messages to palepurple:
(click here to add new message):

from jivical :
anna this last entry seemed very exciting and mysterious, like a tidal wave beneath a starlit sky. please expand on your delcaration of war. who is it against? ann burant?
from lostunfound :
(moves a few feet away)
from lostunfound :
It's your, not you're. :)
from jivical :
btw anna we should set up a time for a perkins meal since we don't see eachother much anymore. sunday, perhaps/!?
from jivical :
are you showing up to tutoring this week ANNA?!?!
from jivical :
from therul :
Hi you. I haven't read your diary for a few months but I was intrigued by a post from July or something... Sounds like you're getting OCD, m'luv! Welcome to my wonderful world... where I can't get to sleep at night for fear that if I open my eyes there will be razor blades waiting to slice them up, whoopdeedo! My girlfriend's riddled with it, too. I know I'm being a nosy sod but I'd be fascinated to hear more.
from jivical :
anna i have returned to the diaryland!
from fuschiashock :
i like jettas. does that make me gay, or would i have to be male for that to be so?
from guavagrrrl :
do i even need to mention the come to portland part? do i?
from guavagrrrl :
i must protest on behalf of stupid girls with wierd highlights who only care about running. there's only three or four of us in the world. our iq's drop when we think about running. it's really not our fault.
from guavagrrrl :
boys=no. you want girls, come to portland.
from guavagrrrl :
yes indeed it is. when you have time, though. The whole let's-write-papers-and-go-to-class thing can interfere significantly with one's reading fer fun time.
from guavagrrrl :
ever read linda barry?
from lostunfound :
Cheers to the Ani Difranco statement! :D
from jivical :
i hope you start to feel better anna. you sounded terrible when you called me at work! after you called carol asked what we were doing. she said you're a "Special Person." you have that old lady whipped :)
from jivical :
from jivical :
and i like your kitten
from jivical :
dinner last night was exciting anna
from guavagrrrl :
and when are you going to come out here and fall madly in love with me?
from guavagrrrl :
well, i myself am about to throw a "wasted wednesday" party, which will consist of watching sweet home alabama (not by choice) and eating a burrito. So, as much fun as portland is, i'm going to have to say that i wish i was there. or you were here, because then we could have vicious haiku competitions and play eskimo twister, instead of me eating peanut butter crackers with my two friends.
from guavagrrrl :
furthermore, if queercore swings your way, check it out. A very lively, lovely band named Dominatrix plays as the headliner, and they rock my socks.
from guavagrrrl :
don't settle. please don't settle for less. damn it, if you think you're so dumb, come out to the west coast and marry me since it's almost legal and i think we'd do well together at least for the first week. Just getting by is disgusting. don't do it. you're better than this. Besides, my neighbors don't have sex.
from lustykazoo :
so glad to hear you enjoyed your show. i've seen ani many times, but am ever SO jealous of your Ms. Cho experience. unfortunately i'll not get the chance to see either one, looks like ani's sticking to the east coast this time out, nice to hear about other fans though ... nobody i know listens to her on purpose. dumbasses.
from lostunfound :
Hey. Love your diary. :D and dogs.
from guavagrrrl :
three easy steps. 1) move to oregon 2) fall madly in love with me 3) live happily ever after. need another reason to move to oregon and marry me? i have a cat. she is pretty.
from therul :
I know what would happen if I were in that situation... I'd end up seeing her whilst horribley drunk and start telling her how much I hate her just because she looks like her... and then maybe challenging her to a fight to the death... Meh, I don't know. I hate people that look like people. They should just stop looking like people.
from guavagrrrl :
*plays a rocking air guitar solo*
from chuffnutt :
" Why is it that some issues just don't fade away as clearly as you'd like them to?" ~ I wish I could answer that for your, but I'm having my own issues.
from guavagrrrl :
it'll be fine. just move to oregon and live with me. we can obsess about sex fantasies together, and you can stop me from being a dirty mattress kitten. plus, i bet you could probably kill the alien girl if she came over, and she's scary, oh yes she is.
from therul :
Ha, great comment... but oh no, you'd be sucked into a world of laying on sofas, staring at ceilings and... Raging... And I'd so rather have your job than mine anything fucking day!
from parlance :
Your template is crazy Purple lyek woah.
from nakedlife05 :
hey. I've been reading your diary like crazy. I absolutely love it!!!
from suicidalsada :
Girl, you rock my world. If our sarcasm clashed i dont know where id be. Maybe in bed with you. ha. I enjoy your writing.
from opusshrugged :
congratulations on the job m'dear ;)
from b0b0 :
Thank you for taking my survey!
from chuffnutt :
Hey! Your birthday is only 9 days after mine!
from annamarie84 :
hey ! just diary hoppin, happy mardi gras!
