messages to mackaj:
(click here to add new message):

from kstyle :
your gb is being funky....would love to see you in a suit, mister :)
from sunstargirl :
I love the photo on your site.
from jonathan29 :
Look at your yahoo profile. :)
from jonathan29 :
I love your diary...where have you been lately?
from bluperspex :
mmm. mudvayne. must have been good!
from jarfness :
Hi, this is probably going to sound totally odd lol, but anyway...I don't use my diary any more. If you use Livejournal, feel free to add me to your faves:
from kiosh :
Well, things are going alright and that's good and I'm glad you feel less stressed. Hugs! I know this is not what you meant but: "Hi!" =0)
from jimmysworld :
I hate to say it again, but another average diary.
from uridium15 :
steve irwin stole my foreskin and made shoes out of it
from ktownbear :
WOW....That entry about the accident brought back some memories of my own. I tangled with a drunk driver and that anniversary is coming up in October for me. Glad you made it through it. Hugs!
from hissandtell :
Ha - even without the dazzling light in the ocean photograph on your page, I could tell from your writing that you're Australian! No-one writes quite like us, do they? No matter how hard they try? (OOOHH! Now I've completely lost my train of thought because I foolishly clicked on your photo page to see what you, um, look like.) Oh, gracious. Um, thanks for reading. Ahh, I shall be back for more soon. Love, R xxx
from faded-dark :
New password. UN: noaccess PW: foryou
from cubjam11 :
New coldplay *is* great! You are right! :-) XOXOX - J
from faded-dark :
UN: bamis PW: hotstuff Post-it notes work quite well
from lycka :
That fucking frog beat Coldplay to No.1 on the UK singles chart, outselling it 4 to 1. Mind you, everyone's probably bought their album and the damn frog hasn't got one...yet.
from flying-kiwi :
Yeah, nice pics, but you so knew you're God's Gift :oP
from devian :
very cute pics!!!! :)
from moonfaeryy :
Thanks for adding me as a fave! I will do some more reading thru you archives this weekend!
from devian :
mmm..i guess the sexy bugger would be me?! i'm not half as sexy as you though. POST MORE PICS!!! :)
from cubjam11 :
Oh god. I've been so busy with work that I just caught up. So sorry to hear about that. My thoughts are with you. Take care -- J
from flying-kiwi :
MR BEAN???!!! LOLOLOLOL roflmao...Nearly lost a mouthful of coffee over this, you're so funny!
from cubjam11 :
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! OMG!!! You crack me up!
from beckybaggins :
The OC is yummy. I forgot you're a fan too! Part of tonight's episode made me cry.
from cubjam11 :
LOL. I sure did raise a stink about those banner thieves, huh? Oh boy. Well. I saw the banner you were referring to. It was kinda cute/dumb. Turns out the girl apologized and took down her site until she has her priorities in order -- which is probably a good idea. It's not that I have such a big issue with reviewing such things, but jeez. ASK if you wanna borrow something -- you know? Argh! Anyway, thanks for the link. You are too sweet for words! xoxox - Jamie :-)
from cubjam11 :
OMG that is *adorable*! Where ever did you find that???
from faded-dark :
*bandages poor head* hehe. silly lil man. UN: ihave PW: thepassword
from flying-kiwi :
Wankerdextrous? Awesome, what a great word...must ask G about that :o)
from blacklist-05 :
Hi from Jamie over at blacklist-05. kstyle sent me. ;-) Kisses and licks -- J
from kstyle :
ya left out a "p" in nipplepalooza! hehehe...
from jesbohn :
cute list, y0. -bohner
from jarfness :
Hi, thanks for adding me to your faves list. :)
from faded-dark :
My friend's uncle bruce is actually in Puhket [Or how ever you spell] it right now. He hasn't been hurt, but she says he reakons it's pretty bad from that veiw. But I guess that was pretty obvious.
from faded-dark :
from faded-dark :
what does 'pmsl' mean?
from pinkbowshoe :
Hey...have you gotten Gwen's cd? I like it a lot. :)
from oicur12 :
Thanks, darlin'! Muah! :-)*
from ozwald :
HEY! SCORPS ROCK! Thanks for the birthday wishes ... oz
from kirlianstate :
wot do you think of the record? have you heard it yet? it's aiight..only a few songs seem just as good as mickey mouse mofo. a moment in time is pretty has tyler savvy guesting on the's swell you listen to awesome music..peace out
from boomer-ok-27 :
Hey Macka, I didn't know it was your birthday. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY MATE! Better late then never.....26??? Damn your getting old....hehehehe
from devian :
OMG! I saw that someone bought my album in australia and i was thinking: WOW! then i read your note and saw that it was you!!!! i hope you enjoy it and feel free to whore it to whomever you want! i'd love to play australia and maybe that would be a way for me to get my ass out there :) you're so sweet! thank you again VERY much! :)
from kstyle :
oh, i'll come camping with you if you pay for my gas!
