messages to fifties-doll:
(click here to add new message):

from grlscout :
Hey doll, just wanted to give you the low-down on my newly locked diary. username:scout, pwd, cookie. Happy holidays!
from chuffnutt :
This,, is listed as one of my favourites.
from horrorglam :
mmmmm the fifties are hot...
from hey4eyes :
Seems we both share an affinity for the 50's. Good stuff Lady. Bobbie Sue Dicks.
from neko-carre :
Um...maybe Fuzzy fingernails guy should take into consideration the "supposed" demographic he's speaking to when you're telling him "No way, Jose." You = female. Him = naive male. Don't TELL ME what I will like! It's like a man trying to push a sandpaper maxipad. (Okay, sorry for the graphicness!)
from weeme :
O, I noticed the Fontdiner down there! You may also be interested in some of the free fonts/retro style stuff at and more designer font fun at
from neangel :
Ohh hell yeah! I loved this entry! Thanks for posting it!
from cherryxbeth :
what a nice cake! he did a great job. congrats!
from cherryxbeth :
very cute diary! love the graphics and thanks for letting us read your life! rock on, fifties-doll.
from kittenclaws :
konichiwa! thanks for joining the girl gang ring! let's rumble sometime, 'kay? xoxo

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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