messages to futureself:
(click here to add new message):

from carriesplace :
I so need to learn how to speak french ;) lol
from carriesplace :
Even tho I can't read french, I'm glad you are posting again :)
from carriesplace :
haven't talked to you in a long time. If you feel like chatting, ask and ye shall recieve. Hugs
from nautious :
awwww i didnt know it was your birthday! happy birthday internet beau.
from nautious :
i totally love and miss you.
from saara687 :
We miss you, too. A lot.
from saara687 :
You're cool. >:D<
from carriem :
Please don't contact me anymore, even if it's just a note in my diary. Thanks muchly.
from carriem :
This is my new diary if ya want :) Talk to ya soon :)
from saara687 :
I can tell you about the milk drying up question. You can tell because your breasts feel really sensitive & ... they feel "dry". Why can I not explain that better? Even if women dry up, they sometimes still choose to continue to nurse because the child is not ready to wean. (ie. During pregnancy.) Nearly all of the time, though, as long as the mom continues to nurse, there will be milk. For years & years & years. Because our bodies are amazing.
from carrie688 :
Blaine will know for sure where to get a tire, Alexanders and Jason's are all i know off the top of my head. Glad you had a good morning, hopefully it warms up soon :)
from saara687 :
Thank you for bringing your guitars over.
from saara687 :
What? Windows Media Player isn't perfect?? Blasphemous! Bah. :P
from carrie688 :
glad the kettle is working out for yas :) Talk at ya later :)
from carrie688 :
Hey, give me a call and you can stop by anytime to get the memory! I would take it out but well, you know how pathetic i am with anything hardwarish lmao :) I hope you have a great day, and call me sometime, dont' be a stranger :)
from carrie688 :
from carrie688 :
just was reading, thought i would say HI :)
from carrie688 :
Just had to say what a good friend you are to me, and i am glad that we met :) You treat Saara like she deserves to be treated, like gold :) I love ther to death and i am glad for the both of you. Relationships aren't easy, it's two people and thier whole lives coming together, not always easy, but worth it in the long run :) Love ya like the brother I long to have :)
from nautious :
carl! i got the cd, its freaking awesome, i loved all the songs. it was good driving music. thank you so much. :)
from vinaceous :
Hey, I spent some time catching up with your entries. Boy have I missed out on A LOT. I am so happy that you are happy. :) --"V."
from carrie688 :
hey, thanks for the note!! I am just saying HI and Add me to ur IM on yahoo, we can chat since ur my best friends's guy and i love her to death, and i want her treated perfectly, so i can give you some hints, plus she said that i will like ya, and i wanna find out for sure
from saara687 :
9-13: Which "thing" is that? If it's the "thing" I think you're thinking of, then no. I threw it out before I moved 10 years ago. Hard to believe it's been that long. I still think of that "thing" sometimes though. ;) LOL Don't remember which disks you're referring to. Thanks for the one recently sent, though. Received it, listened to it & loved it.
from saara687 :
Have fun. Mom says hi. TTFN
from safetyxpins5 :
hey, just surfin dland and noticed you still have a dland template! check us out!
from gallinula :
You can't be the only one; 420 pervades a lot of people's minds -- but mostly the potsmoking community. It happens.
from vinaceous :
And my thoughts go out to you even though I have not written in a while. I am in Juneau, Alaska, and I will write a longish entry about it soon enough. Come visit in about a week if you can. --"V."
from conquestgirl :
Why thank you. :) xoxo
from nautious :
think of you too carl. i hope you have a freaking awesome summer, i may not be on for a long time, im moving, dont know about the internet... so who knows. take care, you rock.
from vinaceous :
All's time. Change your background so I can read already. (You did want a kick in the ass, right?)
from nautious :
hi. im glad you're happy :) thats all
from vinaceous :
Come visit. You'll know why.
from thesiren :
I just selected all text (which highlights the page) to read your entry, no worries. But yes, removing the picture would make it easier. For now, though, the writing is worth the effort. :) Thanks for the consideration. Speaking of layouts, go see mine. Did you get the password?
from nautious :
carl i think i had a dream that you were in lastnight. i slept until 3pm today. weird huh?
from thesiren :
"What is your protocol for initiating a new connection?" If there had been protocols for connecting with people in my world, I am sure your signing my guestbook would have been qualification enough for me. The truth is, I am finding that most people do have a certain protocol, and my not having one gets me into trouble. But go ahead, connect on. :) It's been a long time since anyone added me to his buddy list. I wonder how come you did. Let's start there.
from nautious :
so i was reading you again tonight. and i really like the way you think. its not cliche. its different. and it makes me think similar yet not. so.. thanks?
from nautious :
thanks. that made me smile. and im only honest. i dont just call everyone neat. only those who are deserving. ;)
from ciaramyst :
Thank you for filling out my other survey :)) And I'm sorry to say that I don't have a notification :( Great answer, I know how difficult it is to tell someone who you are.
from ciaramyst :
Thank you so much for filling out my survey :)
from noalarms :
ah i am tired. got to look at the dates... anyway a late happy birthday. i am stupid but i get away with it.
from noalarms :
happy birthday. you are old but my memory is worse. happy happy.
from nautious :
from lostflame :
just want to say that i enjoyed reading, nothing else. take care :)
from cleerflo :
Merci pour <u>ton</u> message. It's good to have an objective point of view on what I write. I didn't tell anyone I had an online diary so I really feel free. I'm not that open in real life cause I've learned that truth hurts. People don't want to see/hear about it. If you want some more raw material, try Pinktricity or Bittervoice !
from cleerflo :
Your username drew my attention. It made me think of times when I tried to invent a "new me". I didn't know at the time that there's no such thing as a "new me", you can't invent a whole new persona/identity. But (and that's something I've learnt while reading your diary), you can either indulge in your bad habits or try and change them. Thank you for the lesson !
from pearljamie :
Hi, thanks for leaving a note for me. If it were as simple as what you told me, it would have happened. This is what we call a "dry spell". It'll happen again- it's more complicated than it seems from a mere entry. But thanks for the pep talk :)
from futureself :
Fitting that I send myself the first note :)

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