks.dogma.toxic avenger.the first turn on.class of nuke 'em high.men at work.heathers.the ring
love and a .45
comments: this is spinal tap.back to the future.yellowbeard.caddyshack.animal house.star wars.magnolia.contact.virgin suicides.friday the 13th pt.V.chainsaw massacre II.house of 1000 corpses.lord of the rings.indiana jones.pi.silence of the lambs.falling down.

My favorite authors:

chuck palahniuk
hunter s. thompson
bret easton ellis
uncle walt whitman
steven jesse bernstein
comments: slit his own throat in 1992. who can't appreciate that?

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last updated: 2008-07-14 19:14:56
this user's total entries: 556
user since: 2001-02-08

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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