messages to histamine:
(click here to add new message):

from jimbostaxi :
Whether it be 9 years or 20 welcome back!
from frostopia :
How are you my old friend?
from frostopia :
They might be gone but I still remember the old entries.
from frostopia :
You are a good and worthy person even if you don't believe it.
from frostopia :
Thanks for checking in. It's been a rough winter but I'm still trudging along.
from frostopia :
An old co-worker of mine killed herself this week. I'm glad you didn't. This isn't meant to sound morbid.. just genuine. Happy Thanksgiving. <3
from frostopia :
i just read your last note. that really means a lot to me.
from che :
from che :
reload. shoot again. (HA,HA)
from bradyk :
send me mail. 2305 14a st. sw calgary ab canada t2t 3x2.
from dope-slave :
from che :
My wife took down and died upon the cabin floor
from che :
well those were my favourite two words to read this week.
from sea-secret :
where are you now?
from che :
i miss reading stuff you write. which is what that other note says but so what. sometimes it made me smile and other times it made me feel other things that i don't feel often enough. thankyou
from ravieslave :
You miss and you are missed. xo/ox
from schizotoot :
it'd be nice to believe.

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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