messages to jd-lola:
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from maiarayne :
It is hard not to worry! Especially when they are sick. Sean has been sick for a month and a half, has had both ears infected and just finished up his antibiotics Friday. Guess who is super congested, sneezing and coughing? Yep. The baby. It never really went away so I need to make an appt. to make sure his ears cleared up. Breastfeeding does cut down on ear infections but it doesn't erradicate them! Unfortunately! I hope that your little man gets well soon. *hugs*
from maiarayne :
I can't believe that DJ has 2 teeth already! I'm just waiting for my little one to get one! The Kidlet has his come in at 7 mo.
from maiarayne :
I think that you are too hard on yourself. Who says you have to "get used to it"? The Wee One cries constantly with Daddy. I can hand him over so that I can try and make dinner and bam, he's crying. I can see the Hunk playing musical positions trying to get him to calm down but nothing works. I find he does it sometimes with his Aunt and Grandma too and then I take him and he's calm. He will outgrow it though. The Wee One is getting better and even gets excited to see the Hunk come home. Right now his needs are very specific and they surround you. Do you know that he doesn't realize that you and he are two different people? Kind of puts things in perspective. I know how badly you want a break, I *so* can relate. But try not to be too hard on yourself because DJ is *not* spoiled. Being spoiled means manipulating people to get what you want. He only cries because he knows what feels good and comforting and wants it. When he turns 2 and won't cuddle, hug, or sit in your lap you are going to be crying that you can't hold your baby boy so try to enjoy it if you can while still sneaking in a much needed break or two (maybe a bath while he's sleeping and JD is home). *hugs* (it gets better, I promise!)
from jaesjourney :
Oh my gosh. I just jumped over from Jennah's site and lo and behold, that is the same template I just changed to. Don't you just love it? It brings out the girly in me! Good luck on your weight loss. I know how hard it can be!! ~j
from maiarayne :
PS- I think the baby looks *exactly* like Daddy. More and more I see it! Also, about the guestbook, I use because it is run by the same person as Diaryland. I think it costs a dollar or two though. It's customizable as well.
from maiarayne :
I *love* the layout. It's sooo woman, girly, hip and chic! I'm so glad that you have come over to Diaryland, now I can see whenever you update! Yay!

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