messages to emilyrochon:
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from xnavygrrl :
Oh, you are awesome. I hate to use such a bland word to describe you but..well..sorry, I'm having a low blood sugar moment..It's refreshing to read someone else's journal and you don't have bad punctuation or lots of cursing (my jobs IT division detects cursing)and I can read for my whole lunch hour. Keep writing..girlfriend.
from delighted :
I think I love you but not in the freaky- stalker-obsessed fan way but in the four in the morning I love coffee and cigarettes and I love ani difranco way. If you see what I mean.
from emilyrochon :
THANK YOU! to everyone who has said they like my diary. I really appreciate the kind words. As I said, I'm going to start posting some fan fic. I mostly write Wiseguy, & I mostly write slash (m/m homoerotic stories). If that's a problem, you'll want to avoid the entries with the *'s on either side. That's a much warning as I do--if you do read them, you could run into death, explicit sex, & who knows what else. I'm young, & I'm not done writing yet. <g>
from scanzilla :
Wow, cool site! You write nicely. Take care.-Dan.
from emilyrochon :
Just a quick note to let anyone who's interested know: if you come here & find my diary locked, it means I'm working on formatting a poem. It'll be unlocked in just a couple of hours, I promise! And thanks for the interest!
from amalthea23 :
um, ok, now i'm so sad, cause i can't get in, can i get a password? you can email me if you like...
from amalthea23 :
that was, as the kids say, DA BOMB!!! you're fan fic is really great, along with the rest of your writing.
from transparancy :
im surprised to find alex krycek on your diary but im glad i did. do you know dedicate?
from emilyrochon :
I'm going to be posting some of my fanfic here. It's mostly Wiseguy, but today's a little XF parody.
from emilyrochon :
I'm from Indiana. Born here, still live here 43 years later.
from messylumy :
where are you from?
from amalthea23 :
i just found you, and though i have to go, i like what you have to say...
from goodsandwich :
Love is not created out of the pain part of childbirth. Those of us who give birth are carrying that baby around for almost a year inside our bodies BEFORE the (usually) one-day event of birth. And then nursing that baby, many of us, for at least another year. Those experiences take far longer, use far more energy, and create much deeper bonds. And fathers, whose bonds with their children often are Very deep or even primary, never give birth; then too, there are adoptive mothers. I see where you're coming from, but women staying in abusive relationships is far more a result of our patriarchal society's complete devaluing of women than it is a parallel of the birthing experience. Beating or abusing a woman has never been looked at, even by its perpetrators and even unconsciously, as replicating the birth experience in her honor; even if it were, that would be putting men in the position of "infant" in a way even we humans haven't explored yet.

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