messages to jellygrlfrnd:
(click here to add new message):

from kingbastard :
Hey, nice diary. I had stuff on this site too but I put it all on my own web-site now. Check it out, you'd like it. It's a laugh riot! Keep up the good writing!
from aperfectself :
happy one year book anniversary to you :) i guess this means mine was a few days ago, but that would be just for being on diaryland. you already know that though.
from blindessence :
Tegan & Sara! Ya! I noticed you named your entry "spend all night losing sleep" or something of this nature... I love that SONG! I can't get it out of my head!!!!
from pura-vida :
Thank you for the birthday wishes. I'd sign your fabulous, beautiful, uberspiffy guestbook, but it says that I'm not allowed to right now. I guess I've signed one too many (2) in the past 10 minutes. This makes me really sad, because I love watching pink letters appear on my monitor. :)
from buffysfaith :
hey, You're pretty tight. Chinese Burn that's a kick ass song. Love your fish. Later.
from kingbastard :
from kingbastard :
Hey what's up? I noticed you're from Toronto and thought you might be intersted in reading my shit. I'm from Toronto too, and used to do entries here on DiaryLand, but I have my own site now. So if you want to read my new shit...go to I guarantee it's the best shit you'll ever read!
from sadnow :
Hi, I read just a bit of your diary but really enjoyed it. I absolute HATE it when people tell me that I look young than I do. Grrr . . . Anyway, great diary :) <3<3 -Carrie
from laura-ann :
if it is any consolation, i consider you to be like a sister to me. remember, we're twins... or at least that is what we'll tell the people at the bar on my 19th birthday (double birthday!) oh? and call me. you know... movie tomorrow night and all.
from first-blush :
Oooh! Dictionaries! *melts* My one true love..! Though.. you'd think with my devotion to the book, my vocabulary would be bigger.. err.. oh well.. Good luck getting the new edition!
from pura-vida :
Instead of opting for a digital dictionary, why not ask for the classic Oxford English Dictionary? The two-volume set comes with a magnifying glass to help you see the words, and you'll have more etymology than you'll ever need. Please excuse my dorkdom. ;)
from rockonbytch :
your designs are pretty.
from pura-vida :
I love your new template! I tried to sign your guestbook but the host must be experiencing technical difficulties. At any rate, I have no suggestions for your visit to the salon- I always walk in and let the stylist do his/her damage while praying for the best.
from first-blush :
YES! Sea monkies! I didn't know that there was another out there that liked the little guys as much as I do.. I love your "Sea monkey watch." 'Tis great! My boyfriend's dad used to work with brine shrimp (sea monkies!!) as his old job.. There are huge tanks of the guys in their basement.. Funfunfun. Also.. Have you tried turning off the lights for a few minutes.. then turning them on? It makes the monkies do all kinds of crazy flips for some reason.. It's pretty nifty.
from megl42 :
Hey, thanks for joining my BTVS thank you ring, hope you enjoyed the finale! Also, very cool to see another U2 fan :)
from bluenadia6 :
Oh, yeah, I'm the speediest sort of g-book signer out there. I noticed that we were both online at the same time, but I didn't know how to talk to you.
from bluenadia6 :
Isn't it like false advertising to put the words "porn" and "naked" in all of your entries? Personally, I think it's a great idea, but you might end up making a good number of balding men over forty upset. Rah, rah!
from velvet-brown :
I want see monkeys:( My sister ordered some years ago from a magazine, and she was really angry with the results. She said they were ugly and that they died after a few weeks or was it days:( I can't remember. But I still want them. I think I will be ordering some very soon;)
from bluenadia6 :
I want Sea Monkeys! The night I read your diary, the first thing I did was click on the link to the Sea Monkeys page... Yes, yes, I am a sad person. But we can't keep any large pets in the dorms over here, and since I get too emotionally attached, Sea Monkeys just might be the perfect pet for me. Anyways, let me know how they're doing from time to time. I like to think of your updates as my "pre-adoption" phase.
from idiot-milk :
It's this thing I did to my wall when I was trying to hide a thermostat. They'd put the thermostat thingie in the middle of the wall, and it was an ugly thing indeed. So I decided to disguise it with a whole bunch of other round things. Ta da!
from idiot-milk :
Well, no. I admit I also am unclear as to the meaning behind the names. But they sure do SOUND hip!
from laura-ann :
*sings* i'm leaving erin a note! i'm leaving erin a note! *stops singing the note-leaving-song* hi ya! i loovvveee your diary. too bad we don't know each other! muhahahhaha (think the evil msn laugh) come to the world of laura ann and experince the LauraIntelligence to the fullest. or you know, don't. but do, because i know where you live... and yes, that is a threat. muhahahhaha (again with the evil msn laugh) gerbie. ---- this note has been brough to you by laura ann using LauraIntelligence with wayyy too much sugar in the system and a paper to write before thrusday. discount any threatening remarks and/or note-posting songs. laura apologizes for this inconvience in advanced. thank you and use our service again.
from dominia :
Hey! Just wanted to let you know I stopped by and browsed your diary. Your summer camp story was just too cute!
from coughsyrup :
hahaha. you're so rad :) thanks for leaving me that message. no one ever does. and i'm sorry i took so long getting back to ya, but i'm such an asshole, ya know? xoxo
from sunnflower :
Beautiful layout. It's nice that you are close to your mom - sounds like she is pretty funny too. A sense of humor is a good thing to have in life.
from ryan8-5cut :
from ciaramyst :
from supernigger :
this is supernigger..this is your diary on supernigger...

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