messages to rayodelsol:
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from dragonbuds :
This work situation is SO wrong. I'm so sad for you. I know it's hard, but don't let them crush you. You have because you've worked hard. ~ Inkdragon
from areistia :
Wanna hear something funny? My old boss ended up adopting her daughter the exact same way. She and her husband couldn't have children, and one day they were out doing seperate things and they heard the exact same commerical about adopting babies, so when they both got home they told each other about it! The process actually went much faster than they thought it would, so in like 7 months they got to go to China and pick up their baby! She was about a year old, but is beautiful beyond words and adjusted so quickly! Sometimes the universe sends us those messages to keep us on track and to remind what we want/need to do! :) Hope you have a great week!
from dragonbuds :
Strength and faith is the best beginning! ~ Inkdragon
from dragonbuds :
My faith fills me.
from dragonbuds :
"beaten, but not broken" I think it was very brave of you to share this experience. I believe all things I have lived through will come out for good and make me a better person in the long run. You seem to feel the same way. You were in no way to blame for his behavior. Thinking of you, Inkdragon
from persistence :
sounds like you have a pretty good following going here :) Have fun this weekend.
from gemini52381 :
He sounds wonderful! Good luck!
from leonmcphelps :
Thanks for adding me as a favorite. I appreciate it.
from areistia :
Love your "growing up" entry... couldn't have said it better myself.. my latest self mantra is "with no risk- there is no reward".. just gotta remind myself to take chances on what I love and what I know will make me happy.. practical or "safe" or not.....
from persistence : that we know she is ok, I can giggle about this.
from gemini52381 :
Babyback ribs!
from kristintracy :
Hey! Just a shout out, whattup, etc., to say muchos gracias for adding me as a favorite. Que linda!
from areistia :
loved your latest unsent letter.. could have written it myself.. I too have a "secret diary".. let me know if you would like to read it.. its a lot more emotional than my main one. have a wonderful day today! *xoxo* Melinda
from persistence :
Rise and climb girl...may you reach the stars and find all your happiness in life.

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