messages to obb:
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from blue88 :
THE AMERICAN ASTRONAUT.......yes, it's this little slice of perfection that could be perfect on stage with music and dance numbers. I feel like I'm hidding the dead sea scrolls or something with the video......
from hermia7 :
mm, that sounds delish. My mom brings the steaks to room temp or close to it, pats them dry, rubs them with a little olive oil, salt and pepper (or in the case of friday night a cartload of cracked pepper, which sent me sneezing from the room when they hit the pan) -- sear for a minute and a half, place in 500 degree oven for a minute and a half, done. They were juicy red inside, just barely warm to the middle. Perfect. I'll totally do the butter suace thing though, because Ben always ends up putting actual butter on his steak if no bearnaise sauce (or similar) is available. I can't believe he doesn't weigh 900 pounds.
from unwashedmass :
I don't know; my beliefs haven't significantly changed since I saw W's mom's choir's (too many possessives' s'!) summer performance, yet my response to it drastically has. I think it might be fairest to blame watery arrangements and feeble programming, but this kind of stern judgment seems unfair to apply to people engaging in ventures that are, by mandate, uplifting. Hey, you! Tate! Try harder! My lift wasn't upped!
from persephonee :
(sniffle) thank you. i needed that. i miss your updates now that you're so busy, by the way.
from hulabelly :
The ducks. The ducks wer tricky, cuz sometimes they were BIG prizes and sometimes little teeny prizes, adn I always left thinking that maybe, just maybe, if I had picked the duck with the eye patch, or the one with the pink bill, I would have won a bigger prize.
from persephonee :
oh, an ORANGE crayon! that makes PERFECT sense on a cooking thread. :D
from hermia7 :
I finally bought my own copies of them last year, after being stuck with rereading only when home on a visit. They are required home sick reading for me. I need to acquire the chronciles of narnia, as well -- they were my other comfort-books. I loved Randy -- she was always the one I wanted to be, aside for the face-plant into the bus....
from persephonee :
they did say they'll have to do an ultrasound to check for cysts; maybe they'll look for fibroids then too? i didn't know you could screen for endometriosis that way. or that clomid can be used to test ovary function, but that makes sense. so, being canadian makes your medical advice suspect? ;)
from persephonee :
hmmm. a good point. so if i can't afford a hard case maybe i should stick with the cardboard box? i just feel so bad for my guitar, riding the subway in this undignified manner. but now i am remembering the one time lance knocked it over and the look on my face which evidently suggested an inanimate object was more important to me than he was, so... yeah. maybe we're better off as we are. the three of us.
from persephonee :
hahaha!!! pregnancy is a side effect! please let me know if you come across any other drugs for which the same side effect applies. and thanks for everything you said, yammest, your opinions are not in any way dispensable to me. ooh. pharmacy pun!
from no-yes-maybe :
Wow, your diary is really bright!
from persephonee :
yay and yay! no, not in the slightest! the dubious hills is supposed to be just the next country over, but it might as well be a different universe. i hope you won't be disappointed though! none of them are anything like as good as tam lin, but i love her so much i have to have something to tide me over between tam lin rereadings.
from hermia7 :
Also, can you e-mail me? I dont' have your new e-mail address. I don't know if you have mine?
from hermia7 :
I played Hermia in A Midsummer Night's Dream in 7th grade, and got my first e-mail account shortly thereafter. I used it as a password for stuff for a long time, until I needed an online name not related to my real name, and switched uses for it! So Shakespeare. yeah.
from persephonee :
oh thank you! i've bookmarked them now so it's safe to delete them. yam notebreaker, that can be your legendary butt-kicking name. your library doesn't have robin mckinley either? bah. but i think those two might still be in print, so you should have less trouble getting them.
from hermia7 :
i wrote a second comment explaining that the link to what made my comment make sense was stuck in with my name. but it only shows if you try to add a new note. Wow, that made no sense AT ALL.
