messages to missbehaved:
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from maiarayne :
I think it will be easier when they go off to college because by then we will have survived the teen years and be ready for thier butts to be moving on to a far away school! LOL I can't believe he's so big. Time sure flies...
from kittyleopard :
I'm a pirate. Look at me, I can burp a jig for ya.
from kuri-chan :
hm..i think that's diaryland's thing because it has done that in the past to me..did it do a sort of curly bracket thing?
from maiarayne :
PPD is aweful... I know that I'm pretty fortunate not to have had it to the degree that you did (needing medicine) but it was still hard. And not that the Kidlet was breastfeeding very well, I had to completely quit when I went on birth control because estrogen dries up your milk. See? We all have our stories... :)
from kittyleopard :
Awesome diary! You rock my socks.
from maiarayne :
I apologize for not contacting you for Christmas. To say I have preggo brain would be a huge understatement but still no excuse. I just read that you had a great Christmas and I'm glad to hear that! Give Nicholas and your mom my love. *hugs*
from maiarayne :
I'm sorry you are having trouble with Madden Man. I know the feeling sometime of no romance but that can sometimes be built up again. Now not having any ambition in life, to want to better oneself, to want more for them and the family they claim they love is not something that you can just hope will pop into his head one day and become an inseperable part of him. I wish you luck on trying to work this out. Sometimes this can be a real deal breaker because you have a son and a life to build. I really hope he gets his act together and decides he wants to actively build one with you. You know that I support your choice.

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