messages to indianannie:
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from flufflebunny :
Heya Annie, I wondered if you'd updated. I figured it must be around the time for you having your little baby? Well, good luck or congratulations if you've already had it. I hope you're doing well anyway, keep smiley :) *hugs*
from grimm0826 :
For the record...I didn't run to anyone for comfort. I went to my diary to vent. I did it badly. I did receive comments, mostly telling me how foolish I was being. May I ask a question? Have YOU ever run to anyone online for comfort because of something which happened in your life? Answer honestly, because I know the answer. But answer to yourself, because I know the answer.
from grimm0826 :
Actually, if you remember, I've been there. I have been the one who was responsible for working, keeping the house, making the meals and raising kids which weren't mine. Would I be willing to go back to that same situation? No. Would I do the same thing in THIS situation? Probably. And no, I'm not angered by this entry. I am enlightened.
from grimm0826 :
You are SO in for it on your birthday, my love!!! Oh, by the way...the reason I am signing your notes is, your guestbook DOESEN'T WORK!!!! Told ya! :-)
from janysdrkpoet :
Hmm, ok so you don't know me, I don't know you but I just started reading grimm's diary and it is awesome, I read some of yours-it is awesome. And since I'm all into this leaving notes and stuff I figured I would fulfill a favor to someone I don't even know:) I truly enjoyed what I read-you have a wonderful way with words and I, for one, would love to read more so Come Back! from wherever you may be :)
from wifemotherme :
I for one would be damn interested in reading the person that married a vampire! : )

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