from persephonee :
oh: also, not much fighting on the part of girls, in pamela dean. assertiveness, yes, but the boys get to do all the swordfighting. i think.
from persephonee :
i must try this tamora pierce, i haven't read a single one! pamela dean's YA series is The Secret Country, The Hidden Land, & The Whim of the Dragon. The Dubious Hills was written later, and although it's a country that was mentioned in all the earlier three, it really has nothing to do with them. sigh. the problem with all of these is the problem with tam lin, only much worse - a tendency to quote literary things without annotating them, and an even worse tendency to hint rather than say and leave huge questions hanging. but it's very quaint the way she uses quotes in all 4 of these books: the characters know all these lines from shakespeare and stuff, but to them they're spells. like for making fire, and such. if i ever replace my secondhand copies with new versions, i'd love to mail you mine! oh, but i assume if you're looking for fighting fantasy heroines, you've come across The Blue Sword & The Hero and the Crown, by Robin McKinley? and do you still have those amazon links, by the way? i don't think it'll work to do a search for "kick-a girls." will it? :D
from hermia7 :
totally. I was positive it was a joke at first. but no. how embarrasing. Also, can I join you and Bre?
from hulabelly :
HA! My field IS my fields! HA!! Those fractions are burninated. I hate fractions. But I DO know where Russia is! HA! I think it's good we live so far apart. Both of us in the same place at the same time may cause a rip in the space/time continuum. Or maybe the universe would implode. Oh! Or maybe we should test the theory, hang out together, and see if we come up with a nobel prize winning theory on quantum physics. Cuz we might. It could happen. I mean, we are US, after all. And we could drive my tractor around the country, spreading the joy of science to the masses.
from hermia7 :
bwah! that book sounds wretched. Yeah, I was totally in a smooching mood last night, and it was good to see him. la!
from persephonee :
hee hee. the whole thing makes me miss the gallery of misused quotes too much; i wonder if they put that site back up yet? the cutest toddler in the world is making me a strange combination of happily nostalgic and vaguely jealous. are you babysitting or aunting or what is the nature of this excellent arrangement? i'm happy i called too, but i really need to follow up soon or it will be like the tree that fell into a sea of forest and vanished making nary a sound. wow, i only talk like this when i'm completely sleep deprived. hi hi hi!!! i've missed you.
from persephonee :
yeah, it occured to me later that she might have meant they're trying, but not Trying - as in basal temp, ovulation testing, schedules, doctors, etc. makes a lot more sense.
from hulabelly :
Here's your interview. I guess you have to include these rules in your post. Bah, rules. 1. Leave a comment in my guestbook, saying you want to be interviewed. 2. I will respond; I'll ask you five questions. 3. You'll update your Web site with my five questions, and your five answers. 4. You'll include this explanation. 5. You'll ask five other people five questions when they want to be interviewed. And now for the questions: 1. Is there a song you wish had been written about you? 2. Do you write poetry, and if so, is it any good? 3. If you were an outlaw, what would your reward poster say? 4. They say the CIA can train you to kill a man with almost anything. You have to kill a man, and you only have at your disposal one pink rubber flip flop, a garden hose, a pair of tweezers, and an unpainted fake plastic garden gnome. How do you kill him? 5. What is the strangest thing you ever found in your freezer?
from i-roboctopus :
No, it's me going "holy crap!" I can't believe it's finally happening! Yay for you! Congratulations! :) (That called for lots of exclamation points.)
from hermia7 :
Yeah, it's crazy. No taxes, hurray! Highest per capita income in the world, hurrah! I had a friend in college whose father was some Indian billionaire in Dubai. It's incredibly hot and...humid! there in the summer. No dry desert heat, it's 40 C and 100% humidity there in the summer. We'd go in winter.
from persephonee :
oh, and thank you for the wording!
