messages to happycabbage:
(click here to add new message):

from dangerspouse :
Ok, so your once-a-year entry obligation is now fulfilled for 2016. you still have a crush on Jared? On the Canucks??
from carpet :
havent seen you in so long . im up late , and i thoght about you , then said to my self , see if she still has that diaryland thingy . and i did ,and you do so i decided to leave you a note - any ho0- hope you are well and wishing you many days without bad things- -rachel ( the one thats kind of annoying , but ok in small doses :)
from quezacotl :
Nah you shouldn't hit girls. Or guys either. No hitting. I was just angry to say that. Thanks for support though.
from myyystic :
Hey, I was just browsing through diaries when I came across yours. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a good one ::smile::
from quezacotl :
I should clarify about Modest Mouse. It wasn't that they were on the radio, it was the radio station they were on. It's a "pop rock" station that put Modest Mouse next to stuff like Linkin Park or Metallica or something. Things that don't mix. The Love Hina anime is REALLY good, I saw it before the manga and I still haven't decided which I like better. They're different in plot and some character traits (For example Shinobu doesn't just blush every time Keitaro's around, and Motoko is much more bloodthirsty) but both very good. But yeah, thanks for noticing I rock goats. More people should. FOR I AM GOATMASTER!
from quezacotl :
Stephen King is weird... at first I loved him... then I got tired of him... and after this book I like him again. I suppose it really depends on his books. Usually, the longer they are, the better. For instance, It and The Stand are longer than the Bible (Depending on what version of the bible you're comparing it to of course) and they're my favorite two. The Dark Tower series now spans a little more than 2000 pages, and it kicks ass. I got into Michael Chricton right after Jurassic Park, around the same time as Stephen King, and I read a lot of his stuff. The same thing happened. Ever see that episode of the Simpsons, with the airport bookstore that says "All Chricton and King"? That would've been my bookstore. And I would've murdered Moleman too for mentioning Ludlow. Heh.
from p-i-n-k-y :
the 10th kingdom...kicks ass....The vacnouver canucks SO KICK ASS!!! if your from somewere in the lower main land (in B.C.) email me ( [email protected] )
from boxspringhog :
You're very chipper, good job. Word up for Langhole (I don't like all the construction going on here but the town isn't bad I guess)
from cdghost :
vancouver canucks
from bobbib :
Hi, U probly don't check notes but, sending anyway: sweet diary! Check out mine some time if u like?! Peace out
from booberella :
Hello. I'm participating in the national guestbook signing week thing, only I don't feel like signing guestbooks. I'm doing the National Notes signing day, because I am lazy. Your user name looked cool so I clicked. Plus you have hockey on your main page. That's cool, too. :)
from quezacotl :
Dude. I haven't been able to catch the show since like november. I'm so angry about this because me and my roommate both used to watch it ritually, and rituals are fun. How stupid has it gotten? Have any of the really hot teachers turned into strippers yet? That's the storyarc I'm waiting for.
from quezacotl :
Red hair.... is good. I wanted to respond to your kind note with intellegence and wit, but unfortunately I accidentally stayed up all night and now it's the morning and all that smart stuff is just dribbling out of my eyeballs. But thanks for being nice.
from quezacotl :
from quezacotl :
Hey you leave me comments all the time. You can still read my diary. Your pass word is um... crap. Can't post it right here. Well, I will make it one of the words in this entry. One of the first words is it.
from ioriliruebaj :
You'd think a cabbage would have a giving, generous sort of temperament, but you have refused. You've made yourself a powerful enemy. Actually, you haven't. You've made yourself a particularly weak enemy, masquerading as a powerful enemy. Either way, fear me, because I *will* find your other diary.
from quezacotl :
You know, I had the exact same problem in wood shop, except I took it in 7th grade. And I was going to include that problem in my story, based on my experiences, but now you can pretend like your story was the inspiration for it!
from quezacotl :
Thank you for the support. If it ever gets finished/published, you'll get a free copy! Mwahahaha.... like that will ever happen.
from quezacotl :
I suppose the only thing I have to lose is time, but I've got plenty of that to spare I suppose. My life is NOT that interesting.
from quezacotl :
Otaku is someone who is scarily obsessed with something, to the point where they emulate the object of their obsession. Most of the time an "otaku" is someone obsessed over a specific anime show, however I think the definition fits someone obsessed over anime in general, or even something else.
from quezacotl :
The piegopher asked to apologize for turning you to the dark side of the otaku. I never knew there was a dark side to otaku... I do know there is a dark side of rock though! it's called goth! Soon they will come with their red light sabers with ankhs on them!
from quezacotl :
I am quite possibly the worst person at DDR on the planet. As far as I know, I am the only person to slip on the mat, and accidentally use my feet to fling it into the unprepared audience.
from quezacotl :
You were right about the Maxx, unless there is more than one big purple guy with weird teeth. It's still on television near you? That rocks. Whatever that teletoon is, must rock. You're right it makes little to no sense at all, and I think it's because it's about the inside of people. But not the slimy insides.
from mangus :
it scares me when people speak in different languages in their diaries cause I'll be reading things and then be like "OH MY GOD! I'VE FORGOTTEN ENGLISH!!!" but then I realize that I haven't and I go and drink more Mr.Pibb (mmmm....the pibb....put it in your head)
from quezacotl :
from quezacotl :
No worries, we all start somethere when in comes to learning new things. Here's something, if you don't know already, i'll teach you how to form questions in japanese. All you have to do is add the suffix "ka" at the end of a sentence. For instance, "This is a pen" is "Korewa pen desu" would become "Is this a pen?" by saying "Korewa pen desuka". It's just that simple. Also, some question words are "What" = "nani", who = dare, where = doko, which = dono/dochi, how = dou, when = itsu and finally the most important of all why = doushite. Quick lesson in japanese!
from quezacotl :
Thanks a lot for the compliment! I have to admit that I like your diary as well, although I don't really have time to actually read many anymore, let alone update my own. This is going to seem really embarassing on my part, but it took me like 10 minutes to figure out that DDR standed for Dance Dance Revolution. Before that I thought it was something like "Dungeons and Dragons Reborn!" and that would've made me confused, as I usually am.
from my-mind :
hey! thanks for signing my guestbook and for adding me to your favorites :) have a nice day :)
from erinthepixie :
Buffyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Muuuuuuuuuuusical!!!
from erinthepixie :
Aaaaaaaaaashley! You've already had a job, so the $6/500 hrs doesn't count, and you get regular wages. You lucky cabbage, you!
from pleasureable :
aww! your poor kitty! lol...I remember when my cat got neutered, he wouldn't come near me for 2 I hope you have luck with that :) Awesome diary btw.
from soulsurvivor :
a term of endearment for someone in french is to call them a cabbage...
from mindcast :
Alex, speaking from Mindcast|| Semicolons may be used in a variety of situations; these, among others, are foremost: when a coordinating conjunction is omitted between two complete thoughts, when two complete thoughts are linked by a transitional expression, and to seperate a series of phrases that already contain commas. Hope that cleared things up a bit.
from mangus :
wow..michael like my set up AND you have good taste in art. Amazing. Your diary matches my bedroom. That makes me happy. Just thought I'd share
from shutupmom :
from henrio :
*smile* you too.

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