messages to quotebook:
(click here to add new message):

from alienamiss :
QUOTEBOOK. You sly monkey dingler, you. Am I ever glad to see you around.
from alienamiss :
Baby, where are you? I dost miss thee.
from dinosaurorgy :
Dearest Quotebook -- how hast thee been?
from bluerelic :
I'm glad we make people smile with our quotes! We are kind of like Santa Claus, except instead of giving gifts, we give horribly crude speakings.
from dinosaurorgy :
I miss you, Quotebook!!
from and-darling :
I haven't laughed so damn hard all day! These quotes are amazing. This is an amazing idea. Wow... Just wow. Wow.
from dinosaurorgy :
:( Wherefore art thou, Quotebook?
from dinosaurorgy :
:P I hope that you guys don't find this annoying, but would you like to join my little question-asking club (on diaryland - question-it)?
from herdarlinsin :
Out of all the journals on here that I read, I adore this one the most. Never has a moment passed that I haven't been able to smile or laugh, or just share some of your randomness with my friends. You are the best. Truly. Thank you for the smiles and the laughter. - It does kind of make me wonder about Canada a bit, but it's all good. Can't say that visiting Ontario was all bad .. :)
from herdarlinsin :
What the hell.. you're too funny. All of you.
from herdarlinsin :
LMFAO! Your entire booty clan is fucking awesome!
from greenteacup :
QUOTES !! I'm loving it. Thank you :]
from bluerelic :
okay you changed the password and i can't remember if i know it, so email me or something with it. love tiffnay.
from herdarlinsin :
I have never laughed so hard. Stop it, you're going to make me wet myself.
from stoic21 :
and a wonderful welcome back it is!
from vintagepearl :
Haha, I like that one.
from vintagepearl :
Shazam to you too, thanks for the add! Keep on truckin' them quotes!
from neonlemonz :
OH YEAH, BABY!!! You know, deep down, I think I love all y'all. Is that bad?
from jm-obsession :
Woot! Hoot! Pootie Toot!
from greenteacup :
incredible, actually incredible
from quotebook :

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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