from moshibaboon :
maybe at the same time that i did! my girlfriend just broke up with me too ;)
from phoneybone :
i'm sorry.... i hope things get better for you.
from babygyrl02 :
That's really messed up for her breaking up with you on V-day! But keep ur head up things will get better!
from dannii :
wow...your words are awsome.
from wunderlust :
Hey there. I just thought that I would thank you for all of the wonderful times I had when things were good between us. I really valued your friendship. I'm leaving for denver on the 28th. (thats were americorps is) I'm really glad to hear that you and Bridget are happy. Ariel and I have something really wonderful as well. I don't know if you will take this message the way I'd like but I can only hope. I honestly wish you the best in life and I hope you find happiness. Your old friend, Cedar p.s. don't worry the whole living on your own thing isn't half as tough as it seems.
from starrynite2 :
did you like mona lisa smile? i thought it was wonderful. ~~jenn
from starrynite2 :
did you like mona lisa smile? i thought it was wonderful. ~~jenn
from mslioness819 :
I just happened to stumble upon your diary and I think that what you have to say is incredible...Funny isn't it how things just drop right into your lap??
from sprhrgrl :
In response to Sam's mention of you. . . The reason I played that game was because nobody else was doing it, and there's always a need for *some* visibility. Then the queer kids who aren't out can realize that they are okay. Cos nobody else is telling them that, nowadays.
from therul :
You sound a lot like me. And you sound a lot like you ARE defending yourself. So fuck everybody, why can't you defend yourself?
from moshibaboon :
aww, kitten! people can be awfully daft, ought i to make you a mixtape and post it with chocolates to cheer you up? those can be the perfect excuse for thinly veiled condolences. xo
from craziandsexi :
hey i like ur diary/profile its rly co0l you should see mine... ~~Sam
from madsferak :
Cheerleading squad? I'll join it and we can all perform using a webcam or something! I've soooooo got the moves. Such a shame I'm English. And drunk.
from rainbowchase :
hey. i changed my dland name because i was being harassed on the floor. new name is starrynite2. hope you're feeling okay babe. ~~jenn
from emz-secrets :
hey i just checked out your diary its really rockin!!
from rainbowchase :
from madsferak :
*love n sympathies*
from moshibaboon :
oh, you rule! 'rebel girl' is my favourite bikini kill song. xoxo moshi
from guavagrrrl :
have you ever read Odd Girl Out, by anne bannon? it's the kind of thing that makes me scared to be a queer.
from liza66 :
pale purple nipples goose pimpled she shivers shifts from a walk to a trot alone in the city infested with faces immune to new friendships interested in places she's never seen she says everything is gray here and nothing is green the girls from down the street sixteen, seventeen years old you can smell them getting pregnant you can hear their rock and roll that's america you have to be tough like a glad trash bag the government's an old nag with a good pedigree but pedigree's don't help you and me i see the precedent is gray here and nothing is green unless something unforeseen happens i'm surrounded by the haves they say i can have some too just because of what i do do they think a lot about those who have not or does it just distract them from what they do most of us have gray except for those who can pay for green i'm torn i'm torn rejecting outfits offered me regretting things i've worn when i was still playing roles to fill holes in my conception of who i am you know, now i understand it's not important to be defined it's only important to use your time well well time is something nobody can buy and nobody can sell you so don't let anybody tell you they have the advantage because all the gray people can say every day doesn't mean anything if your mind is green pale purple nipples goose pimpled she shivers shifts from a walk to a trot alone in the city infested with faces immune to new friendships interested in places she's never seen she says everything is gray here otherwise i'd stay here but i'm looking for green just like every human being
from mohawk-lover :
thank you for the note. and for saying i was already very cool. it's a lovely thing to see at 7:30 in the morning. i suppose tho that you have a lot of other ppl to talk to and you don't really need me. so thank you again, and auf wiederesehen.
from mohawk-lover :
hey i like your diary. you sound cool, the kind of person i want to be like. so maybe we can talk and some of your coolness can rub off on me?
from sadnow :
Hi, I found your diary very randomly but really enjoyed reading what I did. You are a very talented writer and your diary is wonderful :) <3<3 -Carrie
from lesbianmafia :
Hey, sounds like a charming day, really. Always-AM, co-person-in-charge of the Lesbian Mafia.
from missused :
Thank you for taking my eitheror survey.
from soulreviewz :
hello! just thought you might want to get your diary reviewed! Come check us out! Have a nice day!
from barelybella :
I just had to laugh because I'm the library girl too! My last day of college I actually went to go look at my 'spot' I'd sat at for the last three years. Mine was on the second floor by the window, and no one ever sat there but me. (Probably because any time someone would come over I would look horrified, like "how dare you invade my space!") It was wonderful.
