messages to poetsthought:
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from anarchrist7 :
I've just been browsing through favorited diaries, and happened upon yours this morning. I kinda jumped around in the archives. I like the way you write. Really gives a picture like reading a (quality) book. I also write poems on here. I'm not sure that our afflictions are/were the same, but pain has a rather expansive common ground haha. Feel free if you have the time, lemme know what u think! :)
from poetears :
bravo on your poem "journey". Very good! keep writing, always- It's such a release.
from lostleanor :
thanks so much for the note, sug. i really enjoy your writing a lot. it's always something awesome to look forward to :) take care and have a beautiful weekend. ♥
from snow666white :
"that pain" --was a friggin neat piece. keep the good work up :) xx
from poetears :
I like that poem you wrote; it's reminds me of past, at times my present too. Bravo.
from dietcokegirl :
thanks for all the well wishes .. Madge really is a beautiful kitty. But shhhh don't tell her that, it will go to her head -- and she already thinks she runs this place.
from gyka :
nice diary. it's good to read. my diary is nothing special tho. i just write bullshit and bitch about shit. no poems in this one... i have yet to make a diary with my poems.
from snow666white :
All the best, in regards to your final examinations, I know that you will be content with your results! I look forward to more enchanting pieces of poetry. Speak to you soon, Snow.
from snow666white :
Hello, again! *huggles* Thanks for the note <33333 I am feeling a little better. I will update soonish. And, hope to hear from you soon ~Snow~ xoxox
from snow666white :
Many thanks, poet! I'm sorry if I seemed hostile/upset... my diary is unlocked again... all is well... thanks again... hear from you soonish oxox Snow.
from snow666white :
How come you added a "no" after my name (on your profile)? Just curious????
from snow666white :
You are very kind, deary! Very kind, indeed! oxoxo ~Snow~
from snow666white :
Hey there hon... I had no idea that was the underlying meaning of your poem... and would like to tell you, that I very much admire your courage and modesty... I agree that one's art, one's poetry should be solely recognised for itself, its content and originality...and that is exactly what you have demonstrated as such... I enjoy deciphering poems...analysing them as such...much like people -I guess... there's something ever so phsychological within them... beautiful, indeed! Thank you for your notes... I appreciate them very much oxoxo ~Snow.
from snow666white :
I really liked your new piece "I try"... I can VERY much relate to that poem...and am glad that im not the only one... oxoxox *hugs*~Snow.
from snow666white :
Aww... you sweetie! Thank you, ever so kindly for your lovely words in which have brightened my day... I can't wait for your next poem/entry :)*hugglesssssssssss* oxoox ~Snowie~
from snow666white :
Hey there, I'm sorry I took you off my list! I thought you abandoned was until you hadn't come back in over 3 months, that i finally deleted you! WELL WELCOME BACK! I am happy to see that you have come back to us with a lovely new layout and all! I will re-add you for sure... xoxo-Snow oxoox ps. thankyou for your note! You are awesome :)
from dietcokegirl :
Thanks for the encouragement. :) Your profile page awes me .. it's as though you pulled a piece of something special from each place..
from lost-smile :
Are you sure? I never got an email from you...
from lost-smile :
Thanks, I might have to take you up on that offer sometime! *hugs*
from snow666white :
i added you too *_* <3 <3
from snow666white : have an awesome journal ^_^
from lost-smile :
I read that book around chirstmas time. It is a really good book, and after I read the 3 that I have to read next, I'm gonna read it again. If you know of any other books that are like that one and are good, let me know! Okay? Thanks hun. ♥ lost-smile
from lost-smile :
Thanks but it's kind of hard to confind in someone if no one wants to listen. They all say it's stupid and don't wanna hear about it. But I'm trying, by myself... ♥ lost-smile
from confuzdme :
hey, thanks for addinbgg me :)
from confuzdme :
hey, i love your newest poem "No Matter" Angel. Please don't ever stop writing poetry!
from mizzaguilera :
hey! i take it you like poetry then! do you wanna read my poem? go on my diary, you can use the screen name "username" and the password is "password" easi to remember!!! if u go on the older enrtys page its somewere near the begining in an enrty! its called "Free Me..."
from supababe :
Your poetry is beautiful. You have managed to release life and love on to paper. Your filled with an amazing passion- for good orfor evil becky
from lost-smile :
Thanks. I'm tryin' to feel better but it's just so hard. *hugs*
from poeticpunker :
thanks for the note. i;d be flattered if you added me! <3
from palediamanda :
Thanks for the note that was left awhile back. I never got around to thank you and I apologize for that. It means alot to me.
from trulyfalling :
it sounds like depression to me; sadness. its really good though. i love the words you used. i am totally going to try it!
from poemsbyme :
CONGRADULATIONS!!!um...what university is that?Good job and good luck!
from lost-smile :
Happy birthday!!
from hatesecms :
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Have a good one :)
from lost-smile :
Wow, I feel so special now. haha But your poem is wonderful! Although all of the poems you write are. Happy writing! *hugs*
from silenced- :
Thanks for adding me. I love the motivation I get from my fans. :)
from trulyfalling :
you are so very welcome hun... thanks for the advice. i will try it out the next time i write something! yay!
from trulyfalling :
you are sooo good at your writing!
from hot-redhead :
Hey I read your profile and todays entries! The poem Tired is great it sounds just like me I am tired of every thing in my life! Well you should read my diary I just signed on so I only have 2 entries. But I wrote a poem read it and tell me if you like it there is some misspelled words 'n' extra spaces but I think you will get it! Well Gotta Go! I will be reading your diary in the near future!! -Jessie *Hot-Redhead*
from scar-my-mind :
yr welcome &thx angel. by the way this is sweet-decay. x--♥
from ems00 :
Thank you, I will keep that in mind. It's always nice to have someone to talk to...hugs/emma
from poemsbyme :
Thank you so much! The not knowing how to have the stanzas aapear was pissing me off.
from ems00 :
Thank you for your support, it made me feel somwhat better. I would drop you a message on aol if I still had it, but just knowing you care is warming. :) hugs/Emma
from hatesecms :
I just read "Life's Reminder". I thought it was excellent as well as sad, but it had a messge in there not many ppl(including myself) think about and it was stated in words that made it stand out to the person reaing it.
from hatesecms :
got ur note, deleted too fast. my blondeness must be getting to me...oops
from sweet-decay :
thank so much sweets. you keep writing as well; gorgeous. ♥--x;
from cyndimae :
Very impressive, keep up the good work! Welcome to the soul searching diaryring....cyn
from hatesecms :
cool stuff.

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