messages to groovespook:
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from maskedmofo :
Gel Us !
from everoboto :
I don't quite know how to get that merangue 2-feet high, but I do know a few tricks for height and texture. We'll have to get together again real soon. Maybe you and Delicious can come to the Mofoboto Palace soon. \m/
from everoboto :
Happy Birthday, fellow Scorpio!!!!!! \m/
from everoboto :
Make Your Own Pizza Day, eh? And you're looking forward to it? Is that irony or what? xoxoxo
from everoboto :
Ahem, I was at the show and I didn't even know he was talking about you. Keep it to yourself...shhhh....don't cop to it! Besides, whether you were drunk or not, someone had to be called drunk and I warned him not to say anything about my bosses who were there, so it had to be your by default. Anyway, love and hugs, baby. \m/
from everoboto :
You're going linkage wilding! Awesome. And cool about being insulted by Giger's manager. I noticed you have some Giger prints near the fuzzy basement ceiling. I want to see how you ruined one of his masterpieces. \m/
from everoboto :
<A HREF="" TARGET="new">Groovespook</A> And that, my friend, is the code for ultimate linkage. Just insert appropriate link and name. xoxo \m/
from everoboto :
I plan on reading ALL 100 listings. And thanks for your sympathy, it means a lot. (Doesn't it seem like you constantly have to give me and my man your sympathies? I hope that becomes more unnecessary in the future). Hugs and \m/
from everoboto :
Dude, if that's what you're making when we come over, forget it! I'm not coming! I will be 900 pounds once I leave. I can't risk it!
from everoboto :
Glad you enjoy my cake. I specifically instructed Mofo to save a piece for you when he brought it to work. From what I heard, you almost didn't get one. Sorry we missed out on your housewarming/bbq extravaganza. My mom is in town, so we had a huge family gathering at grandma's on Sunday. Say 'hi' to Delicious for me. \m/
from everoboto :
I made a special dessert and I made Mofo save some of it especially for you! Rumor has it that it's in his possession at work right now. Go hunt him down! \m/
from groovespook :
from groovespook :
why would I leave a message for me?
from maskedmofo :
Relax and enjoy your 'sickie,' you sicko.
from maskedmofo :
If I ever have occasion to meet you face to face, you better watch out, buddy!!

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