messages to ladytesa:
(click here to add new message):

from starlight42 :
Hey, you're back! Thanks for the note. Glad to hear things are well with you and your family. Another new addition huh? When are you due?
from cheerytears :
Thank you so much darling. <3
from sumsimplegrl :
Aw, you are too sweet! Thank you for leaving a nice note. I'm surprised to see that you still read. Since my life got a bit more stable now, I'm not much of an interesting person anymore. Anyhow, thank you and you're welcomed to leave a note anytime, hun.
from drowningblue :
Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I had to lock my diary. I'm sorry! I came home from break and found out that my parents have been reading it probably for some time now. How horrible is that? Thank god I happened to look at the history on their computer! Anyways, the username is now "blue" and the password is "tears." xxxooo
from drowningblue :
Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I had to lock my diary. I'm sorry! I came home from break and found out that my parents have been reading it probably for some time now. How horrible is that? Thank god I happened to look at the history on their computer! Anyways, the username is now "blue" and the password is "tears." xxxooo
from starlight42 :
hey- sorry if I offended you by my "list". I was just trying to keep myself amused at the game, I do not have any stereotypes or have anything against a "type" on that list. I was just listing people that walked by me. I dated a jewish man, I have friends who are overweight, friends who are nerds and also friends who are lesbains. Maybe I just didn't come off the right way...
from hopenevrdies :
hello Tesa. goodbye Tesa. lol ;x
from starlight42 :
Glad to hear work has been going well. That is sweet that the customers have been so nice to you!
from newreviews :
Hello. New review sites is a new review site at diaryland. As we are poor teenagers who cannot afford gold membership to advertise, we're randomly sending people notes. If you're interested in a review, just leave us a note at
from sundried :
please help me out by making donations to PayPal, so we can keep Dried-Tears up and running and having better progress.There is a link in my diary.Thanks-JR
from sumsimplegrl :
I feel bad that you know exactly what I'm talking about, but it's a relief that I'm not the only one in the world of shit. I hope things get better for you. I hope things get better for the both of us. And no, I don't mind that you've added me to your favorite's. Actually, I'm flattered. :) Thank you.
from starlight42 :
I so understand about being a cashier, it is hard work! You'll eventually get used to standing up so long, not being able to take bathroom brakes, being hungry...and get better and using the register and trying to be nice to the customers. It's crazy. By the way, I loved your pics you posted the other day. And I was wondering, how long will your husband James be gone? I hope not too long..he's in the military right?
from starlight42 :
oh no, it wasn't the email that made me crabby! that's funny though, that'd be funny if it was that. hehe It's just stuff at work. Stress about taking on a new job and all the changes and stuff. But thanks for the advice- I will listen to it and try to stay positive. :)
from ladytesa :
Ah Sav, you know I know.. and thank you for being such a beautiful person inside and out... you always manage to make me smile
from hopenevrdies :
ahh Tesa u know Savy loves you ;x
from anglewings :
Your diary is real cool. I'll make a note to check back often. Just to see how you come along with it.
from ladytesa :
... but i promise I showered today... :)
from hopenevrdies :
hey Tesa. You smell :P
from ladytesa :
OH and btw Sav... you're SMARTER than you look... keep up the chin darlin'.. don't be so hard on yourself.. mwah you know I love ya girl..
from ladytesa :
awww that's so sweet of you to say.. i'm glad you think my diary is beautiful, but then so is yours.. :)
from rainbwlollie :
i just got your note, and of course its alright that you added me! i love getting notes from strangers, like the one you left me. your diary is beautiful, and im going to add you to my favorites too. i hope i tlak to you again soon! [♥Meghan]
from punkun1c0rn :
hey grl! It's Sav- How you doin? I'm alright. I love the way u describe things without making them to complex. I'm not as smart as I look :P Love ya
from moonblonde :
It's funny, you say what I feel. Your able to find the words that I can't dig enough to find. We have so much pain in common and I wish I had your depth to dig for the real words to voice it but the fear keeps me at the surface above it.

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