messages to dragonnas:
(click here to add new message):

from rabidkiwi :
Yayy! It's nice to feel unforgotten. I've been on this big kick about that lately. Your guest book was being wonky so I am now taking over the notes page. I miss our chats online, find time for it. NOW. =)
from dreamgem :
you came up in conversation recently between me and my bf, rather randomely, anywho, point of my comment is it seems you have fucked alot of people in you short life, some more literaly then others, only diffrence, some are more bitter then others.
from mylostangel :
what does 'temet nosce' mean?
from wonderwall :
interesting diary. cool layout. cheers.
from silverbiker :
Mind-boggling are the depths to which the ego can sink when it thinks it can get away with it. what a true line...
from unrequited13 :
i can relate to alot of what you write. especially: "They invariably want something from me that I can't give. Or they want to give something to me that I can't receive." hey, at least you are aware of this. there is hope for you yet. :)
from thecity :
Nobody can be trusted. And still, life goes on. xox TheCity
from yhaffy :
Are you asking for help?
from patw-21 :
cool banner!
from kytilbound :
you fascinate me...
from mauigrl24 :
ahhhh compassion. Dear James, giving and receiving are the same thing....true story. We seek partners for loving relationships so that we will feel alive when we give love. We greive when 'it's over' for the love we no longer will bring up to our own surface and share. It ain't in the gettin'....our task is to ask why we choose to stop ourselves from giving, by seeking partners unable to receive.
from alwaysinhim :
LOL...wouldn't it be just treat the keyboard like it should be treated....and NOT spill water.....;)
from preceptionss :
this is random
from black-pastel :
i'm here to commit the sin of random free publicity. visit "perceptionss"! he's even better than perceptions. i swear it.
from nanniz :
Hi dragonnas! Hahaha my eyes nearly fell out of my head when I saw your diary.. Not that I've read anything, but the appearance!! Didn't know one could do so much with this boring diary. Anyways, I'm Nanna from Norway. Hi.
from pyro-maniac :
hey hey!!! whats up?? oh really.. awesome.. so whats new?? anything?? oh whoa!! whicked!! anywayz later!!
from s-t :
hey, my names tear, any way i was bored, found your diary, etc. etc. anyway i was wondering what kinda hours you keep.. do you go online like heaps late/early morning? just wonderin cos itd be really cool to talk to you on AIM sometime and being as I live in Aussie.. the time difference might be a prob. your lack of interest in talking to me will not cause any problems.. its never stopped me before
from deadlynin :
Fine..I will leave you a note...Send me my letter... and write ME an e-mail..AND leave ME a note on MY diary.. that is all - NAncy
from ripetomato :
Heheh ... well I'm glad I motivated you to update! You're back on my favourites. Incidentally, I hope you don't think I dropped you because I was *mad* or anything ... I just had a full list and thought I'd drop whoever hadn't updated in a while to make new room. But as long as you're still doing entries, there's always room for you!
from ripetomato :
Don't think I no longer like you just because I'm dropping you from my favourites ... let me know if you update and I'll re-add you. Hope all is well!
from souldoubtnow :
jeebus, aren't we a bit desperate fer notes, at least i don't beg. well, i do sometimes, wuv is not a verb, now "pfft" is. pfffft. yeah. this is dubyah, signing out. today has been a tragedy...yeah.
from deadlynin :
E-mail me because you know you want're just dying to write me an e-mail...*hypnotic stare* ooooooohhhh - Nancy Briar
from holy-heretic :
I miss the "annoy" flashing Icon thingy. It was cool. Now I'll just have to go in my corner and cry...
from miss-lenore :
Well, if you took up a hobby like, say, knitting, you'd have something to do when you're bored now wouldn't you?
from nevar :
ok i clicked the link. never got a chance to finsh the entry. oh well i'm bored
from velvtally :
Greetingz split boi. All those messages about wanting you're body were from me, but you prolly knew that. Sleep well. :O)
from windoffate :
Well, since you wanted a message left: that annoy thing. Yeah, it's REALLY annoying ;-)
from dragonnas :
hopefully this will be a bit easier to track than the lame graffitti board.

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