the guitar has been drinking... not me.

"i believe in love, but it don't believe in me." ~ old 97's

My favorite diaries:

abwhite profile - diary
ayiko profile - diary
comments: "Twenty-one should not feel this old." ... neither should 30. read his diary, it's full of wahoo-syrup
tou-mou profile - diary
comments: "the need to travel, to run, to flee from myself. to create a new future."
facepunch profile - diary
comments: "im like an existentialist but i dont write anything meaningful. maybe im just bored."
karmacops profile - diary
comments: "�wait�was that a movie or a Martika song�maybe both�am I making sense?" - a keen understanding of the art of psychobabble
chubbychic profile - diary
comments: "Save your money, and send it to a good cause: me. I don't look as good naked, but I'm sure you wouldn't walk away checking yourself for eye cancer and plotting your own castration."
jmixtape profile - diary
comments: "nothing says 'I'm sorry' like porn"
gutterpoet profile - diary
comments: "Despite my southern roots there is only so far I care to travel down the "white trash highway."
megmarch profile - diary
comments: "It's odd, the times when your mouth is so full of words that you can't untangle them and they sit, hard on your tongue, and you can't say anything."
waterstain profile - diary
comments: "and so i sought unlikely solace in country music all the way home. after all, it can't get much worse after that, can it?"
bebelua profile - diary
comments: "sometimes i wonder if the ugly is all in my head. other times i wonder if the pretty is all in his."
usb-port profile - diary
comments: "some days i wish i could clone me and give the clones away as presents."
icefacade profile - diary
comments: "Ah, speculation. It's what our fevered minds spin on day and night."

My favorite music:

ani difranco
ryan adams
the cure
social distortion
the lemonheads

My favorite movies:

a clockwork orange
jesus' son
ghost world
high fidelity

My favorite authors:

tom robbins
ayn rand
dave eggers
jack kerouac
nick hornby

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last updated: 2016-08-17 02:02:54
this user's total entries: 163
user since: 2004-09-09

AOL IM name: lustykazoo
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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