messages to nbdycares:
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from a-lost-gurl :
what's up... so yer in the AF. that's cool, though the AF sucks! lol, at least security forces is. i should have tried out another job. i know i should have. i was in for 7 months. ya gotta love them *beeping* stress-fractures. i don't. i was discharged on the 5th of march. i hope everything works out for you. g' luck, keep yer chin up, and stay positive. and remember, smile!
from flamingspazo :
I just randomly started reading your diary, and I'm glad I came across it. I enjoyed reading it =)
from mugbug226 :
I've enjoyed reading your diary and I hope that things work out with everyone... good luck!
from satanskid23 :
HEY, what's up with the deciept? Dude if you're gonna do it like that for "K" and Randy, maybe you are just decieving yourself on how commited you are to either. You can't have your cake and eat it too all the time. And how would you feel if you were either "K" or Randy, not so appealing when you think of it that way huh? Make a decision and stick with it before your stuck out there alone...again.
from meganwaits :
Its good to unravel things out and explore what will be, but then again, you have to take the backseat sometime. Only thats the hard part, I guess. Its sort of like you know these formulas or whatever in Geometry instantly, but if you think about it, you haven't a clue.
from cutiepie1983 :
I happen to like the new image you have up. Finally one that shows what you are about and I love it! I'm sorry for what has happened lately. Hopefully you'll get it all worked out. Take care of yourself! ~Nancy~
from devian :
i have one simple bit of advice if you are truly wanting love is to: stop looking for it. it's that simple. stop WANTING and SEARCHING and it will come to you. i met my bf right when i stopped wanting one. focus on other things and just remove that desire and you will meet someone. <3
from cutiepie1983 :
Hi there! Great to see you are back. I kind of missed you. Glad you're having fun in Hawaii and I hope that that plan of yours works. You only deserve the best since you are a great guy! ~Nancy~
from theanswer- :
yes, it's shameless self-promotion but you and i both know that you need answers...
from zek4ever :
dude...I think its friggen awesome you created a ring for the Air totally ROCK...I'm hopin to go to the Air Force Academy and be a fighter pilot...I can't wait...I hope your makin your dreams come true too...\m/(*^*)\m/...ROCK ON!
from cutiepie1983 :
Just keep on hanging out with your true friends, now you really know who they are and screw (not literally! lol) the rest. I hope you're having a great time! ~Nancy~
from cdghost :
from rainforme :
i care! i liked reading your diary.
from damnedguitar :
Aww, thanks so much for adding me as a favorite, darling. *Smiles* You made my day!
from damnedguitar :
I clicked on your banner and I love your diary. Don't worry, hun, you're so sweet, I don't know how at least 5 guys aren't fighting over you. You'll find somebody soon who is actually worth your time and effort. :-)
from aquatigrl :
I like your diary, and I'm sure there's nothing wrong with you, maybe the other guys? [josh, etc]
from katy-bug :
Sounds like the little webcam is your friend! Enjoy yourself.
from banefulvenus :
I clicked on your banner and loved your site. I read your profile and saw that you mentioned Christina Agulara! She rocks. That whole magazine spread inspried a crazy dream. You could check it out if ya like.
from pyrobandnerd :
i just randomly clicked on your banner...i enjoy your diary :) and orlando bloom rocks my socks, does the labyrinth. peace love and happiness, dude! :p
from cutiepie1983 :
hi! just thought i'd drop by and let you know how much i enjoyed your poem. i hope everything does work out for the best with you. ~Nancy~
from prowlingleo :
Awe thanks for the note and the welcome to the ring! Yeah, my aunt is a little nutty...but what can ya do lol. Take care :)
from cutiepie1983 :
Cheer up sweetie! I'm sure you will find your other half. You're totally sweet, so it's just a matter of time! ~Nancy~
from pjf-sans-p :
haha, it's my pleasure adding you to my buddy list, I really like your diary (mmm...Orlando Bloom...). Thanks for the note!
from tufty :
hey its tufty, im a girl. hey i confuse myself! i like ur diary!
from cutiepie1983 :
Hi! I saw your banner on d*land and decided to click it. Congrats on the test score..woo hoo. I read about the last 4 entries and decided to let you know that I enjoyed my stay here and that I will be returning. Good luck with everything! ~Nancy~
from kstyle :
clicked on yer banner...looks like a cool diary, for sure. first one i've seen coming from a base, very interesting. gonna go back and check the old one. hope you can come and see mine...ok, take care of yourself...michael
from megl42 :
Welcome to the BTVS thank you ring! :-D

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