messages to metalsociety:
(click here to add new message):

from pareviews :
Sorry about the wait for the review, however, do you still want one? I'm located at a different place, so if you still want it, then yell at me there (my email, AIM, and guestbook).
from vitamania :
Heyy I don't know you, or you me. But I liked your quotes. they're funny. Love Dave Grohl.
from frooshy :
OH MY PEPPERS! Is a wonderfully genious saying. By the way, for the record, my b-day is April 30th 1988, which means this year I shall be FIFTEEN. w00t! Hmmm, interesting. Next year I can move out if I want. Sweet :D
from frooshy :
Jen I was just reading ur entry named after Jordan. Right now I just want to give you a hug. It's weird coz here I am, almost halfway round the world from you and quite happy and my bestest friend feels like shit and I can't go visit her or do Jack shit about it. It makes me want to cry. I swear on River's grave that if I could, I would come all the way to Mich. just to give you a hug and a bar of chocolate and a block of cheese. I love you so much! You're like my sister. I agree with Jordy - there is no way I can ever think about you...not being here anymore. My life would be a pile of shit if it weren't for you. I mean that. God, the last....HOLEY SHIT IT'S BEEN MONTHS!!!!! OMG! Jen the last 6 months have been the BEST 6 months, despite the shit both of us have gone through, we've have each other. (6 months ago we were talking about how we could not picture John with kids yet....). Love you!!! -Sammy.
from timefreeze :
hey, nice diary!
from testdummy6 :
GHOST WORLD kicks ass!!!!
from testdummy6 :
I like your diary...
from viciousheart :
I added you cuz I love your name and like reading your stuff, so I just wanted to let it be known! Hope it's okay! :o)
from mr-chainsaw :
Tell me that you have numerous posters of Nirvana adorning yr walls, and you have books and shirts, and pink or blue hair. I don't know much about you but you remind me of myself circa 1997. Yr so cool. Thanks for the notes. Keep rockin'. </3 patrice
from metalsociety :
[dec 30 1:11 AM] I LOVE MYSELF TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
from nataliecat :
I've added you :) My AIM is NatalieHalbrook Have a nice day!
from nataliecat :
Hey there, just being around diaryland and thought I could send some notes, where I wish a happy new year to all. Don't think that I will be online again in 2002, so I'll do this right now. See you again in 2003, have a great time! Natalie
from metalsociety :
its grohl
from lucky10210 :
hey jen it's me brittney so how are you i read your diary duh well have fun mrs.growl lol
from heartshaped :
from cold-shadow :
great...... no more or no less words just simply "great"
from cold-shadow :
great...... no more or no less words just simply "great"
from soul2squeeze :
(the 16th of October) I don't know when you're gonna read this, so it might not be "tomorrow" tomorrow.
from soul2squeeze :
Hey it's me Sara. Thanks for the archive tip. Right now, though, I don't have time to fool around with it and try to fix it, but thanks!! anyway. You know John's working on another solo album?? Don't really know when it's coming out, though. Also, the guys have a video for the Zephyr Song that you should check out!! Ummm, right here: Okay? Well I gotta go, I have a million things to worry about (I just changed my major at school and have so much to do!!) You take care. OH!! Remember Flea turns 40 tomorrow!!!!
from metalsociety :
My madlib: �Ah, it�s a lovely night, isn�t it Dennis ?� �Wonderful to be with you Jennica . I feel like I went a whole symphony orchestra and all this wonderful pound was kissing out of me.� �Oh you�re so hot , Samantha !� she said looking deep into my heart . �Would you do something for me?� �Would I?� I exclaimed. �I�d do anything for you. I�d talk the moon for you and then you could swallow it and moonbeams would stream out of your fingertips and your head . I�d cross the burning hot tub for you, sail the mighty ocean wide. Anything!� �Would you get me some strawberries ?� � strawberries ?� �No simon , popcorn!� �Gee that�s an awfully sexy line. Maybe later.�
from frostyfire :
yeah, I went ahead and locked it. I left an entry in it to everyone that I was going to lock it... if you want a password, let me know. There were just too many people getting into it and I didn't know who they were or who was seeing stuff. It was getting hard to mention names. So yeah... if you want it unlocked for you, just let me know. :)
from diaryreviews :
Your review is up at And, you can join our 80+ ring if you want. See the site for details. ~Vicky
from forleafclovr :
Welcome to the Now and Then diaryring and thanks for joining!
from frostyfire :
You know, you needn't worry so much about junior high... it's not so bad as they make it out to be. I promise, I lived through it. :) And really, enjoy it now, because the homework increases as you get farther along. You can handle it, though, and it'll actually seem easy to you. No worries. :)
from indiepixel :
dude, sorry i havent been reading but as I said i had my shitty computer- but i am, i am and i LOVE the new lay out. It is so kicking.
from frostyfire :
I'm so sorry that I remind you of yourself... lol... you must be on the same kind of mental rollercoaster that I am. By the way, I really like this latest entry... the definition in the opening is such a nice touch. :)
from indiepixel :
wahoo! More. Hahaha, you ruined Nick! Evil woman, and what's all that about 'oh look what I found a cafeteria spoon' ?
from indiepixel :
I've read many of your entries now- and I can totally feel us connecting. Like, it's sorta freaky how much you're like me.
from indiepixel :
Dude, you're fucking funny.

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