messages to princesscee:
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from cherrygash :
Omg you nailed exactly how I felt about the robin Williams tragedy , Crazy. if he can't make it, what hope for there is me? Spot on
from scullerymaid :
Hey, thanks for the add! And I'd love to check out your diary as well :-D
from diary--user :
No, I don't think you're over-stepping or anything. Send me an email at [email protected] and I'll email you a password and username. I'm not locking it from everyone, mainly just him.
from diary--user :
Hey, I don't think you're presuming too much, but I do want to try to make it work. Or look like I did. I've been asking him to go to marriage counseling for a while. We WILL go, and if we do split up, then that will look favorably on me. That'll be just one more thing I'll have going for me for courts and custody and things. Thanks for the thoughts.
from zenayda :
Anyone who reads Red-headed royalty is all right in my book! I hope I don't bore you. I shall endeavor not to. Indeed, I shan't. (I just wanted to say "shan't.")
from cocoabean :
no taxes on life insurance!
from xchip :
hi, Okay your a Random Choice But Im Totally New And have no Idea what Im Doing On Her.. Apart from Posting Diarys. But Do you Add Friends on Her Lol Sorry For The Randomness, im Like That.. Amber.x
from anthronut :
I am really sorry to hear things aren't going well for you : (. That's always rough...- hope things mellow out for you!!! Be well.
from vickithecute :
Thanks for the headsup. And yeah, I probably would have freaked if I saw a bunch of unexplained Balmer hits. I'm a bit neurotic like that. Also? I LOVE your "42" reference on your profile. Cool.
from kait77 :
Thanks I just checked my comments because I haven't gotten any notices in several months- closer to a year.
from anthronut :
I feel for you...I just finished with the semester. Except now...I have NO IDEA WHAT DO EVEN DO WITH MYSELF! It's like, I don't have anything due?! Really...surely there's something. No? Well. Shoot. I guess I'll just sit here and um...are you sure I don't have homework? Haha, anyway. Good luck! I'm sure your paper is fine.
from chaosdaily :
I'm trying to find your entries about Cushings... which ones are they?
from chaosdaily :
read as much as you want! thanks for letting me know!!
from anthronut :
Thank you for your timely advice! Pizza was only a little bit dark on the bottom! :)
from diary--user :
Yea, I've been to the nurse here, and sometimes there's even a nurse practitioner that comes on campus. When I go to the nurse with a question, she just calls the other lady, and they other lady says to ask my doctor.
from flicka :
Wow, you sound like you get hit with crap all at once too! You are not alone and I sympathyze wholeheartedly. I've been up all night from refusing Lithium....the meds can help if/when you get them right. Any questions you have or you just want to talk let me know. I am a behavior health professional (ha ha no one knows that I am batshit crazy at work).
from chaosdaily :
it may seem like a lot of cacti, but i lost 3 over the summer... moving them outside always affects them... one was iffy anyway, and im not sure what happened to the other two!
from diary--user :
Email me at [email protected] if you can, then I will tell you. Don't worry about me. I told him I want to take it slow, but with him, it feels like we've already been together for a long time, it's natural.
from essaywriter :
Hey, thanks for the add!
from ceejack :
Thanks for the compliment! I'd be honored if you favorited me, and I'd like to return the favor. Hope your job situ gets better...MUCH better. C
from pink-circle :
*The Circle of the Phoenix* Hi, I'm Phoenix, and I'd like to personally invite you to join The Circle; a writers' and artists' group for diaryland members. It's a public journal, so that anyone can post to it, but members have profiles on the site, as well as critiques, and once promoted to Apprentice have buttons to show off their achievements on their site. I hope you don't take this as spam, you can just delete this message if you're not interested, but if you are, please visit our welcome page: -- Thanks for your time -- Atara Phoenix
from chaosdaily :
thanks for adding me! and welcome :)
from rdhdprincess :
Hi! I'm with you on the workplace fantasies. It makes the day go faster though!

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