messages to pirate-cat:
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from courtney-d-h :
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! Wow, you are a member of the "July Week O'Birthdays Club". Apparently Evil Bob is July 2, Connor is July 3, then you on the 8th, and me on the 9th. July babies rule!!!!! Hope you have a gREAT day!
from dope-slave :
why, this is interesting. for, methinks i spy something of a life past lived lingering on into this world, wreaking havoc at will. indeed, the time shall come to pass, and the priests and priestesses, so peacefully slumbering, must be made to wake and ascend to their duty. for this world as we know it is dire turmoil. most may not see it, or recognize it, but it is brewing beneath the surface at an alarmlinglay fast pace. what can we do? if you feel the call of a priest or monk or priestess cry out for guidance and it shall guide you. remember, honor your body. warrior monks must train very vigouriously to get their physique. oh no, i must depart. i hope i have relayed enouhgh of this message so that the information will be sufficient. remember, call out for those that can and will help you. cry out!!
from courtney-d-h :
Oh Cat... I am so sorry. That SUCKS! Unfortunately I am not a science geek... but I will keep my ears open for you, k?
from courtney-d-h :
Come to Defending the Gate with us this Sat. You can always babysit The Boo? *lol* (Yeah, right!)
from courtney-d-h :
I will probably order sometime next week, but that isn't in stone. I want to get past Coronation first, and then put my head back together and come up with a cohesive order. Will that be soon enough? And, I am likely to be buying colors, not the bulk whites (which is how I got such a great deal last time).
from courtney-d-h :
Cat... who needs to be good with their meds now, hmmmm? You have me properly marshalled and in line with my meds, now be a good girl and a good example and take your own. Besides, you have to kick *ss and take names for us down in Gulf Wars!!!
from courtney-d-h :
Eeek! Your medical note was scary, but thankfully I already am taking my meds as prescribed. I simply *waited* to take them, but now that I am taking them I am being good and taking them properly. The ears still hurt thought. *sniff* oh well, just four more days then hopefully I will be all better! Thanks for the word of warning! I appreciate your concern!
from courtney-d-h :
That would be fab if you could help us find a CiC! We would greatly appreciate any help you could offer!
from squirrelx :
Oops. I just left you a comment while logged into my private diary ID. Sorry!
from waywardhaint :
Thank you very much for your kind words. I really need 'em today and they went straight to my heart.
from elsworthy :
We'll be there tonight. Come on down! :) BTW, have they checked the tendons in your loose shoulder? A friend has that condition (stretched tendons) and seems to exhibit many of the same symptoms. He says surgery is the way to fix it - they shorten the tendons back to normal length.
from halimadances :
Aleksei and I will be in attendance at Academie of the Rapier. We are really looking forward to it. We have such a small pool of people here, and our collective experience is pretty limited.
from halimadances :
Thanks for the sympathy. It's pretty apalling, really. And, as a former hospital risk manager, I don't think my ass will unclench for a long while. Also, congrats on being Queen's Rapier Champion!
from elsworthy :
You may not see improvement, but it's there. Remember, Stephen knows how you fight. One of the reasons I wanted you to come to Lochmere practice was so we could help you with new movements to make you less familiar to other fighters. You'll get there. :)
from punkispink03 :
i love the screen name!!! only cuz i love pirates tho
from halimadances :
Yes, I'm the gimpy fencer, but I'm working really hard on getting "schlagered-up". I spent as much time as I could stand practicing schlager on the Sunday after (and couldn't lift my arms very high on Monday, but what fun!). I really enjoyed getting to meet a lot of people whose names I'd heard, but had never seen the face to put the two together.
from elsworthy :
You did good last night, and a lot better than you thought you did. It is frustrating (believe me, I *know*) to be limited by your physical abilities, but while you may have lost the hand strength, you haven't lost the skills. When your pain is more under control, all the things you pick up now will still be there. Don't overdo it in attempt to compensate; just spend this time absorbing as many new things as possible so that they're in place when you're back in top form. :)
from elsworthy :
Wow - poor you. I know how overwhelming life can seem sometimes, especially when even the bits you like aren't going well. If you can manage to make it up to Lochmere practice, we'll see if we can work out some stuff to get you out of your rut. And a blind stitch is when you have most of the thread of the stitch inbetween the tow layers of fabric, so nothing shows. Okay, let me see if I can explain this so it makes sense: Outside the fabric, your stitch is going to be tiny, and almost vertical. pick up a little of the collar and a little of the doublet fabric, and angle the needle so that it goes a little way horizontally, pull the needle out, and do another tiny vertical stitch. If that doesn't make sense, google on "embroidery stitches", and you might find pictures. If it can wait, bring all your sewing bits with you to Lochmere practice if you can make it within the next few weeks, and I'll show you anything you need to know. *hugs*
from elsworthy :
Thanks for adding me to your favourites list! And who, pray tell, *is* the Pirate-cat?

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