from banefulvenus :
LOVE your banner.... Catch that run away dingo!!! :)
from kstyle :
from sw-iowa :
LOL, well I guess we can all use a little something to help out. Too funny. Let's hope it does work. Thanks for making a smile. Nice page today.
from kstyle :
i'm in s.f...having a great time...concert was awesome, got some amazing pics there. see ya soon, mk
from beckybaggins :
Congratulations! And enjoy your well deserved vacation.
from lycka :
Glad you've decided to go for the job. Brilliant stuff. And thanks for your message - it was much appreciated.
from sw-iowa :
Congrats guy. I wish you the best. (love survivor too. woohoo)
from kstyle :
woohoo! go for it, boy! best of luck!
from sw-iowa :
I think you should go for it. And make sure to share the photos afterwords PLEASE... LOL Cool Post... The force is with me btw. oh wait maybe that was gas... LOL Take care...
from sw-iowa :
Hey Macka, Great entry. Don't do it for the money. Do it because it's the job you want to do. Sounds like you have it together and can go anywhere. Smart decisions now with what you want will keep you happy and motivated. Just my thoughts. Can't wait to get the Star Wars CD's and see them again with there updates. Take care and great to read your posts. Hugs, SW
from phxbanker77 :
Good one with all the Auusie verbage lol was a little mind boggleing lol. I dont mind if you put a link to it.
from spikea :
I am computer illetrate, and have been trying to work out about the making links and italics and such....could you tell me how, it'd be muchly appreciated. you're fellow South Australian, Iris
from beckybaggins :
Haven't watched the "Moon Song" in quite some time! There's a lot of fun stuff on that site. They took down the Viking Kittens singing Zeppelin's "Immigrant Song", though. Bummer.
from kstyle :
chained to your ass cheek...been there, done that...
from kstyle :
omg, i once saw a short video clip of a guy hooked up to a milking machine, if you know what i DID NOT look like fun...
from kstyle :
sounds good, better let that situation cool off a know where to come for fun!
from oicur12 :
MMMM. A wank... Hopping next Quantas flight! ;-)
from devian :
oh god, i haven't listened to "spoonman" in so long!!! you're making me nostalgic for a time when music was at it's best (IMO)
from kstyle :
hey, did you know your previous/next thingy ain't workin? dork...hehe! kiss your pussy for me...
from kstyle :
i'm fowarding that entry to some frineds, too funny!
from lycka :
Hope you feel better. But shouldn't you change your doctor?
from beckybaggins :
Sorry you're not feeling well. Sending healing thoughts your way. Lack of sleep always wears down my resistance, too. Hope you stay home from work an extra day and get some rest. And I'm mighty impressed by the before and after desk pictures! Are you for hire?
from kstyle : done been cribified!
from kstyle :
mmm nice and tidy? how long will THAT last, haha! hey, have you checked out my "cribs" page? can i put your "after" pic in there?
from lycka :
It's the same here, the creeping Americanisation. Ipswich now has a Subway! There's a TV ad for Burger King which is so obviously filmed in the States which has a section made in the UK slotted in for the current month's offer. That and lots of American ones dubbed (badly) into English accents (and it's always English which must royally piss off the Welsh, Scottish and Norther Irish viewers. That said the proliferation of Australian soaps and kids' programmes has introduced new slang words and even inflections into the language here. Whoever first bought 'Neighbours' for the BBC back in the 80s has a lot to answer for.
from beckybaggins :
Hmmm... I'd love to hear what Aussies like to call Americans. Has to be better than what the French call us!
from kstyle :
well, aren't we the social butterfly? hehe, see, nice folks in these parts...see ya soon!
from lycka :
'Owdoo from the Old Country. Never been Down Under as yet but my sister lives in a suburb of Melbourne with her husband and kids and loves it. One day I'll be there. Take care. xx
from beckybaggins :
I'm enjoying reading your diary. I'm a fan of kstyle and found you through him. Took a look at your pics today. Love them - especially the Sydney pics. Would love to visit there someday. Welcome to D'land! :)
from phu-pham :
from shinydiamond :
Hey! Enjoying your stuff. Found you thru Michael. He's the best. Welcome to Diaryland!!! *smooch*
from kstyle :
ok, consider your ass pimped!
from kstyle :
oh good, i get to pop your cherry here too! wow you're the 50th person who's linked me...i run with the popular crowd, haha! like the green...went and looked at ALL your pics today...good stuff! see ya around, kiddo..xoxo, mk

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