messages to likeavirgn:
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from krazieespy :
I love the OC you should make UR next template be a TV show.. THE OC :) im still reading ya
from itslikerain :
Where are you?! IM me chicadee!! *tackles*
from krazieespy :
im here and tired too :) Night!
from daisy3981 :
Hey Elena..dont know if you remember me..we havent talked in quite a while...anyways, I wanted ot chat with you because I have a friend that has Adobe Photoshop...hes suppossed to be getting me a copy...since you've helped me out with my designs before i figured i might be able to help you...let me know if you're still interested! -Corey- [email protected]
from amorchica129 :
So, I was browsing diaries and such when I stumbled upon on yours. You're really talented... =)
from krazieespy :
I know the feeling. I wamt a boyfriend that i can sleep with at night. I want a boyfriend that I can hang out with when I call him. I want a boy to sleep over at his house. Etc. I hope everything goes well.. ;0)
from behrwithme :
Yes, that VERY COUCH! I can't believe it, man. OHHH, and guess what? The OC starts again this week, and I can't help but remember how we watched it together last year. :( Do you remember that? We had to haul ass down to the house because we were trying to play off like we didn't care if we saw it, hahahaha. I love you. Come see me! Or better yet, will you move with me when I graduate? This would be better suited for an email. So I'm going to do that. LOVE!
from pink-candie :
Hey i got your note! THANKS! no i havn't read the A-list yet but i really want to! i love gg! haha but i'll let you go now okay cya!
from pink-candie :
Hey i'm new here and i really like your diary it's very fun to read haha! um check out mine! but i still need a layout
from behrwithme :
Le dorko! Logan lives in North Carolina, that's why you didn't get to meet him. And yes, he is a cutie! He also has his own band. *wink* But uh...oh yeah...he's 17. Oh. Never mind! That's just how you like em! HA! Love you!
from krazieespy :
ohhh no. the atkins diet.. SCREAMSSSS! I ahve a diary ring anti-atkins ;) YOU SHOULD JOIN and fight against the DEAD MAN.. Anyways. From your pictures you dont even look like you need to diet. Any Yes, I read this shit :) HE HE!

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