from moshibaboon :
hello! wow my profile told me that you like my diary, you rule the world. xoxo moshi
from rainbowchase :
awww... honey, i completely understand your situation. it's so tough when you want more but you realize that you have to settle for gentle glances, batting eyelashes, and quiet embraces. maybe one day it'll get better. ~~jenn
from fiercelingua :
Hello, this is the moderator from the lesbian mafia ring. I can not find a ring code on your main page or on any obvious ring page. Please put it up in the next three days or you will be deleted from the ring. Thank you.
from madsferak :
You know, the whole Bridget thing totally intrigues me because it reminds me of a situation I was in when I was 15... Although I wasn't quite as cool, calm and composed... bad news all round, I must say. Dammit...
from v-cherry :
Thanks for adding me as a fave. I would cut my couch and room in half and give you a piece but then I would have a small sofa and I'm not sure how to cut a room. Did Le Tigre Play over there?
from missmarymack :
yeah; AMEN about the unbelievable suckiness of jewel's new song. god knows the world does not need another friggin' christina aguilera or britney spears. said event would probably bring on the apocolypse, or at best, somehow result in an enormous hurricane which would sink florida and a good portion of georgia.
from mercy-me :
Anna, i'm paranoid and i just don't want Ben to read my diary so i'm locking it. the password is: pleasefly
from biohazardous :
you are beautiful
from v-cherry :
Sorry, the last note was from me, I was using a friends computer. Anyhow, drop me a line.
from lolasavage :
Hey there. I'm new here at d-land but I just wanted to say your diary is fantastic and your taste is wonderful. I plan on adding you as a favorite. Drop me a note some time please.
from barelybella :
I just wanted to give you a ***hug***
from rainbowchase :
are you like living in my mind or what? i've added you as a buddy. frequent reader now. ~~jenn
from chuffnutt :
Maybe he's dying to come out to you. Just in case, do it at a distance, so your head doesn't end up in his mini-frideg while he's eating your liver. ;)
from nakedlife05 :
Hello! Thank you very much for the note. I'm extremely excited because you are my first reader! ::does happy little dance:: If possible spread the word to people to read my diary. :) I have been dying for readers have even gone so far as to pop in chat rooms telling people to go to my diary. :P LIke i said i'm a dork. Anyways keep reading and leaving me notes because i love it all! :):)
from missmarymack :
my brother also watches yu-gi-oh, and i think i might have actually caught that one. if memory serves me, the Amerikid (i like your use of this way-cool word, by the way) totally kicks the crap out of yu-gi, and just as she's about to deal the final blow, yu-gi surrenders. at this time, amerikid's grandfather steps out and congratulates yu-gi on his move. apparently, in the earlier duel, yu-gi's grandfather did the same thing. if memory serves me, both grandfathers were trapped in this tunnel, and amerikid's grandfather was really sick -- dying. and so yu-gi's grandfather surrendered and let him win, to keep his spirits up or some such bullshit. anyway, moments after their match ends, they're rescued, and amerikids grandfather gives the card to yu-oh's grandfather, who gives it to yu-gi, yadda yadda. so the whole thing turns into this moral lesson (apparently yu-gi, just like his grandfather, had the winning card in his deck and would have drawn it his next turn) about how it's good to . . . give up. for the sake of spoiled little amerikids. anyway. hope that exceedingly long explanation helps. and PLEASE don't use yu-gi-oh as the base for your concept of anime. there is *good* anime out there; i promise.
from chuffnutt :
The life you wish to have is the one I'm living.
from nowherezennj :
uh... wow. no one has ever listed me in their favorite diaries list before. thanks? as for your comment about lofty goals... i couldn't really tell if you were being sarcastic or not, but fyi, my true short term goal is to be diagnosed with a mental illness so i can find some validation for my madness. and my long term goal is to make some significant contribution to medicine (or the opera world) and be remembered. but um... yeah. that small diatribe probably wasn't warranted. i noticed that you're in the lesbian mafia diaryring. right on... CS
from raineedea :
Hey, I read your diary cause i like your sense of humor, and cause i really wish i lived in Wisconsin. Just thought i'd let ya know. Peace, Rainee
from chuffnutt :
'twas funny. I was actually picturing what you were doing to that cup!
from mercy-me :
ha-ha-ha-ha! :) :) :) :0 :( :( i feel like a terrorist...
from guavagrrrl :
do you have too much to say at once?
from fiercelingua :
Stable, am I? -raises eyebrow- First time I've heard that adjective used to describe me...
from mercy-me :
hee-hee-hee....i bestow upon thee...fairy kisses...with which your mind is thrust into a faniciful world of wonder, wimsy and...and...other such shit...

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