from rhubelerosko :
you are officially my hero! I was able to watch my UK movies tonight! *GUSH!*
from persephonee :
yeah, maybe i should have emailed that to you, eh? ;)
from persephonee :
oh man, it's hopelessly complicated now that food processing is so advanced. yes, we worry about machinery as well as ingredients: anything heated in a pot that has been used to cook something nonkosher, can also become nonkosher. i think maybe in the old days it was more likely that you could look at a list and see "eggs, milk, flour" and figure you were home free, but not anymore: nowadays you can rarely be sure what's gone into something unless it's certified kosher. i know there are some people who eat in vegan restaurants; they figure there couldn't be anything nonkosher in the food. but if you're going to be strict, there are all sorts of laws to take into account. for instance i think a jew has to be involved in the cooking somehow - even if it's just to turn on the oven. anyway, the process just involves a rabbi checking the ingredients list and the procedure to see if they follow the rules, and then making visits - sometimes daily, sometimes at random surprise times - to make sure they're actually being followed. i'm sure it costs something, though, and sometimes the company might need to change from a cheaper nonkosher ingredient to a more expensive kosher one, so a lot of companies don't think it's worth it.
from hulabelly :
Oh wait, that would be Phuture Pharmers of Canada. Oops! God save the queen!
from hulabelly :
I think I have you listed in my diary as my Phavourite Phuture Pharmacist, so Phuture Pharmers of America sounds like a damn good tee shirt to me!
from persephonee :
hmmm. is having "goon" in the title a good or bad thing? hee. er, sorry about grossing you out last night, i was just so blown away at how this woman had no shame. also, in my conscious moments i know i'm never going to be able to follow even your extremely simple instructions, but when i'm drifting off to sleep i often find myself mentally draping purpley star fabric over a big hoop. :) except i like it better the way i saw it in the nytimes, without the tiebacks. also also, i completely understand the need to panic, but please try to breathe! except for school, every other thing that is going on in your life involves only people who love you, and all they will be thinking about is how glad they are to see you and share in your happiness: no one will care one bit if you have goofed something up. you can always send someone home to get it / do it the next day / shrug and smile sheepishly. and i suspect the school is going to love you pretty fast too.
from hermia7 :
bwah ha ha! i can make someone else worry as much as meee!
from hermia7 :
this is why i don't think i can have cats after all.
from persephonee :
oddly enough, judaism has no rules about colors you can wear in mourning! we can wear whatever we want, but no live music. the opposite of princess di's funeral, where everyone was in black but elton john played the piano. how are you doing with the countdown? it would be nice if you could just take a nap for a few days, because you don't need to think about this at all anymore. the chain of events has already been put in motion and you WILL get in. nothing you can possibly do in the next eight (?) days will change that. ;)
from mojo1915 :
Hey there buddy! I hope you have an awesome day! ~Jesse
from hulabelly :
I think it was the air blowing down my neck that did it. 8 hours of cold air blowing down my neck. Imperial or otherwise, cold is cold to me!! :)
from hermia7 :
ok, maybe on venus.
from hermia7 :
is not. spring. green. is neon.
from persephonee :
evidently i am going to obstinately be the only one who still uses your notes. i think you did that for me for a while, right? keeping the notes alive. long live notes! thanks for the pep talk: i hope you're right. i'd wish you luck on your interview, but we all know you're a shoo-in! okay, luck anyway, so you don't lose all your shoes right before the interview or something. please don't worry that's going to happen now though. if it does, they will still accept you. you are that excellent.
from persephonee :
whoa, i wrote you this whole comment and it isn't showing up. but due to my vast experience with janest's comments, i am just going to wait and see if it magically appears instead of posting it another three times. did you see it?
from persephonee :
hee, little do you know i've been tempted to print out YOUR diary. especially the math teacher years. hope you don't mind my using notes instead of comments, it just seems like those should be reserved for stuff that has, like... anything to do with your entry?
from obb :
Nooooootes. But yo, there are comments now, which are much, much yellow-er.

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