In my opinion, the above link takes you to the best diary in the world.

My favorite diaries:

rostlina profile - diary
comments: "My plan: I'm getting up five minutes before I have to leave, pulling this skirt on over my pyjamas, and going to class braless and dirty."
lady-otr profile - diary
comments: "And was like, "Nice pic of your butt on the cover of the Bruns." "
aboutagirl- profile - diary
comments: "My mouse is really starting to cheese me off."
jwinokur profile - diary
comments: "I'd really looked forward to a cool, refreshing splash of hydrogen and oxygen molecules doing the bump and grind in the Sahara desert of my mouth."
kyle-j profile - diary
comments: "I wish the dead pigeon that lives down there poops all over their clean laundry and then eats it and then does my laundry for me, using its own loonies. But things like that only happen on TV."
quotebook profile - diary
comments: "i knew that someday that would be funny, and that day is today!, i love laughing at things people did before they died when it wasnt funny at the time."
oddgoogle profile - diary
comments: "Shapeless and warm? Now that IS kinky."
thedevlyn profile - diary
comments: "Then under it he wrote "Hail Satin". I agree. Satin sheets are great, though slippery and a touch warm. Nice to see such a youngin would have such refined taste."
punkosaurus profile - diary
comments: "I have hambugers, hotdogs and milk if you want cereal!"
unclebob profile - diary

My favorite music:

My favorite movies:

Dante's Peak
The Last Unicorn
Knocked Up
Harry Potter

My favorite authors:

JK Rowling
Michael Crichton
John Grisham
Steve Alten

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last updated: 2011-05-12 05:26:24
this user's total entries: 974
user since: 2001-11-26

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